Meal planning

Monday, 18 May 2015

Meal planning

For a number of reasons I have decided that I need to start meal planning. Firstly I need to get my food bill down. I average a weekly shop of between £100-125 a week. I am sure that with some careful planning I can cut this in half.

I have started by looking through my freezer. I clearly need to run this down. My husband and I must be worried about some kind of pea shortage as I kid you not there are at least 5 half opened packets of peas in there! When I have run it down and organised it, I then need to label anything I have batch cooked. Whilst freezer surprise adds an element of excitement to dinner time, there is something disappointing about serving up bolognase when you were hoping for a chili.

So for the first time in a long time I have actually pit a rough plan of your meals this week.

Sunday  Dinner: Meat and potato pie + puff pastry + broccoli Lunch: Bacon and primula cups with toast and spinach.
Monday chicken and ham with potatoes and peas
Tuesday "freezer suprise" and rice (I am thinking it may be hunters chicken)
Wednesday Sandwhich - tuna mayo and sweetcorn
Thursday pasta and phili
Friday Creamy garlic kievs with chips/jacket potato and peas

So this is my first week and my shopping bill is around £50. I am expecting to spend another £10 on milk and bread as and when we need it. The key is will I be able to stick to it and will I find that my shopping bill is reduced on a regular basis? Do you meal plan?

Linked to Meal Planning Monday with At Home with Mrs M


  1. Kim Carberry18 May 2015 at 11:35

    Yes I meal plan....I have found it saves money too....We tend to only buy what we need not a load of random things so there is less waste too...Good luck! Everything you have planned sounds very tasty x

  2. Theygrowsoquick18 May 2015 at 12:05

    Meal planning saves so much money and stress too, I feel better knowing I have dinner sorted. Good luck! X

  3. Kirsty Phillipson-Lowe18 May 2015 at 13:27

    I love meal planning and when I don't I miss it so much! I have found that it not only saves us money and food waste but also saves me a lot of tea time stress wondering what to cook. x #mealplanningmonday

  4. All About A Mummy18 May 2015 at 14:00

    This is my first week properly meal planning. I cut my shopping down to £80 but it has slowly crept back up so i'm taking control again! #mealplanningmonday

  5. Louise Fairweather18 May 2015 at 18:13

    I would be happy with £80 x

  6. Louise Fairweather18 May 2015 at 18:13

    Hoping it does here too!

  7. Louise Fairweather18 May 2015 at 18:14

    Thanks - lets hope it does x

  8. Daniella Abraham18 May 2015 at 19:20

    I'd love to be able to cut our shopping bill down, even meal planning doesn't help me!

  9. Louise Fairweather19 May 2015 at 21:57

    It is hard isn't it. My husbands razors cost a tenner!

  10. Louise Fairweather19 May 2015 at 21:57

    Once the freezer is run down I may find that too x

  11. We meal plan every week and have seen the shopping budget slowly creep up over the last couple of years. No matter where we shop we cannot get it under £60, that's the problem with eating fresh fruit and veg it's always more expensive than the processed stuff! Have a great week #mealplanningmonday

  12. Louise Fairweather24 May 2015 at 18:56

    If I get it under £100 on a weekly basis I would be happy. It annoys me a lot that chocolate etc is cheaper than fruit
