September 2014

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Ready Brek Review and Giveaway


Ok Summer is officially over. With winter drawing in, I love to start my day with porridge and was happy to review Ready Brek sachets. Yes we have gone all Goldilocks and the three bears - quite literally. Middle man has has named us all with him taking the lead role as he has blonde hair!

We received 3 varieties of the easy sachets: original, chocolate and gingerbread. Luckily there is no fighting as we all have a different favourite.

Unsurprisingly the boys loved the chocolate. Big man loves the fact he can make it himself. He just opens the packet, pours milk to the line and mixes it with the porridge. Then it only takes 1 1/2 minutes in the microwave. Quick and simple!
My other half likes the original as he likes it with golden syrup.

For me it's the gingerbread. It isn't overly sweet and I love the wintery flavour with Christmas just around the corner.

I find that porridge really fills me up and I really like that the sachets make it so simple to make.

Ready Brek have kindly offered one of my readers a chance to win a case of each flavour! Just complete the rafflecopter below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to enter my other giveaways here!

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Monday, 29 September 2014

The Tooth Fairy

I was starting to wonder if it was going to happen. At 6 3/4 big man has finally lost a tooth last week. He was beaming from ear to ear when he presented me with this on finishing school.

I then had a very intricate story of how it fell out and how surprised his entire class were. Apparently one of the girls had informed him that the tooth fairy leaves a whopping £2 on her first visit. Queue moans of the rate of inflation from me and my husband. You could see big man planning his trip to the sweet shop.

At night he put his tooth in a special cushion and stuffed it to the side of his pillow. We didn't want the tooth fairy having a tough time finding it.

The next morning excitement was high. His friend had been right and he also received a note.


 photo toothfairycard.jpg

It read:



Wow Big Man! You have taken such good care of your teeth. Well done! I noticed on my way in that you have a keepsake book on your wardrobe. On this occasion please put your tooth in there. Don't worry though you are still rewarded. Please don't spend all of it on sweets. They are bad for teeth. 

Regards Lara (Your tooth fairy) 


After a discussion that I had forgotten all about that book, we went to the top of his wardrobe and found the pouch for his tooth. We then agreed that he should probably wait until a new tooth fell out before he wrote a reply. With that he set to trying to find a new tooth to wobble.






Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Hidden Vegetable Cottage Pie


When my children were toddlers they ate anything and everything. Unfortunately they then became fussy eaters. Big man will announce to others that he "doesn't eat courgette." This is partly true. He doesn't eat courgette if it is in a big chunk he can pick out. Grate it and he will not know it is there.

With the cold weather fast approaching I love comfort food and one of my favourite recipes is cottage pie. It is great to freeze too so I often cook a large one that can be half eaten then popped in the freezer.


500g of lean minced beef
1 red onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic chopped
2 grated carrots
1 grated courgette
1 tube of tomato puree
1 oxo cube dissolved in 500ml of boiling water
Maris Piper potatoes (enough to cover your dish)
Grated cheese

Start by browning the mince and onion and garlic. Put your potatoes on to boil.


Add the grated carrot and corgette and cook for a further 5 minutes.


Add the tomato puree stock and red wine. Simmer until the sauce reduces, Then place in the bottom of your dish.

Mash the Maris Piper potatoes with some butter and place on top of the mince. 

Add grated cheese. If you are eating straight away put it under the grill to brown. If if is for later just heat it up in the oven. I like to serve mine with peas.


Big man happily ate his cottage pie with no complaints of any courgette being present.
This post is an entry for #FluffyMarisPiper Linky Challenge sponsored by Potato Council. Learn more here.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Christmas Grottos: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

It's that time of year again where Mother's like myself go practically insane worrying about where to book for their little ones to see Santa. It is ridiculous, the amount of hours I have put into looking into places in the past. I guess the problem is that we all want to make it special for ourselves as much as our little ones. The years when they actually believe in the magic are few and far between. Companies know this and you bet they will come up with every way possible to eek every last penny out of you. Is it worth the worry and stress? No. Is it worth researching the venue. Categorically yes. We have had some different experiences over the last few years so I thought it would be good to share the good the bad and the damn right ugly with you.

