May 2015

Sunday, 31 May 2015

WWE Double Attack Range

WWE Double Attack

My boys don't watch wrestling so when I was asked if they would like to review the WWE Double Attack Range I was going to say no as I thought they would not be interested. I showed big man a picture of it and he was instantly telling me how great it looked and he had seen it on the TV.

The action figures are sold separately. Fans can recreate the signature moves of the WWE Superstars. Squeezing their legs causes their torso to turn and arms move. Each figure in the assortment delivers a different takedown move. Collect them all for epic battles and extreme showdowns.

My boys were really excited by the WWE Double Attack Total Control Takedown Playset. It is worth noting that no figures come with this set which makes it a little pricey at £27.99. However, if you have a WWE fan then I am pretty sure they will want this ring. The pack requires some simple assembley. You have to push in the turnbuckles in quite hard to get them in correctly. You also have to put the stickers on the ring. As I am a perfectionist I get quite annoyed if I don't get things like this straight!

The Double Action Figures feet fit into platforms in the centre of the ring. By pulling the turnbuckles you can move the figures activation realistic over the top moves just like your favourite WWE Superstars.

WWE Double Attack Total Control Takedown Playset

My boys have really enjoyed playing with this set. It is annoying that the ring doesn't come with any figures, but I suppose this means you can purchase your favourite wrestlers. My concern that they hadn't watched WWE doesn't seem to get in the way of them playing with the set. I have come to the decision that whether you like it or not, boys like fighting games and I am happy with them playing with a set like this. The biggest downside to the set is storage. I am concerned that if I take the turnbuckles out, it will easily break which means it isn't the easiest shape for storage.

You can purchase the ring and figures from Amazon.

We're going on an adventure

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Is Heartlake City at Legoland Windsor Just For Girls?

Heartlake city




I will start with a confession. I have never been a fan of Lego Friends. I don't see the need. I am female and it annoys me that my boys think that I like pink and purple. I don't. I like green and blue. I don't see the need for a Lego range where perfectly good models are ruined by the addition of too much pink and purple. I don't see why the yellow headed women like Wyldstyle aren't good enough for a "girls" range. So from this, you can probably tell that I wasn't overly excited by Legoland Windsor's Heartlake City which opened last weekend. 


So what is new? 


Well the diggers have done and the new ride is Mia's riding adventure. I didn't go on this but I think it's a welcome addition to the park. You need to be 1.2m to ride. My 7 year old would therefore be able to. It's kind of like a pirate ship that spins round from what I could see. Not my cup of tea at all. But as there are only a few rides in the park that appeal to older children, I think that the addition can only be a good thing.




They have then painted the existing area with lots of pink, purple and yellow. There are Lego Friends characters made of Lego scattered around the area.




Lego Emma



The cars that my boys loved (and we're looking very worse for wear) have been removed and astro turf takes its place. Olivia's House provides a few bits that would be OK to look at on a quiet day. There was a sofa with Lego Friends playing, a room with a small amount of large foam Lego bricks and a kitchen with some interactive games. All busy on a busy day. There was also a large Lego Friends type miniland.

Olivias House



There are more opportunities for you to spend money. Some kind of win a giant soft toy game, popcorn house and an ice cream van where you can make a video.

Last but not least is the Lego Friends show. Don't worry, the pirate show is still on but the stage is used by both. The lighthouse has been painted Lego Friends style. So was the show any good? Well I imagine girls aged 3-7 might find it enjoyable (and there were a couple of young boys dancing.) The show involves all of the 5 Lego friends and lots of singing and dancing. I don't like to say it but it was cheesy, American and dull. I quite liked the fountains. The dolphin that seemed a bit stiff going round in circles provided a bit of amusement. It is not a show that I will make a point of seeing again. 




Lego Friends to the rescue



So all in all I'm a bit disappointed with Heartlake City. With 3 boys I was never their target audience, but I love Legoland and the fact that a fairy has vomited pink everywhere does make me a little sad. Every other part of Legoland is unisex. In answer to my question, yes Heartlake City is pretty much just for girls. Heartlake City's saving grace is the new ride which I'm sure my boys will enjoy when they are tall enough - just as long as I don't have to go on it!

