A Strong Coffee: The Gallery: Mornings

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

The Gallery: Mornings

I wake at the crack of dawn to the sounds of birds tweeting and jump out of bed excited with what the day will hold. This is what I would like to be like.

I am not.

I am grumpy, tired and can't function without a coffee. Middle man is like this and often bounds onto our bed like a puppy dog.

In an effort to become a happier person in the mornings I have taken up Decembers craze of elf on the shelf. So far, this generally means that before bed I am arranging an elf somewhere. In the morning one of the kids wakes up early, doesn't notice my efforts but still manages to move the elf. They failed to notice his entry into the house. They were too busy trying to mount Rudolph themselves to notice Alex had been riding him.

Today's efforts of magic painting were only seen by middle man before daddy cleared him away for breakfast!

Big man came home from school on Monday informing me our elf would move round the house. I had decided not to say anything about him and just see what the boys thought. I think big man must be pretty upset that his elf has only magically made it to the sideboard (where Daddy moved him too) when his friends elves have been up to so much. So as I go to bed tonight, I am taking a risk. Alex is going to get noticed even if it does bring tears and screams directed at middle man. Alex is hungry and is going for big man's advent calendar. Lets hope tomorrow morning brings some elf magic - or at least gets my efforts to spread magic noticed!

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery





Tas D said...

I love that elf - he's really cute! Z is just like a little excited puppy too - jumping around all over the place all the time.

Charly Dove said...

Brilliant, I love your elf. Ours is causing much excitement too although POD is not abiding by the rules! With you on the coffee in the morning :)

Jocelyn (@ihavecards) said...

I do like Alex - he's very cute! I really hope that your efforts to spread magic and cheer start paying off soon for you! Thanks for linking up and sharing #ElfTakeover

Lou's Lake Views said...

I need a caffeine fix first thing too. I love seeing what everyones elves have been up to, your one is going to be in soooo much trouble!

Older Mum said...

Ha ha - I love this.... the mysterious elf on the shelf...

Sara (@mumturnedmom) said...

He he, brilliant :) The boys love our elf and go hunting each morning! Popping over from The Gallery and #ElfTakeover :)

Sarah MumofThree World said...

Oh dear! I couldn't cope with the extra hassle of an elf to deal with! Three kids, a job, a husband and a house is plenty for me! I love mornings, but an elf would be the straw that breaks the camel's back!

Helpful Mum said...

Haha! I haven't even managed to buy advent calendars or candles this year so I don't think I could cope with an elf too.

Jaime Oliver said...

sorry for the delay in getting to you, i do hope things have improved on the Elf front x