Big man was born in November 2007. He happily slept whilst being cuddled by a work colleagues of my OH by Santa. At one and two I hadn't even thought about a grotto visit. I was shocked when friends were booking grottos. We left it. Big man was none the wiser. I mean what 1 year old understands about Father Christmas?

At 3 I still wasn't into the idea. We took him to a garden centre where Santa sat in a shed. He was actually a really good Santa. He gave middle man a stocking even though we hadn't paid for him.The only problem was big man was scared of Santa. He stood there in awe unable to move. He looked so frightened in the photo they took we chose not to part with a tenner. I was actually kind of relieved that we hadn't spent lots of money on a grotto.

Then something happened. I had a third child and with it came guilt over everything. This is when I was obsessed that we must go to meet Santa even though I had quite literally just had a C-section. We chose The Watercress Line. It was nice in the fact that I could sit down. Father Christmas came through the carriages handing out presents. He needed reminding about little man. It was OK. Nothing fantastic. The boys liked it, so I suppose that is what counts.

Santa at The Watercress Line

The following year we went to Peppa Pig World. This was a lovely day. Mainly, because the park was quiet. The grotto part was fine. Lots of animated animals, but not really my thing. If you have a Peppa Pig fan and live in driving distance I would recommend this for a 3-4 year old. I just liked the pretty lights and Peppa style Santa that they put up. (Yep it doesn't take that much to please me!)

Winter wonderland at Peppa Pig World

Last year we had the very best and very worst of grottos. You can read my review on Lapland UK  as well as my top tips. You need to remortgage to go there, but if you can afford it then it is fantastic. Well if you are lucky with the weather and realistic with your expectations. It is a theatrical production where the actual meeting with Santa is just a very small part. We had a lovely time and thankfully I came away understanding why it cost so much, rather than thinking I had been ripped off.

Lapland UK

We then won some tickets to a brand new children's festival The Little Welly. We made the decision to not go and see Santa here just enjoy the festival. It was an eye opener on how a company can spin things to look good when actually they are a wash out. I have no doubt that the intentions of the organisers were to create a fantastic Christmas experience but with the wind and rain it was a muddy mess that had little atmosphere. So there is my take on the grottos I have been to. Are they worth it? Now that is a hard one. Children are believers for such a small amount of time.

So what is my advice to you?

Firstly do your research. Word of mouth tends to be the best recommendation. You may be worrying about where to go from September onwards, but your children won't. They will be happy whether they go to a winter wonderland or a garden centre.I you don't have. It is not worth spending money you don't have. Christmas is expensive enough as it is. Do you know what, I doubt your children will even care if they don't go. It is the pressure that we put on ourselves to be "perfect" parents that is the problem. Last but not least, be prepared that little ones won't be into the idea at all. Father Christmas actually commented on my top tips post saying that he had a sleeping baby surrounded by adults. Sometimes it is worth waiting.

So there is my take on grotto's. What is yours? Do you love or hate them? What is the best one you have been to?

Monday, 15 September 2014

You Could Win A Banger With Cadbury

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. 
All opinions are mine alone.

Cadbury party game #shop #cbias

We love a competition in this house and love Cadbury chocolate. To celebrate their Win a Banger Competition, we decided to have a competition all of our own thanks to a #CollectiveBias campaign. There is no way that my boys are ever going to turn down a chance to have some chocolate and this party game is a winner. I headed off to Sainsbury's to gather my ingredients. Some squirty cream and Cadbury chocolate. I decided the Cadbury Twirl would work well. If you want to try the game too you will also need a blindfold.

Cadbury Chocolate at Sainsburys

The idea is simple. Make a cream "pie" with the squirty cream and add half a twirl to the middle.

Then blindfold your first competitor. Middle man was keen to have first go. Once blindfolded, a team mate directs them where to go to pick up the chocolate with just their mouth.

Cadbury choclate game

Big man was the winner he just dived in, middle man came a close second.

eating chocolate from cream

Little man was disqualified for refusing to wear the blindfold and then using his fingers.

picking out a twirl from cream

I may have slowed Daddy down a little by pushing the chocolate a bit deeper into the cream.

cream on face

In last place was me! It seem's I have trust issues and was worried that I was going to have my head dunked. (Possibly my own fault by being slightly evil to Daddy.)

playing a chocolate party game

We had lots of fun and it is a great party game. Maybe you could use it if you are planning Halloween party next month. The boys love it as at the end of the day everyone wins, as they get some tasty Cadbury chocolate.