Have you been to Legoland since the opening of Heartlake City? Did you enjoy it? is it just me that doesn't see the point of the Lego Friends range?






Friday, 29 May 2015

Sponsored Video: McDonalds Trust

As a Mother, I often worry about what is in the food that I feed my children. Should their food be organic, are there too many additives or colours? The I catch one of them picking up a sweet from the floor and wonder why I worry in the first place. Joking aside, I think it is important for adults and children to understand where there food comes from and what goes in it. This is one of the reasons that we decided to take the boys on a farm holiday earlier this year. Little man is currently proud to tell you that bacon comes from pigs. This is great, although I would rather not be reminded whilst tucking into a bacon sandwich.

This advert from McDonalds made me smile.

It shows that we sometimes make judgments without knowing the full story. Yes, I am the Mum that happily fed her boys raisins as "they are so much better than sweets." Well that was what I thought. I then went to the dentist who said they are just as bad if not worse as they stick to the teeth. But do my boys still eat raisins? Yes. Do they eat sweets? Yes. Do they have Happy Meals? Yes. Infact we had one this afternoon as a half term treat. I think this is the key. We need to teach our children what is in food and how to eat a balanced diet. Moderation is key. Whilst little man would happily eat a cheese sandwich for every meal at the moment, it is my responsibility as a mother to teach him that it is not a balanced diet.

What is your view?

You can subscribe to McDonalds on You Tube and follow on Twitter.

Sponsored by McDonalds

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Weight Watchers Feel Good Food Cafe

weight watchers pop up

Weight Watchers are on the road this summer to show how eating our favourite foods and being healthy needn't impact on our wellbeing and happiness. You can find the Feel Good Cafe at:

Windrush Square, Brixton: 4th - 6th June
Queen Victoria Statue, Manchester: 11th-14th June
Dortmund Square, Leeds: 19th - 21st June
Victoria Square Birmingham: 24th-27th June

Weight watchers have put together 10 top tips to help you feel good this summer:

1. Be inspired: ‘It may be an old photo or a quote but put this in a place such as on the fridge or on your phone where it will always inspire you and remind you of your goal.

2. Get support: Do it with a friend. Buddy up with a fellow member or, for extra Leader advice, our experts are on hand 24/7 with the new Weight Watchers Expert Chat at

3. Track: Our mix-and-match menu plan makes it easy to stay in control, but you still need to track. When you say ‘I’ll take a treat from my weekly allowance,’ make sure you do!

4. Sip smart: Our body weight is two-thirds fluid, which means staying hydrated is key to staying healthy. Aim to drink 6–8 glasses (1.2 litres) of fluid per day - a great choice is water

5. Get fruity: Fruit is not just essential for health, it’s also a great hunger- busting back-up if it’s a bit too early for lunch. With zero ProPoints values, there’s no reason not to munch!

6. Be kit wise: An expensive price tag doesn’t necessarily make a pair of trainers the best ones out there. Do your research and ask a shop assistant for a proper fitting to ensure a correct fit

7. Jot it down: Don’t have time to exercise? Then make time. Putting a regular slot in your journal to follow the fitness part of the plan will help you break through the time barrier

8. Measure up: Jot down your waist, hip and leg measurements each week. Inches lost and your changing body shape will also spur you on

9. Treat yourself: Banning foods will only make you want them more so treat yourself on your days off. Banish the kids, turn off your phone and savour it.

10. Celebrate your wins: For each goal, whether it be an extra set of squats or losing a few pounds, share your great news with family or friends so they can keep you motivated.

I certainly need to take on some of these tips and not just for summer. How about you? Unfortunately I can't make it to a Feel Good Cafe but will be trying some Weight Watchers goodies and keep you updated.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The Beach Book Review And Giveaway

The Beach Book

With summer on it's way, I have been sent a copy of The Beach Book to review. Whilst you could argue that there is nothing in the book that you couldn't find on Pinterest, it collates all these imaginative ideas for things to do on the beach, so the reader has them all to hand.

Of course a lot of these ideas don't need to be limited to the beach. Making a sundial, stone, faces and stone balancing are all ideas which could be transferred into the back garden.

balancing stones

On a recent trip to Devon we had a great time playing on the sand dunes and looking in rock pools. I was a little disappointed that the book didn't include a key to common things that you might find on a British beach.

