A Strong Coffee: Vanish Review and Giveaway

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Vanish Review and Giveaway

"Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails, That's what little boys are made of."

There is no doubt about it, my little boys are messy. Little man can't even eat an ice lolly without it dripping down his chin and onto his t-shirt.

messy eater

When little man started pre school, I loved the idea that he had a uniform. Until he came home! I am still not quite sure what he gets up to there but it is a very messy experience! His white polo shirts are stained and look anything but smart. To be honest, I was going to throw them away and buy new ones, until Vanish asked if I would like to try their stain removal products.

grubby school shirt

Considering these were old stains, I figured I had nothing to lose. I wasn't really expecting Vanish to work. I was actually quite surprised with the results. I left the shirts to soak in the Gold Oxi Action for an hour and then put them in the wash with a Vanish Power Shot. 

stain free polo shirt

I was really pleased with the results and will be using these products on fresh stains in the future.

Vanish have offered one of my readers the chance to win a bundle of stain removing products for themselves. Just complete the rafflecopter below. Good Luck!

vanish giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - See more at: http://www.theprizefinder.com/content/vanish-bundle#sthash.z0pC3sEs.dpuf

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky


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