If you love competitions too, with no purchase necessary, why not enter the Cadbury Win a Banger competition. The main prize is to take part in a rally to Barcelona, but there are thousands of other prizes to be won, including some yummy Cadbury chocloate. You could have a go at this game yourself. All you need to do to enter is to be over 18 and fill in your details. The hardest part is answering the question: which is your favourite bar? After a lot of deliberation I chose the Twirl, although I do love a Boost too.

Do you love a competition? Have you got any great ideas for kids party games that you can share?

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Middle Man Starts School #Powerofsoft

It seems only yesterday that I kissed big man goodbye, got into the car with my husband and headed to the hospital in a nervous but excited state ready to meet my gorgeous middle man.

Mum and newborn baby

I no longer remember the sleepless nights. Infact I don't remember much. Life has whizzed past. I blinked and middle man was starting preschool. Leaving me, off to explore, on his own. I am so glad that I wrote this on the eve of his third Birthday so that I can remember what he was like as he started pre school.

starting pre school

Blink again and today was the day that middle man started reception. School five days a week. How is that possible? My baby is at school. Little man is going to miss him terribly. They have become such good friends over the last few months. Middle man no longer sees little man as a baby, but as a playmate, because lets face it, little man is growing up so quickly too.

After a hilarious teacher home visit, I know that middle man will be just fine. He jumped out of bed full of beans this morning. He proudly told Daddy at the breakfast table that he was now a big boy and would be going to school to learn to be a vet and look after sick animals. I'm not sure that this is on the reception syllabus, but I do know that the school have 2 rabbits so hopefully he will get to see them soon.

starting reception

I will miss middle man being at home, but now it is time for him to go and make friends and learn. When you first have a newborn it feels as though the sleepless nights are endless, but blink twice and they are heading out to the big wide world one little foot at a time.

For now I need to savour the fact that he is happy to give me a kiss and cuddle at the gate. Fairy is helping to encourage Mums and Dads to make the most of those soft cuddles with their little ones while they can. I gave middle man a big cuddle when he went in this morning and I will most certainly be giving him an even bigger one when I pick him up at 3.15. Trust me there is a reason behind the saying time flys. It really does.

brothers walking to school

Here is a short video that Fairy have made showing just how precious those soft cuddles are. Has you little one started school or pre school this year? If so how are they finding it?

This is a sponsored post

Monday, 8 September 2014

The Teacher Visit

Today middle man had his teacher visit. I believe lots of schools have these. The teacher and teaching assistant visit the reception pupils in their own environment to make them feel more at ease about starting school. As a parent I was less keen. Trying to keep the house tidy for a morning with too little ones is near impossible. I thought ahead and we spent the morning making a mess of my friends house instead.

When we got back I sent the boys to play in the conservatory whilst we waited for the teachers. I saw the car, alerted middle man and before I knew it, little and middle man were at the door waving and jumping at the arrival of our new guests. 

We moved into the lounge and the teacher asked middle man if he was looking forward to school?

"Yes I am looking forward to learning how to be a vet so I can help care for sick and injured animals" was his reply. They thought this was lovely and were planning on getting out soft toys for him to nurse with a doctors kit. I thought it was best not to remind him that he is frightened of anything with 4 or more legs and that maybe a different career choice might be in order.

We then got on with our chat whilst the teaching assistant played with the boys. I already knew how fantastic she was as big man had her. I finished talking to the teacher and middle man  decided it would be a good idea to impress the teachers with his reading. He can't really read but has some phonics books. Before I knew it he was reading to them, teacher style, and asking them questions about the story. They played along. He was thriving on the attention. He was off for more books! This time he made himself at home by plonking himself on his teachers lap. 

There were toys galore bought in to show the teachers. My unusually tidy lounge was now littered in Mickey Mouse, Teenage Mutant Turtle Masks and cars before I knew it. He was keen to show them his Scooby Doo car and knowingly advised them that Scooby Doo has a driving licence and that is why he can drive the truck.

