A Strong Coffee: Little Man Turns 3

Monday, 24 November 2014

Little Man Turns 3

baby photo

How on earth is my baby 3? It seems like yesterday that we welcomed this little chap to the world.

And now look at him!

boy at gravity force

You wouldn't be mad to think that I already had a 3 year old. I've already written about his party and trip to Cadbury World. However, this Tuesday was his actual birthday. Little man is usually first up in the house. Strangely though he took his Birthday as a lie in! We all woke him up with a rendition of Happy Birthday and he promptly his under his covers unimpressed. He got himself together then popped his head out and remarked "Me eat my Kwazi cake now?"

So at 8am there we were again singing happy Birthday and eating cake!

blowing out candles

We continued his Birthday celebrations by going bouncing.

gravity force

And then on to Alice Holt I search of the Gruffalo's Child.

Gruffalo's child at Alice Holt

My husband remarked how easy it was finding the letters hung in trees as we turned the corner and ended the hunt...."Not that easy we are missing 3 letters!"

I can't believe my little man is 3. So what can I tell you about him at the moment? Well it turns out that although the terrible twos have passed he has turned immediately into a threenager. He is extremely independent and wants to do everything himself. Everything that is until you want to go out and then he just wants to scream and shout and watch TV. He loves to play with his brothers, and is currently pretending to be a frog called Jelly when he is with middle man. Middle man seems to like this and walks his frog around the park. Little man is Octonauts mad and spends most of his days looking for particular characters in particular outfits. Apparently Kwazi in a green suit is VERY different to Kwazi in a purple suit! He gives lots of "Huggie Huggie!" and he like to "kiss you on the nose."

Love you lots little man. Happy Third Birthday!


Louise George said...

Ah happy birthday to your little man and looks like he had a wonderful day - that Kwazi cake looks great. I know just what you mean about the sudden change into a threenager - my eldest was 3 in September and has done the same! #magicmoments

Kim Carberry said...

Aww! Happy birthday to your boy! It sounds like he had a wonderful day!!

Redpeffer said...

Happy Birthday, I hope he enjoyed the cake. My son's just turned 4 and is Mr Independent-where does the time go?

Coombe Mill (Fiona) said...

Happy birthday to Little Man, I hope he had a great time with all the exciting things you did for his birthday. Popping in from Magic Moments.

Susan Mann said...

Aww happy birthday to your little dude x

Sara (@mumturnedmom) said...

Happy Birthday Little Man :) Sounds like a wonderful day (in fact sounds like he's had lots of lovely celebrations!). #MagicMoments

Older Mum said...

Happy birthday to your little guy - love the first picture; he looks a lot like you! Sounds like he had a fab day! X

Louise Fairweather said...

We have only just realised that! Was looking at baby photos the other day and it was like looking at a ginger little man!

pinkoddy said...

Aww Happy third birthday. Oh how funny that you were missing three letters too.

Louise Fairweather said...


Louise Fairweather said...

Too quickly. Although the tantrums can do one x

Tim said...

Happy birthday! They really do grow up so fast - our oldest is 7 next week and I'm sure he was only just crawling a few months ago - but he looks like he's having a great time being 3. :-)

Suzanne Whitton said...

My goodness, even I can't believe that Little Man is 3!!! Where does the time go? Happy Birthday to him. I love that you ate cake at 8am in the morning! Thanks for linking to #loundproud

Mummy Tries said...

Ahhhh very (belated) happy birthday to him! I saw your cake on Twitter, good work :-) #loudnproud