A Strong Coffee: Plastic Box Shop 4 Box Challenge

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Plastic Box Shop 4 Box Challenge


My name is Louise and I am a hoarder. There I said it, and now I can move on. It's never good to watch an episode of "The World's Worst Hoarders" and sit there thinking, well I'm not quite that bad. When Plastic Box Shop wrote to me about their 4 box challenge I knew I needed to take part. Over the years we have gathered a lot of stuff. With this stuff comes memories which I hold onto making it hard for me to let go of things. We have also gathered 3 children. With them comes lots of toys and lots of mess.

The challenge was simple. They would provide 4 boxes and I would declutter one room. They provide this useful infographic to help me with my decisions.


The room I chose was my bedroom. I try to keep the downstairs of the house tidy for when people come round. My bedroom on the other hand had turned into a dumping ground.

Surfaces were cluttered.



Draws and wardrobe unorganised.


The boxes were a massive help. I laid them on the bed and got to work. It was a quick way of making a decision over objects.

In the process I managed to fill 2 rubbish bags full of junk, 1 very large charity bag of clothes and a whole box full of the boys' toys that they had left scattered around his room. I can't believe that I was living in a room with so much junk. Getting rid of it has had a massive effect and I am determined that it will not get as bad again. Items are now strictly on a 1 in 1 out basis. If I buy a new top and old one goes. It will be hard, but it needs to be done.

So what did I find out by doing the challenge?

1. I keep a lot of things I don't need. I went through every draw and found 4 nursing bras. On the basis I stopped feeding little man 2 years ago and don't plan to have any more children, I have no idea why these were clogging my drawers. A belt for a top that has been binned about 2 years ago is again not required.

2. I keep pointless pieces of paper. Sometimes keeping receipts is useful, however, there is no need to keep a Butlins receipt for 3 postcards or a recipt for a top you bought in 2013 and have no got rid of. I also gather a lot of childrens art work. I took this photo so I have a record and can now recycle them.

kids art

3. My children move their toys into my room a lot. I need to ensure that if they come into my room, they leave with all toys. I don't need any play food or crayons in my bedroom.

4. If a glove has been lost for 3 years it is unlikely to show up, so its best just to say goodbye to its unpaired friend.

5. I need to buy new sunglasses. I found a number of pairs of sunglasses which quite frankly can't have ever suited me.

6. Memories are far more important than "stuff." This one tiny picture is much more valuable than all the junk I threw away.

7. Just because my Dad told me it cost a lot when I was 15, doesn't mean that it did or that I need to keep it for over 20 years.

8. Time helps you realise that you don't need to hold onto things. Going through some of the old baby clothes I found, I realised that there was no need to keep some of them. Children are individuals. Little man should not have a wardrobe of worn hand me downs.

9. I now need to take my boxes and work through the house room by room.

10. There really should have been 5 boxes. I needed one labelled "Objects of which I have no idea what they are and need to ask my husband about." I kept these in a pile and most of which he had no idea either!

So here is my after photo.

tidy bedroom

tidy chest of drawers

My bedroom seems bigger, and most definitely a more relaxing place. No cluttered surfaces and everything has a place. I would like to thank Plastic Box Shop for getting me to sort this out, and I am determined to continue.

Have you got any great decluttering/tiding tips that I can use in the future?

Thank you Plastic Box Shop for helping me make my bedroom a place to relax.


tidyawaytoday.co.uk said...

Great post! I can relate to this, although I don't consider myself a hoarder as I can 'let things go', I just never seem to have the time to sort through all our 'stuff' and so it piles up. Mounds of laundry are my worst enemy, there are just too many items of clothing in our house it seems! Although there are five of us so perhaps I just need a better system! Your bedroom after looks so lovely and calm, you've inspired me to sort mine out later today :)

Louise Fairweather said...

Thank you! I know what you mean on the laundry front as there are of us too - it is never ending. I am determined to continue this and keep on top of everything. It is so hard with young children, but hopefully with little man off to preschool soon, I will be able to get on top of things and have a house I am happy in rather than a cluttered one.

Suzanne Whitton said...

Gosh Louise, you have every right to be proud of this one! I read it earlier in the week and was MOST impressed. What happened to your pride in the cake pops though?! :( x x

Emma Day (Crazy with Twins) said...

I've kind of been doing this... but instead of a plastic box for each - I've currently got a room for each... which is possible worse than hoarding it?! lol.

Kim Carberry said...

Those boxes are a great idea.....I need to declutter....I usually do it in the run up to Christmas x

Sara (@mumturnedmom) said...

Wow, well done! I'm a bit of a hoarder, although I can recommend an overseas relocation as a way of focussing the mind...! I am currently unpacking the boxes we had shipped over the summer, I'm trying to be ruthless and nothing is coming into the house that we don't need or love :) #loudnproud

Louise Fairweather said...

It makes it so quick and easy - my friend has already asked to borrow them

Louise Fairweather said...

lol that's how it feels sometimes doesn't it x

Louise Fairweather said...

I can link them up too x

Louise Fairweather said...

I battling against that one - although if it ever happens I'll be able to come and visit you as it would most likely be Boston x