A Strong Coffee: 100 Family Adventures Book Review and Giveaway

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

100 Family Adventures Book Review and Giveaway

100 family adventures book

100 Family Adventures is written by the Meek Family and is all about swopping screen time for green time. My boys are far too happy infront of the TV so this book appealed to me as a way of inspiring us to get out more. It contains a range of activities for the less adventerous (like myself) to those exploring types who would relish sub zero camping. (I'm afraid that is a step to far for me!)

I particularly liked the bushcraft survival section at the beginning of the book as I think I could take elements of that to use with my boys. I am not sure how any of us would cope with project 39: going without electricity for a day, but this might be a fun thing to have a go at in the summer holidays.

bushcraft survival

If you are looking for inspiration to get out and about more with the kids then this book has plenty of ideas which I am sure they would love. The book retails at £14.99 and can be purchased from Amazon. I am lucky enough to have a copy to giveaway to one of my readers. just complete the Rafflecopter below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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ashleigh allan said...

A trip to the woods!

debbie said...

we love walking through forests and woodlands xx great giveaway x

chickywiggle said...

this book looks fab. going without electricity when camping is easy (you can use batteries right?)

kim plant said...

we got a trampoline ... so much fun x

kim neville said...

Walking by the river and through parks

Kelly law said...

walking round the river and feeding the ducks!

Monica Gilbert said...

My daughter loves walking to the playgrounds in the area and playing for a while. She doesn't care what the weather is like.

Natasha Mairs said...

going on walks in the woods

clairdownham said...

county walks or climbing hills

Susie Wilkinson said...

Walking the dog!

Lydia Graham said...

Walking with the dogs

Carol Carroll said...

I love going to the playground in the park and playing football with my grandchildren x

Plastig Ffantastig said...

lots of walking

Kathy D said...


maci234 said...


Elaine Dale said...

going on nature walks

Sandra Lane said...

We love to take the dogs out for a walk in the park. The kids have a good run around.

Pam Hubbard said...


sarah diane rees said...

woodland walks

kathycakebread said...

cycle ride

Sarah Davies said...

Going for walks

traceyandtim said...

going for walks

Scott Walliss said...

Walking the dog

Lindsey Smith said...

Going to the beach

lisa evans said...


Fiona said...

Going on the trampoline

Matthew Sinclair said...

We all like to go on walks

Kay Lou Smith said...

We like to go for a nice long walk finishing up at the park :)

lynn heath said...

I love getting the kids out in their scooters for a long walk/scoot through the park

laura stewart said...

playing at the park

Harley Richardson said...

Den building in the garden

Sarah Davison said...

Rock pooling...we all love it x

MrRichTea said...

Hide & Seek :)

hellcat366 said...

Our family love being outdoors. We go hiking, cycling, fishing and anything else we can think of!

Angel said...

We go camping several times a year. Really great way to escape.

Michelle Banks said...

we love long walks in the woods x

Karen Barrett said...

We love rock hopping

Aaron Broad said...

We enjoy running on rocks by beach

Michelle Dagger said...

Going for walks!

Hekna said...

walks in the forest

sbroadley said...

play ballgames in the park

Keith Hunt said...

Beach football Family V Dogs

Claire Woods said...

Cycling and walking.

leanne williams said...

Going for walks!

Emily Austen said...

He's so little at the moment that picnics is all we can really manage at the moment - looking forward to proper days out and walks in the future though!!

UKJILL said...

A day at the beach!


we love to jump on trampoline

Kristy Leanne Brown said...

NAture Trails

Andrew Hindley said...

Going to the seaside

soneailiami said...

My son is 3. We love cycling, walking (trekking), looong woodland walks. This Easter we start with spring camping :)

Helen Allan said...

We love to go for a walk along the beach.

Veronica Lopez-Smith said...

Walking in the woods!

Lucy robinson said...

Playing in the woods. x

Ellie Spider said...

Nature trails :)

Christopher Read said...


Gillian Hale said...

feeding the ducks

Clare Scanlan said...

Nature trails at our local National Trust properties

Kerry Lethbridge said...

Just general running about and imaginative play

Kim Styles said...

walking the public footpaths of Norfolk straight from my house!! we spend hours out- just with a map camera, dog bags and bottles of water

Diana said...

Playing with ball in the park :)

Karen Howden said...

dog agility

sarahfleck said...

playing making up pictures with clouds in the sky.

Alix Smith said...

Jumping in muddy puddles with my 2 year old!!

katie w said...

going on walks at places of historical interest incorporating historical role plays

jokow said...

playing badminton

rebecca whale said...

Feeding the ducks at the lakes

Claire Thomson Little said...

camping :)

Pauline Wilson said...

Nice nature walks or trails

Stephanie Campbell said...

building dens, picnics, and frisbee!

PamGregory said...

Playing footie

Jade Wilson said...

We love going to the swings and running around with a ball! x

Barbara Handley said...

I watch my grandson play football every weekend. We also go for country walks together.

caroline tokes said...

camping in the garden

Lee Hardy said...

Going into park to play football.

Erica Field said...

Bike rides

Pauli57 said...


Helen Garner said...

walking the dog

Lynn Neal said...

catching leaves in autumn

Heather said...

Foraging for supplies and then using our finds to make things.

wendy42 said...


superscot said...

watching the planes landing and taking off at the airport

Natalie Crossan said...

playing on our bikes x

Louise Fairweather said...


kim plant said...

so pleased thankyou xx