The book has given me some ideas of things that I would like to do with the boys. One thing I would like to do before I am 40 is to go crabbing. The book seems to say it is pretty simple. There is also a great extension to a sandcastle. Make it into a ball run! My boys would love that.

sand ball run

If you are off to the seaside this summer and worried about how you will keep the children amused then this book is for you. There are loads of ideas, and there is something that should engage any child. The book costs £9.99 and can pre-ordered from Amazon with it's release date being 4th June. If you would like to win a copy, please complete the Rafflecopter below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky


Competitions at ThePrizeFinder
- See more at:

Monday, 25 May 2015

Meal Planning week 2 #MealPlanningMonday

Well last week went well and we are getting the freezer items down. This turned out to be a good thing as our fridge freezer died this week. I have found this week harder to plan as the boys are off school so ended up buying more than I was hoping too. My shopping bill was also higher than I hoped as there was an offer on cleaning products. I have therefore stockpiled washing powder. Three boys = a lot of dirty clothes!

So here is my plan for this week:

Saturday: Feta and courgette critters with beans. Tea: meat and potato pie, banoffie pancakes.
Sunday: BBQ - sausages and chicken skewers
Monday:Picnic lunch. Curry and naan
Tuesday: Lasagne
Wednesday:Homemade burgers
Thursday:Freezer surprise and rice - I think it is hunters chicken.
Friday:Chicken noodle

Linked to Meal Planning Monday with At Home with Mrs M

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Heroes of the City Review and Giveaway!

You may remember that back in January 2014 we reviewed the Heroes of the City app. I can report back that it is still a favourite with middle man. He often puts it on his ipad on a long car journey. My husband has also often been seen to be looking in his rear view mirror for a police car when middle man has had the volume turned up too loud. Heroes of the City is a cartoon about rescue vehicles in a small town and is aimed at children 3-6. Middle man is 5 and really enjoys it.

Heroes of the City now have a You Tube Channel too! Here your little one can watch the movies, play pictionary type guessing games and watch crafty demonstrations. It is a great way of introducing them to the series and any Heroes of the City fans will like these added extras. Make sure you have spare toilet rolls and a glue gun for the craft demos they will want to do!

To celebrate, Heroes of the City have offered me a prize bundle to giveaway to one of my readers.

heroes of the city bundle

Just complete the rafflecopter entry below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

ThePrizeFinder - See more at:

Friday, 22 May 2015

Are You A Hoarder?

Have a watch of this video. Does it ring true?

It certainly does with me. As you may know, I am a self confessed hoarder with a hoarder husband and three hoarding children. I am trying my best to change things.

Clearabee are an on-demand rubbish removal company and they have conducted research through Populus which has revealed that 8 out of 10 families hang on to items considered as junk. This represents 6% of the floor space in a modern 3 bed-roomed house.

Old clothes, books and magazines, and toys were most frequently cited as examples of junk stashed away by families. I am guilty on all counts here. Especially when it comes to the children's clothes.

So where do we hide them? Well the survey says everywhere! Lofts are the most likely place and I would have to agree. But sheds, garages and under stairs cupboards are all filled with junk too.

Rob Linton who is the operations director at Clearbee states that " In a nation where space is at a premium, it is staggering that almost one in three families are storing enough useless junk to fill an entire room. The cost in terms of lost property space is not fat off £10,000 per family."

I know for one that getting rid of the junk can be really hard. I attach emotions to objects which is why I struggle letting go. However, as I am continuing with my decluttering I am feeling so much happier. And guess what, I haven't missed any on the junk so far.

Not everyone can do the process themselves though and firms like Clearabee can help. In a matter of hours they can remove the junk and ensure it is recycled and disposed of properly.

Are you a hoarder? Do you have lots of wasted space due to keeping junk? Have you decluttered and feel better for it?

Sponsored by Clearabee

Hot Wheels Fashion And A Trackset Giveaway!

My boys are big fans of Hot Wheels. They have a number of large sets, a wall track and lots of smaller track that they like to combine together and race. They enjoy building their tracks and raceing their cars. Well now if you have a Hot Wheels fan you will be pleased to know that Hot Wheels branded t-shirts are now available from Zara.

