If you are new to this blog, I'm Louise and I am a Mum to 3 young boys and wife to one large one. I had no previous ideas on boys. I had one sister and whilst we weren't perfect, I for one was a happy to sit down for an afternoon colouring in. Having not one but three boys has been a shock to my system. I won't lie, it is exhausting. Here is my list of 10 things you need to know if you are expecting a boy.
1. From the moment that you have introduced the world to your bundle of blue joy, family and friends will be asking you when you will be trying for a girl. I'm not sure why it is considered that everyone wants a girl, but it is. If you have 2 boys it is naturally assumed you'll have a third as you will be trying for a girl. If God forbid you are blessed with 3 little men, you will be greeted with a head tilt and comments of hopefully someone else in the family can produce a prized girl.
2. Boys run everywhere. They seem unable to walk, just run. We don't walk to school we run there. With constant screams of, "stay to the other side of the pavement, don't push each other and look out for cars!" coming from me. It is a relief to drop them off to school each day in one piece. Boys need a good run around every day and I have been known to send the boys out into the garden and run in circles to help them work off some of their excess energy.
3. Buy shares in superglue. My boys are good with their toys and not destructive with them yet still they manage to break things left right and centre. Superglue is a mum of boys best friend. Unfortunately it doesn't work on worms.
4. Boys are messy. They can trash a playroom in 10 seconds flat. Big man is able to go up to do his homework and 10 minutes later his room is covered in ripped up pieces of paper and pencil sharpenings. It is a soul destroying task cleaning their rooms as they never stay tidy for long. I have been know to take a photo of the tidy room, just so I can show my husband that I had done something with my day other than eat cake and drink coffee. You can bet that by 7pm when he walks through the door the house is trashed again.
5. Sticks and stones are important. Just accept and don't question this. It may look like a rotten dirty twig that "is definitely not coming in the car" but it is much much more to the male species. I figure it must date back to caveman times when man started fires. Give up and lose the battle on allowing the sticks to come home in the car, but insist that the sticks must be left outside the house. You can easily tell the house where multiple boys reside as there will be what resembles a small bonfire sitting by the front door. The same also applies to stones.
6. They don't feel the cold. I have had many an argument with big man in the freezing autumn mornings over wearing shorts to school. After much discontent he has changed for us to get to school and see at least 2 other class members wearing shorts. He argues over wearing a jumper most days and as far as I can tell the only use for a winter coat is to tread on on the car floor. Little man did not think that this was a bad clothing choice in the rain last week.

7. They say the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach and this starts from a very early age. My kids don't stop eating! From conversations with my Tesco delivery driver, this is only going to get worse. The times big man has asked when is tea after he's just eaten it are occurring more and more. Apparently a sandwich is now seen as a snack item.
8. Boys are competitive. All the time. From the race to school in the morning to the questioning about "who is top of your good boy list Mummy?" on a daily basis. A mum of boys has to learn how to use this to her advantage.
9. They have an early fascination with their bits. From very early days, the moment you remove their nappy, they will reach down to check everything is there. From what I can gather this obsession will never stop.
10. They give the best hugs. So enjoy your bundle of blue joy. They may be muddy and messy but they are lots of fun. I have 3 and I wouldn't swop them for the world.

You got it, Lou! I love your boys and mine. (Also, this one might be my favorite post yet.)
ReplyDeleteI have a girl and she has some of these manly the messy & the Sticks and stones are important. as we seem to be bring home every time after a walk
ReplyDeleteAhh I love this and so true. I have one of each but you definitely have the thorn for knowing boys. Lovely family photo too! I love it. Great tips! Thanks for linking up to Share WIth Me #sharewithme
ReplyDeleteI can't help but agree with everything here as Mum of 5 boys. You have it spot on!
ReplyDeleteMum of two boys here. This post made me laugh! Soo true especially the run everywhere part. Great picci of you all, they look just like their mama.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post. I am sure there's many girls like this too but I wouldn't know and it's def the case like this in our house.
