A Strong Coffee: Snowflake Cupcakes with Docrafts

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Snowflake Cupcakes with Docrafts

snowflake Cupcakes

Recently I received a Little Venice Cake Company Cupcake Starter Kit to Review. If you enjoy making cupcakes then I can highly recommend this kit. It retails at £9.99 and contains 6 stainless steel nozzles and disposable piping bags.

Little Venice cake company Starter Kit

To demonstrate the shapes they can make, I did what any mum of children would do and filled them with Play Doh.

piping nozzles

If you are looking at icing cupcakes on the internet, you tube videos and recipes will often tell you which type of nozzle to use. I decided that I would have a go at two tone frosting for my snowflake cupcakes and used the LVCC 2 nozzle.

To make the snowflake cupcakes you will need:

White and blue icing prepared with CMC
A snowflake plunger cutter
Betty Crockers vanilla frosting
Blue colouring (ideally paste but I used liquid.)
Little Venice Cake Company nozzle 2 and disposable piping bag
Little Venice Cake Company Elegant Cupcake Kit
Silver sugar balls

I started by preparing the white and blue icing with CMC and leaving overnight. I then used a small snowflake plunger to make white and blue snowflakes.

snowflakes made from icing

I cooked my cupcakes using a 4oz sugar, 4oz self raising flour, 4oz caster sugar and 2 eggs. I baked them at 150 degrees C and used the elegant cupcake cases.

To decorate the cakes I chose the LVCC 2 nozzle from the cupcake starter kit. I cut the end off the disposable piping bag and pushed the nozzle in place. I then make up a small amount of blue frosting using blue colouring and Betty Crockers vanilla frosting. I then placed this in the piping bag and smoothed it over the edges of the bag.

two tone icing

I then placed the bag into a pint glass and opened the bag up. In the middle I added the white frosting.

two tone icing

I then used this to decorate the cupcakes, giving a two tone effect.

two tone icing cupcakes

I finished the cupcakes off by adding the snowflakes and silver sugar balls.

snowflake cupcakes

Link up your recipe of the week



I was given the cupcake starter kit for the purpose of this review but the opinions here are my own.


Suzanne Whitton said...

Ooh Louise, these look scrummy - look at you going all nigella on me! And can I just say, awesome Tots score this month - well done lady! x x

Louise Fairweather said...

Thank you on both counts. I do like my baking - and my boys like to eat it :-)

rebecca beesley said...

these look STUNNING! x

Louise Fairweather said...

Thank you! I must admit I am quite shocked at how well they turned out x

Tracey Peach said...

They Are Too Beautiful To Eat!. I Wish My Hands Were Steady Enough To Make Them Too

Susie Wilkinson said...

Far too good to eat!

Tara Watkins said...

Aww these are fabulous :) I wanna try and make some :)

lesley182 said...

Think I'll have a go at making these,they look fab!

Louise Fairweather said...

If only my boys thought the same - gone in seconds!

Louise Fairweather said...

The icing is fun to have a go at

Sara Janeg said...

they look lovely!

Abigail Cullen said...

These look delightful, love the two tone effect, very lavish.

Sam Williams said...

Very clever, these look great

Louise Fairweather said...


Samantha Woodlock said...

would love to try these

Sarah M said...

They look fantastic


Really beautiful <3

Baggy said...

they look nice, will try some

Heather Knotts said...

Wow! - They're almost too beautiful to eat!

Paula said...

They look amazing, I am actually going to give these try

moonray69 said...

OMG! Definitely the BEST LOOKING cupcakes I've ever seen!! :-) xx (Laura Jeffs)

Charlotte Arnott said...

these are beautiful...too pretty to eat?

hayley berry said...

Wow. these are fab!

Stacey M said...

Mmm these look great! Would be perfect for my daughters frozen birthday party she is having in a couple of months! :) xx

Lorraine Stone said...

These look great. Very seasonal.

Emma Nixon said...

Very pretty.

AngieCupcake Reviews said...

These are stunning and really are simple when you know how! Absolutely Love the two-tone icing!

Amanda Doyle Hart said...

These are lovely :)

Lorraine Tinsley said...

These are brilliant, they would be fab for a Frozen themed party

Life at the Little Wood said...

So pretty! My girls would love these particularly, as they are big Frozen fans! Xx #savouringtheseason

JudeVFR400 said...

So pretty, love the snowflakes especially. Would make for a very elegant tea party.

Stephanie Whitehouse, said...

that snowflake cutter is brilliant

Neil Bradley said...

They look nice. My wife would love those.

Jan Taylor said...

I want a piping bag

Jo Hutchinson said...

The snowflake cutter is excellent.

hannah staveley said...

They are amazing.x

sarah brooker said...

too good to eat!

Michelle Dagger said...

These look lovely, like a cupcake from the film Frozen!

Kelly Hanson said...

Wow, these are so pretty! Would be almost a shame to eat them!

PamGregory said...

These look fantastic!

alice lightning said...

they look too good to eat very very pretty sums up Christmas in a cupcake lovely

Jess Maryy said...

Yummyyy, these cupcakes look so lovely! <3

Rich Hill said...

They look great!

samantha sugden said...

they look beautiful

simon hardy said...

These look great! I bet they taste amazing!

Rosemary Sheehan said...

That is a good price for the kit and they look yummy as well

Catherine Gregory said...

Sooooo talented! I can bake but I cannot decorate at all lol, these look amazing

Sheila Reeves said...

Wow I didn't realise doing the two-tone icing would be as easy as this! Thanks for this, and they look great

Lee Hardy said...

Great idea & pictures.

kimthomasandaimee said...

These look lovely. I want to try them with my Frozen mad daughter ^_^

Kim Howard.

Stacey Schofield said...

ooooh they look to good to eat! Gorgeous!

Dawn Adams said...

I need that snowflake puncher!

gina sudron said...

they look gorgeous i wish i could make these

Keith Crooks said...

Mmm..snowflake cupcakes: arty and delicious.

jeremy andrews said...

They look so delicate and tasty.

Em S said...

Good tip on achieving the two-tone swirly effect icing

@auntygeek said...

I'm so full of our Christmas dinner we had today but I could so eat these now <3

Olivia Kirby said...

aww they are brilliant!!

Gwyn said...

These are really pretty and festive

Teresa Sheldon said...

These look so delicat and beautiful and so nice to have on the Christmas tea table hope they taste as good, will be making some this week

Denfor Hopkins said...

Love those cupcakes

Kelly Wiffin said...

Oh wow! These look amazing!

natalie said...

these look so yummy

Judi Watson-Jones said...

I think they are amazing and thats some talent there - jealous

Irene Murdoch said...

Really lovely - too good to eat!

caroline tokes said...

these look yummy would love 2 give them a try at making them

Lynsie Lynn said...

These look lush and would go perfectly with a good cup of Coffee or Tea :)

Claire@ClarinasContemplations said...

Seriously cute! Nozzles look great. I have 2 plastic ones which are useless. Perhaps I need to hunt these down in the January sales! Thanks for linking up with #SavouringtheSeason Sorry I'm so late!

Louise Fairweather said...

They are only £9.99 and come with 6 bags. Definitely worth investing in x

Louise Fairweather said...

Thanks - I am a total amateur!

Louise Fairweather said...

Think it will be out every year!