Middle man was excited to receive his t-shirt and got the Super Speed Blastway out to have a play.

playing with hot wheels

We then decided to head to the park with Hot Wheels on hand. He played at racing them down the slide.

And was rather pleased everytime they went down! Apparently the purple car won a lot.

I like the t-shirt and it isn't a colour I would usually pick for him (mainly as I worry about him getting messy!) He came home from school today asking to put it on so it must mean he likes it too.

Hot Wheels have kindly offered a Super Speed Blastway set for me to give away to one of my readers. It is currently my boys favourite set and I have to say I enjoy it too! You can buy it from Amazon here but for your chance to win, just complete the Gleam entry below. Good Luck!

Hot Wheels Super Speed Blastway

Free competitions at ThePrizeFinder
- See more at:

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky


Thursday, 21 May 2015

10 Top Tips For Making Cupcakes

10 top tips for making cupcakes

A couple of weekends ago I had a morning with my friend decorating cakes - bliss! We had already been on a Cath Kidston inspired course with the company Cake Your Day, so this time we chose the vintage one. I was able to take in more of the tips than just worrying about how I was going to make them. So here are the top 10 tips that I learnt from the course for any budding cake decorators out there.

1. So your cupcakes are all the same size, use an icecream scoop to measure out the mixture into your cake case

2. If you want to make decorations like bows and flowers you need to make the icing dry hard. You therefore need to prepare it the day before with CMC. you need to add 1/4 teaspoon of CMC to 100g of ready coloured icing. You knead it in and then leave it overnight. You then knead again until it has a chewing gum texture and it is ready to use.

3. If you have any left over prepared icing you can make up decorations and keep them. Just put them in a cardboard box rather than a plastic one to stop them sweating.

4. Piping buttercream is much easier with large piping bags.

5. Using a Wilton 2D nozzle you can make a rose if you start in the middle and work out. If you start at the outside and work in, it is a nice swirl.

7. Use a small amount of Trex on your icing to stop them sticking to silicon moulds.

8. For a cheats way of making a lace effect use a sugar veil mat to make an imprint on the icing. Then brush with a mixture of superwhite and rejuvantor fluid.

9. Be careful with edible glitter. A little bit goes a long long way! I found this out myself. Also use it on the decorations before you put them on the buttercream.

10. Use sugar beads with edible glue for an easy way of adding beading.

Have you got any other good tips to add?

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Marshmallow Pig Biscuits

marshmallow pig buscuits

These little pigs are easy to make and taste great too. Of course if you buy mixed white and pink marshmallows you may need to taste test the white ones whilst making the biscuits.

You will need (makes 8):

150g of plain flour
40g caster sugar
100g butter
Icing pen
Pink marshmallows.

Pre heat the oven to 180C

Rub the flour, sugar and butter together.

making shortbread

Add a few drops of vanilla essence.

Roll into a ball. You will find this easier as it gets warmer. Roll out on a floured board and use a round shaped cutter to cut out 8 biscuits.

baking shortbread

Cook until brown which will be 15-20 minutes.

Allow to cool.

Cut the pink marshmallows in half. One half will be the nose. Stick this in the centre of the biscuit with using and add detail with the icing pen.

Then cut half of the marshmallow in half again to make 2 years. Add 2 raisins for eyes and a smile with the icing.

Pig cookies

Monday, 18 May 2015

My Little Pony Baby Cakes DVD Giveaway

Great news for any My Little Pony fans out there. Pinkie Pie finds herself in a bit of a predicament when My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- Baby Cakes makes its way to DVD on 25th May. 

One of party pony Pinkie Pie’s favourite things to do is to play with twin toddlers, Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. When Mr. & Mrs. Cake are in desperate need of a babysitter, Pinkie Pie volunteers as she could think of nothing better than spending lots of time with the twins. She soon realizes, however, that babysitting them is much tougher than she had thought. Despite doing her best to entertain the twins they keep ending up in floods of tears!

