A Strong Coffee: R2BC

Thursday, 22 August 2013


My reasons to be cheerful this week are due to good customer service. As you may or may not know, I used to work in customer service so it is a big pet hate of mine when companies get it really really wrong. PC World is now classed as a swear word in our house. This week 2 companies have made me happy and restored my faith in customer service. Firstly is Photobox. They offered me to do a review and I chose a pop art canvas of middle man. It arrived and the quality is great, but it just isn't what I was expecting. 

I think maybe I chose the wrong photo, or was expecting more bright colours. I don't dislike it, I just don't love it and would be disappointed with it if I had paid out for it. When I spoke to them about it, they advised that if a customer wasn't happy with such a product they would offer another product from the range instead, which I think is great customer service.

Secondly is a company called Rosie Robbins. I was bought a gorgeous "Likes" poster from them for my birthday. Unfortunately there were a couple of mistakes. They also kindly replaced the item. It is such a beautiful and good quality item and very me!

So I am pleased to say that there are companies out there that can get customer service right. Now I just need one of them to stock LED TV's at a competitive price so that my husband and I don't end up having an argument over where to buy one from!

Hope you have all had a good week too!


Lou's Lake Views said...

That does restore your faith doesn't it. I wish more companies realise the importance of good customer service

Kim Carberry said...

Ohh fab!! It is great when companies do good....

Ellen said...

Great reasons! Love it when companies give good customer service!!!!

kateonthinice said...

I am so keen on customer service. It costs so little to make customers feel special and valued. If you get poor service, Twitter can speed things up a lot!

Joanna Henley said...

I love this post, I too worked in customer service! x

Amanda Walsh said...

Im the same I used to work in customer service and bad customer service irritates me

Shay said...

Great reasons, you can't beat good customer service! x

Rebecca Phillips said...

There is nothing worse than bad customer service. Glad you got your two items sorted :)

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