A Strong Coffee: What Every Parent Needs To Know About Flu

Thursday, 4 December 2014

What Every Parent Needs To Know About Flu

Every childs favourite doctor, Dr. Ranj is here to tell us about the flu vaccination. It isn't just adults and those with asthma that need protecting and you can watch what he has to say here:

Both middle man and little man aged 4 and 3 are eligiable to have the flu vaccination under the NHS. I know that some parents worry about vaccinations but for me the decision was simple. Yes, I think that my children should have it as it would be horrible for them to have the flu, but more importantly, I took them to be vaccinated as my Mother in Law is extremely ill with cancer. She herself was vaccinated so to me it was the most sensible option for our boys to take up the free of charge vaccinations too. No injections were involved which was a bonus. Just a simple nasal spray. They showed no sign of any illness afterwards which I had been concerned would happen. For our family there was no decision to make. The best option for our children and our family was to get them vaccinated. You can find out more on the Share Good Times Not Flu Website.

Have you had your children vaccinated? What do you think?

I have been compensated for sharing this video and my opinions on the matter.

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