Whatever will poor Pinkie Pie think of to soothe them? Find out when Baby Cakes arrives on DVD and Digital Download, 25th May. The DVD is currently available to pre order from Amazon. I also have a copy of the DVD to giveaway to one of my readers. Just complete the rafflecopter below. Good Luck!

My Little Pony Baby cakes DVD

a Rafflecopter giveaway

UK competitions at ThePrizeFinder
- See more at:

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky


Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Series 3 Volume 2 DVD Giveaway

transformers Prime

Calling all Transformers Prime Beast Hunters fans. There is an all-new series coming of exciting adventures for Optimus Prime and his team of Autobots as they battle against their archenemies the Decepticons.

Prepare to be blown away by the Autobots and Decepticons, in Transformers Prime Beast Hunters -Series 3, Volume 2- Race for Salvation, on DVD and Digital Download from 1st June.

In this volume, the Decepticons battle the Autobots for control of fossilized Predacon bones. The Decepticons plan to use the bones to clone a nation of savage Predacons and unleash fear and terror onto the earth.

Will the Autobots be able to defeat their arch rivals in time and save our planet?  Find out in Transformers Prime Beast Hunters -Series 3, Volume 2- Race for Salvation.

Transformers Prime Prime - Beast Hunters Series Prime 3, Volume 2- Race for Salvation, DVD is unleashed on shelves from 1st June 2015 and can be pre-ordered from Amazon here.

I am excited to tell you that I have a copy of the DVD to giveaway to one of my readers. Just complete the Rafflecopter entry below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky

ThePrizeFinder - See more at:

Meal planning

For a number of reasons I have decided that I need to start meal planning. Firstly I need to get my food bill down. I average a weekly shop of between £100-125 a week. I am sure that with some careful planning I can cut this in half.

I have started by looking through my freezer. I clearly need to run this down. My husband and I must be worried about some kind of pea shortage as I kid you not there are at least 5 half opened packets of peas in there! When I have run it down and organised it, I then need to label anything I have batch cooked. Whilst freezer surprise adds an element of excitement to dinner time, there is something disappointing about serving up bolognase when you were hoping for a chili.

So for the first time in a long time I have actually pit a rough plan of your meals this week.

Sunday  Dinner: Meat and potato pie + puff pastry + broccoli Lunch: Bacon and primula cups with toast and spinach.
Monday chicken and ham with potatoes and peas
Tuesday "freezer suprise" and rice (I am thinking it may be hunters chicken)
Wednesday Sandwhich - tuna mayo and sweetcorn
Thursday pasta and phili
Friday Creamy garlic kievs with chips/jacket potato and peas

So this is my first week and my shopping bill is around £50. I am expecting to spend another £10 on milk and bread as and when we need it. The key is will I be able to stick to it and will I find that my shopping bill is reduced on a regular basis? Do you meal plan?

Linked to Meal Planning Monday with At Home with Mrs M

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Kinder Cheesecakes and Degustabox April Review

Another month and another lovely selection of food from Degustabox. I have to say that I get excited knowing that my box is on its way. So what was in this months box and what did I think of it?

Veetee: I have purchased the plain Veetee rice before as I find it so handy to have some speedy rice on hand. These new flavours are a great edition to the range.

Barry's Tea: I have to confess I am no tea connoisseur. This was tea. It was fine.

Cirio: I have tried the Cirio products before and think that they are good quality tomatoes and puree.

Kinder Chocolate with cereals: These were nice but not as good as the Choco-Bons.

Kinder Choco-Bons: These were lovely. My husband wasn't keen as they have hazelnuts in, but that means all the more for me! I used these in my cheesecakes.

Kingfisher: This was in your box if you opted for the alcoholic selection. I drank it with my curry. It was OK.

Schwartz: We have tried the Balti sauce and it tasted nice and was easy to prepare. Good to have in the cupboard for when you need inspiration.

Nandos: We were sent a selection of flavours and enjoyed them all.

DeBeukelaer: These came individually packed so that you could microwave them. They tasted very sweet but I enjoyed them.

Scheckter's Organic Energy: Not to my taste.

IdrinQ: Again not my kind of drink.

