A Strong Coffee: Journey Around and Inside Your Amazing Body Review and Giveaway

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Journey Around and Inside Your Amazing Body Review and Giveaway

Gold stars amazing body book

I have to admit that when I saw this months Parragon Book Buddies choice I was excited. Excited for big man and excited for me. If you don't already know, before children I was a science teacher, so this book is my kind of thing. Big man has inherited my love of science and it is his thing too. I really can't say a bad thing about this book - it is fantastic. It has engaging illustrations and is packed full of fun activities. There are don't to dots, things to make, and measurements to take. Big man was particularly taken by the Goofy Gallery which is full of opitcal illusions.

looking at optical illusions

He also had a go at a memory game. He managed 5 on his first go and Daddy an impressive 8.

There are many more activities for us to try and I have no doubt that he will end up taking it into school at some point when a particular topic is covered. We were already big fans of the Gold Stars Workbooks, and this is a lovely addition to our collection. I would recommend the book to for chilren aged 6-14 as it covers a lot of the KS3 syallabus in an engaging way.

Parragon have kindly offered a copy of the book as a giveaway prize for one of my readers. Just complete the Rafflecopter entry below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

SuperLucky Blog Giveaway Linky
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com - See more at: http://www.theprizefinder.com/content/journey-around-and-inside-your-amazing-body#sthash.nSlMg2cK.dpuf


lynn heath said...

The average brain has 100 billion cells, and we lose around 190,000 a day!!!!

Tracy K Nixon said...

The average person produces enough saliva in their lifetime to fill 2 swimming pools!

emma walters said...

really gross but did you know that upto 1/3 of us carry mites called demodex in our eyebrows, nice ay!

ashleigh allan said...

My daughter is doing a project on this at school so would love to learn more to help her!

Louise Fairweather said...

Ewwww I should have asked a different question!

Louise Fairweather said...

I probably lose more ;-)

emma walters said...

haha thought you might like that one. great question :)

Emma Tustian said...

I loved learning about the human body as a child, and N's already showing an interest, so would be great to win this in preparation

kim neville said...

You have about half-a-million sweat glands that produce about a pint of sweat daily

Samantha Ripley said...

I don't have any amazing facts, these are always helpful with the kids questions

Robyn Logan Clarke said...

I would love to read about the brain

caro_mad said...

The skin is your body's biggest organ x

winnie said...

You'll be about 1cm shorter when you go to bed at night compared to when you wake up in the morning :)

Susie Wilkinson said...

A baby has around 60 more bones than an adult!

Louise Fairweather said...

definately - mine have a lot of questions!

Elaine Dale said...

the fibula (thigh bone) is the longest in the body

maci234 said...

The skin is your body's biggest organ

Elaine Livingstone said...

that it is amazing when you think it started off smaller than a pin prick and that a tiny tiny sperm ever meets a tiny egg is a miracle in itself

Elizabeth (Liz) Briggs said...

Your heartbeat changes and mimics the music you listen to x

Lara Davis said...

The brain can make new connection when your a baby/child

Maxine M Partridge said...

no idea lol. id love to learn some facts

Amanda Doyle Hart said...

I am rubbish with knowing facts, but my hubby knows loads, I would love this for ME...and for my son too!!

Karen said...

No not have any facts, this would be great for my kids to learn about the body x

Nicola Morgan said...

80% of your brain is water.

Tracey Parker said...

The skin is an organ too!

PamGregory said...

No facts but would love to learn some!

lesley182 said...

The tongue is the only muscle in the body that is only attached at one end! (Lesley Bradley)

Susan Smith said...

Im sure there are some facts about the body I could learn and prob be astonished by

laura stewart said...

no facts :(

Leigh Marea Boyle said...

i know well not very much, think i need this book to teach me never mind the monsters haha x

Sandra Lane said...

The skeleton is completely replaced every 10 years.

Paul Scotland said...

80% of the brain is water

Genna said...

Did you know that humans share approx. 50% of their DNA with bananas? (I've met some who share at least 90%!)

Lyla said...

I can't even find my pulse so it would be good to finally know where everything is!

Lisa Day said...

You know ,you can see your nose all the time but somehow your brain always ignores it!

Liam Bishop said...

You can have anywhere between 2,000 and 10,000 taste buds.

Keshia Esgate said...

Even though the brain processes pain signals the brain itself cannot feel pain

Lucy White said...

Inside all of us is around 0.2 milligrams of gold, most of which is in our blood Sadly, you’d need the blood of around 40,000 people to collect enough gold to make one 8g coin.

Paula Harvey said...

Every 60 seconds your red blood cells do a full circuit of your entire body!! :O

Claudia said...

I'd like to read about (and I'm sure my son would) the digestive system....icky but fascinating!

Harley Richardson said...

You neck is half the size of your waist apparently x

Victoria MyLittleLBlog said...

would be nice to read about musles

Tara Watkins said...

your foot is the same size as your forearm lol

Kelly law said...

My son loves books like this! I think he would like to find out more how our senses work.

Jo welsh said...

I don't have a fact but would to look through this with my daughter she has startedaskingnquestions about the body so would be perfect

Corinne Peat said...

My son would love this book. He has lots of questions this book could answer