A Strong Coffee: Gone Crabbing and Cockling

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Gone Crabbing and Cockling

beach in vendee



I wrote this post back in August. Unfortunately I then went and lost my memory card adapter so didn't have the photos. Anyway better late then never, here is what we got up to in France in the summer.


Last week we had a relaxed week in Vendee where we spent most of our days by the pool or at the beach. The beaches are lovely and sandy and at first glance there's not that much to see. 

But sometimes you have to open your eyes. 


I saw a man digging with a bucket, and I was transported back 25 years when my Dad took us cockling in the exact same place. We watched the man, smiled as he showed us what to do (he was speaking French so smiling was our means of communication as I am only able to ask how to get to the port) and then had a go ourselves. The cockles were found a couple on inches down. 


digging for cockles


finding cockles


Unfortunately we didn't eat them, as firstly I'm not keen on seafood and secondly I didn't want to food poison any of us. Instead we decided to re home them! We then had a look around the rocks, covered in mussels, limpets and anemones. Big man and I were in our element. 


anemones on the beach

Next we went for a paddle. At first I thought I had lost the plot when I saw a shell walk. Then I realised it was a hermit crab. I then realised there were 100's. How had I not noticed them!?! We collected them in a bucket to have a closer look before once again letting them go.


rehoming hermit crabs

Just an empty beach with sand becomes so much more when you open your eyes and explore.

 Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 


Michelle Twin Mum said...

Amazing what we can spot when we really look for it, Nature is amazing, looks like a great time. Mich x

Coombe Mill (Fiona) said...

It sounds like you had a great educational experience on the beach. Learning Cockling must've been a great experience, if not hampered slightly by the language barrier. Seeing all those hermit crabs must've been a very surreal sight too. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids.

rebecca beesley said...

its so lovely to see a nice summery post at this time of year! Look like a lot of fun. x

Louise Fairweather said...

We had such a lovely time discovering things. Still not sure how I hadn't noticed the crabs immediately!

Louise Fairweather said...

:-) everyone should lose their microSD adapter ;-)

Louise Fairweather said...

It was really lovely. Big man and I were in our element x

Louise George said...

Ah that looks like great fun. Have never been cockling before but my brother and I took my eldest crabbing for the first time this summer - we only managed to catch one little one which Jessica enjoyed looking at before we put it back again.

Louise Fairweather said...

They love it don't they xx

Seychellesmama said...

What a lovely day! Nice for you to finally get these pictures now too, a trip down memory road :)

Louise Fairweather said...

yes esp now its cold!

Sara (@mumturnedmom) said...

Sounds like a fabulous day, and I love the photos x it is amazing what you can find when you really look! #MagicMoments

themummydiary said...

How lovely, when we went to the French coast we saw them digging for cockles too and taking them home. Got me dreaming about summer now :) #magicmoments

afra willmore said...

HaHa when I saw the title I had to click as I thought you brave souls had gone crabbing in December!!! Great pics - worth the wait.

Louise Fairweather said...

Lol no I'm just rubbish and couldn't find the adapter not quite that stupid x

Louise Fairweather said...

I know a few days of cold and we want summer back x

Louise Fairweather said...

Yep I need to open my eyes more!

Stacey Guilliatt said...

Sounds brill, it's great exploring the beach! #magicmoments