These are all the products available, and it depends on whether you have opted for alcoholic or non alcoholic box, on what you will receive,

Individual Kinder Cheesecake recipe (makes 6)

Kinder Cheesecakes

12 chocolate digestive biscuits
50g butter
250g Philadelphia
80g icing sugar
100ml double cream
A packet of Kinder Choco-Bons

Crush the digestives and add the belted butter. Put into individual bowls or ramekins.

Whisk the Philadelphia, icing sugar and double cream.

Slice half of the Kinder Choco-Bons. Mix these in with the cream cheese mixture. Place this on top of the digestive bases.

Add a Kinder Choco-Bon on top of each dessert. The hardest part about this dessert is not eating all the Choco-bons as you make them.

Friday, 15 May 2015

People Spotting At Soft Play

people spotting at soft play


I have said it before and I will say it again. Soft play is my kind of hell on earth. Having visited them for the best part of 7 years the novelty has certainly worn off. I have to say I find watching other people's snotty children wipe their face on a foam block that your child then immediately licks is kind of off putting. 



So why am I here writing from soft play hell? 



Well it's raining, I haven't left the house for 2 weeks due to poorly children and it's better than watching Bing on repeat play all day. Looking around though I am surrounded by like minded people. All having bought their little ones here to tire them out as much as possible and to have a cup of tea without interruption. 



So who do I see? 
Well there's a couple of Mummy groups. They just want to meet their friends and have a chat without their little ones continuously interrupting. It also has the added bonus that you don't have to squash 6 mums and 12 kids into one of the poor Mum's living rooms.



There's a Grandmother who is more than likely hoping that her Grandson will be so tired out from playing here that he will have a nap this afternoon and not scatter building bricks over her entire and pristine house. 



There is what I believe to be a first time Mum. A bit of an assumption I know, but she is the only adult that is on the soft play equipment that is enjoying playing with her child. I vaguely remember those days with big man. Soft play was a novelty then, a place to enjoy together, not the place to grab 5 mins of me time. 



There's a new mum of 2. Oh how I remember those days. Thank God they are over. It's not like she's even getting a break. She's sat with her 4 month old in the babies section whilst the older brother is competing for attention. Then she gets two minutes to herself while rhythmically rocking the baby seat to get them off to sleep. 



Then there is me. I might look like a social media obsessed woman who can't be away from her phone. Well they are probably right, but please don't judge, I have been doing this soft play thing for a long time. The novelty wears off. Infact I'm not sure how I ever did it. So far this morning I've hurt my wrist and banged my knee. I am clearly too big/old for this soft play lark.

So there we go, my morning of people spotting complete. 



Do you recognise yourself? 



And most importantly, did it work?







You bet it did! 










Post Comment Love


Sponsored Video: Save The Children Den Day

I don't know about your children, but mine are at their happiest making dens. Old blankets, sheets, their duvets and pillows all come out. Giant cardboard boxes are another favourite. Their imaginations run wild and more often than not their den turns into a hotel which serves plastic food! If this sounds like something your children do, then you might be interested in the latest campaign from Save the Children. You could help to save lives from your living room. By signing up now you can get a super Den Day kit, with advice and ideas on how to make a fantastic den in your home.

It sounds like fun doesn't it? But why take part? There is a serious reason behind this fun campaign.

Save the Children Den Day will help raise funds for people like Anna Mae and her family. In 2013 a Typhoon hit their home in the Philippines. Their home was destroyed. Save the Children helped the family, by providing them with tarpaulin for shelter as well as utensils to cook.

Unfortunately there are many other families across the world that do and will need help in similar circumstances. Save the Children does whatever it takes to help children wherever disaster or conflict strikes.

Den Day will be taking place over Friday 29th May - 6th June, meaning that schools, families and groups can all take part on a day that suits them. Maybe you could set up camp in your school hall, or arrange a Den Day Sleepover with your friends. Whatever you do, make sure that you get your sponsors to claim Gift Aid on their donations if applicable. It is a great way of adding 25% to your fundraising total. To find out more or to sign up, head over to the Save the Children website.

Sponsored By Save The Children

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Stir Crazy - I Need Your Help!

So I wasn't going to ask you all (hoping there is more than one person reading this) for votes this time round. I have already asked for votes in the BIBs (where I didn't get through.) I'm terribly British and I hate the whole" vote for me" thing. The only problem with that line of thought is if the bulk of your readers aren't actually bloggers then how are they going to know there is even an awards ceremony that you really want to be nominated for? 

