A Strong Coffee: Win £500 of Hobbycraft Vouchers with Yakult!

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Win £500 of Hobbycraft Vouchers with Yakult!

superhero skittles

Anyone that knows me, will know that I am a crafty person and I love entering competitions. So it is a shame that I am promoting this one to my readers and wont be able to enter it. You may remember that a few weeks ago I told you that Yakult are celebrating their 20th anniversary. This week they have launched their "Every Day Inspiration Challenge." The idea is simple, all you need to do is get your creative ideas flowing and get crafting with the iconic little Yakult bottles.

Maybe you could make some skittles, create Star Wars figures, or even place the upturned bottles on top of plant canes to act as eye protectors. Yakult have shared some pictures with me in order to get you thinking of what you could make.

Yakult skittles

yakult dolls

The competition will be judged by the celebrity gardener, David Domoney, and editor of Yours magazine, Sharon Reid.

So get your thinking caps on and get drinking Yakult. The competition ends on 13th March and you can find all the details of the Every Day Inspiration Challenge here.

The winner will recieve a fantastic prize of £500 of Hobbycraft vouchers with two runners-up recieving £250 Hobbycraft vouchers each.

Good luck! What will you make?

In collaboration with Yakult.

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