ReplyDeleteBoys give the best hugs. Fact :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd that is by far the most important point on my list x
ReplyDelete:-) yep can't comment on girls - just more pink and barbies from what I can tell
ReplyDeleteI think you deserve a medal ;-)
ReplyDelete:-) I'm sure all kids are messy no matter what sex x
ReplyDeleteBoys do give the best hugs. Having two boys, I love them dearly. They are so much fun and loving. Now I've had a girl, they are very different. Independent and well different. I love how cuddly the boys are x
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely post! Being lucky enough to have two of them, I can say I really get where you're coming from here :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so lovely Louise - makes me wish I had 3 boys (probably because I'm slap bag in the midst of teenage girl hormones!). Having said that, I'm not sure I'd cope well with so many dirty sticks and random stones - my boy does that too! x
ReplyDeleteI find the mess really really hard! Yes teenage girls are hard! And I only had the pleasure of teaching them - parenting them would be even harder. They turn out nice in the end though - there is a light xx
ReplyDeleteAh thank you Sarah x
ReplyDeleteDifferent is good as are cuddles x
ReplyDeleteI have nodded all the way through that. After adjusting to parenting, a girl, I was blessed with twin boys- I can't believe the difference in the type of energy they have. I love how well you've summed up this parenting lark! x
ReplyDeleteSo true! I have one of each and my boy is completely different from my girl. I'll tell you, if my girl had been her first, there would be no boy!
ReplyDeletethat photo of you and your boys is lovely. I imagined Id end up with 3 boys so it was a shock for Miss T to arrive. With the 6 yr gap before she came along I can really relate to what you've written about being in a household of boys - its oh so true! x
ReplyDelete:-) a little bit of pink must be lovely x
ReplyDeletelol - it is always the mums with boys down the park after school. Those with just girls must be inside in the warm in the winter x
ReplyDeleteI think my biggest shock was I was expecting boys and girls to be pretty much the same.
ReplyDeleteHello there, o this did make me laugh and is scarily accurate! Our little boy doesn't stop running and rarely sits down for anything-ever! And the sticks, we have a growing collection of gravel in the kitchen, so I know exactly where you are coming from! x #sharewithme
ReplyDeleteThese are all true. I have one boy and three girls and he is inherently very different in many ways, despite being brought up exactly the same! x
ReplyDeleteAhh I love this, especially the last point. I found myself nodding to lots of these points...especially the sticks and stones one, what IS that all about!?
ReplyDeleteLoved reading this post because I have a son too!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It's good to know that all boys are the same and it's not just mine that are messy and energetic x
ReplyDeleteI have no idea - I thought they grew out of it but my husband and his brother get very excited about large sticks now at the age of 30 something!
ReplyDeleteIt is exactly my life. Always keep the stones outside ;-)
ReplyDeleteReally interesting post which I will be bumping to my buddy expecting her first boy (after a girl). Although I read each one and thought this is just like my girls...except no9!!
ReplyDeleteAww, that's a great post and one that I SO relate to! I did have a girl first, so she paved the way but when I had my boy I discovered he different they are - nature vs nurture! Everything you've said here - the running, the destruction (but not on purpose), being governed by their tummies and desire to check themselves - made me laugh because it's v observant and very true. Even the cuddles; boys do give great cuddles !
ReplyDeleteA packet of biscuits is demolished in minutes!
ReplyDeleteI have 3 boys aged 3, 2 and 7 months and I wholeheartedly agree!xx
ReplyDeleteMy second should have been a boy! she does all of the above.. she must run everywhere (with head down looking at the floor..) eats and eats and eats, always has her hand down her nappy anything in any room is trashed instantly. its never ending with her. she also climbs everything!
ReplyDeleteLol I'm sure a lot apply to girls too x
ReplyDeleteOh my I thought mine were close in age - must me a whirlwind of mud and sticks in your house :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is all so recognisable Louise! I did want a girl too but I'm learning to recognise all the things that make boys both challenging and excellent :-)