So why vote for A Strong Coffee in the MAD Blog awards? Well quite frankly I have been going stir crazy the last few weeks. The boys have been a tag team of some horrible virus, my husband has had important business things to do at work (read not been around much) and I have spent the majority of the time within the same 4 walls watching Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 and Garfield. In essence I need a night out! 

I would like to stay in a hotel room by myself and just enjoy some piece and quiet and a good nights sleep. My husband does this on a regular basis and I really don't think he appreciates it enough. 

I would like to go out for an afternoon without water bottles, raisins, baby wipes and a spare change of clothes to carry, "just in case." I might even buy a new dress (read borrow one off my sister.)

Most of all I want to be able to sit at the dinner table and chat to an interesting (hell they can be dull I really don't care) blogger where it is seen to be strange not to Instagram a picture of your plate. I have quite frankly had enough of middle man screaming that he won't sit next to little man as he is eating with his mouth open, that any other company will be a refreshing change.




So if you think my blog fits into pretty much any of the categories in the MADs then I would be oh so happy. Just to stress though, I am not pregnant (and never will be again) so that one would be a wasted vote. Having said that it would freak my husband out if he saw that in his Twitter feed so might actually come home early!  


All you need is my url which is and nominations are super simple. Just click here.

Thank you to anyone that takes the time to vote - even if I go no further, knowing I had been nominated would put a smile on my face. 


And in cringe worthy non British style:

Tots100 MAD Blog Awards


Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Promise Pets At Build A Bear Workshop

Promise Pets

This Sunday my boys were in for a treat as we took them to make Promise Pets at Build A Bear Workshop. I will be totally honest with you, I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Build A Bear. I love that your little one can choose a soft toy, stuff it to their required amount of hug-ability and then create the birth certificate. I am not so keen on the fact that I am left wondering whether it should be dressed in sunglasses and roller skates. I have put way more thought into the wardrobes of bears than I have my own in recent years. My biggest tip for the shop is to set a budget before you go in. They have thought of everything. Sounds, vibrating hearts, scents and anything a cool soft toy could possibly want to wear.

Anyway I digress. We were there to review Promise Pets and I have to say I love them. More importantly so do the boys. Firstly, they look like real animals. Secondly, there is a free app that goes with them, which is an added bonus to keep the kids in love with them. Thirdly, although you can buy a million accessories for them, like leads and dog bowls, you don't need too.

promise pet accessories
Here is a selection of the Promise Pet accessories you can purchase if you wish.

In my opinion the Promise Pets are great as they are and you don't need to buy extras if you don't wish. Infact the whole idea is similar to a Furby but you have the added bonus that they don't require batteries and wont talk you in the middle of the night talking.

When we arrived, the boys hurried over to choose which pet they wanted. I have to say I was pleased that they all chose different pets. I thought it was lovely that our helper got down to the children's level to talk to them and make them feel they were important.

choosing a promise pet

Next we were taken to the stuffing machine to help stuff the pets.

stuffing a promise pet

The machine was a bit low in stuffing so the boys were more than happy to help fill it back up.

stuffing machine

They then took a heart for their pets, kissed them and made a wish before they were tied up. There were cat and dog sounds for the pets if you wished to pay extra but we chose not too.

Next the pets needed a quick groom.

Grooming Promise Pets

Then it was off to sort out their birth certificates, before placing in their special carry cases to take home.

promise pet carry case

The promise pets are £19 each. As I said earlier, there is also a free app (Android and Apple) you can download. As soon as the boys were back they wanted to see what it was all about.

Once the app is downloaded you can choose the pet that you have purchased to appear in the games. in effect you are caring for your pet by making sure that it goes to the toilet, checking for fleas and feeding. The games are simple but engaging and middle man who is 5 is extremely taken with this aspect of the toy.

promise pet app

All in all I was really impressed with the service in the shop. Whilst our store is quite small and pretty busy, the children are always made to feel special. The Promise Pets look nice and the added element of the app makes them more entertaining.

We recieved the Promise Pets for the purpose of this review but the opinions are my own.