Middle man then started caring for the class mascot travelling piglet by brushing his teeth and once again showing his caring nature required to be a vet. At this point little man had somehow coerced the teaching assistant into doing "This little piggy" on his toes and before I knew it middle man was lying on the floor asking for the same.

I think this was enough for anyone to cope with and they politely said goodbye to cheers of "I am so excited about starting school!" from middle man. If the teacher hasn't run off in terror after our visit, I will have no worries about leaving middle man on his first day. I'm just hoping he realises just how long the training will be before he is let lose on sick and injured animals requiring his help.

Wot So Funee? 

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Get Good Summer Update

Well where did those 10 weeks go? I set myself 5 goals 10 weeks ago and here is my update. I have to confess once again I have not done as well as I had wanted. Partly due to life getting in the way. It turns out that I am in my usual style I have managed to get a tropical food poisoning bug without going anywhere tropical! So the last few weeks have not been that successful as I haven't been up to doing that much. But what have I achieved? Well I put some colour into my garden.

I have made my own playdough and bubble dough. Both so easy to do, I wonder why I have never done it before. Tidying the house is a work in progress but I feel as though I might get there at some point. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Our bedroom is certainly tidier after I won an ottoman from Emma in Bromley. As for crafting, I have neglected that goal. But when you don't feel good you don't have the concentration to do much. I have however, got some ideas for Halloween from Pintrest so watch this space.

The goal I have done best on is cooking.

I have made  plum crumble

plum crumble

I have made some Whoopie Pies

whoopie pies

Lego Cupcakes

lego cupcakes

Mojito Style Ice lollies

mojito ice lollies

and Lemon and Chocolate Drizzle Shortbread

lemon and chocolate shortbread

So maybe my gold for the autumn should be to go on a diet!

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

5 Signs Your Child Is Watching Too Much TV

When I say 5 signs your child watches too much TV, I actually mean my child. Middle man to be precise. Whilst I believe that Mickey Mouse and his clubhouse friends are to thank for most of his early years learning, I do feel he watches a bit too much. Quite frankly, given the choice he would sit watching TV from morning til night. I do manage to get him out and about but the moment he is a little tired he is demanding his favourite TV shows. So what are the signs that he is watching too much TV?

1. "Can we get ......."  This generally means he wants to buy some piece of plastic rubbish that we do not want or need, but has been marketed to be the best thing ever. In fairness, big man is the worst with this one. His latest must have item is a jelly maker. "It makes jelly in seconds Mummy!" he shouts excitedly."Hmmmm you can buy it ready made you know, for the two times a year you actually eat jelly."

2. Recently we have bought a new rug for the living room. When big man was a baby, I hadn't appreciated that a shaggy cream wool rug was not the best move so we have finally ditched the raisin hiding rug, now grey rug for a new one. Strict instructions are not to drop drinks on the new rug. Big man then pipes up "Oh it doesn't matter if we do, you just need to get some Vanish Gold as it only takes 30s to removes stains" Middle man nods in agreement knowingly.

3. Middle man has so fallen for the advertisers tricks. Recently, he checked I was a girl. "Ummm yes" I replied. "You like make up don't you?" " Well I wear some I replied." "You need to get some Lelli Kellly shoes. It comes with a make up tablet and the strap has a beautiful butterfly on it that come off and you can put it in your hair."

4. "Middle man, what accent is that you are speaking in? Where have you learnt to speak like that?" I ask "Oh Sophia the First" he replies 

5. "Shall I put the garbage in the trash?" Middle man asks. "No go and put the rubbish in the bin." I answer whilst also thinking that maybe the American language isn't so bad if he does actually put his apple core in the bin rather than on the sofa as he usually does.

So there we have it, my boys listen to the TV more than they do me! Luckily big man has gone back to school today and middle man starts next week. There will be less TV for them and I will be able to go to the shops to purchase some of that Vanish Gold.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Win A Pair Of Tickets To The Baby and Toddler Show

Baby and Toddler Show

I don't know about you, but when I was pregnant I loved looking at all the latest things for babies. Well there is now a Baby and Toddler Show coming up on 10th - 12th October in Bluewater where you can do just that. Oh and there's loads of toddler bits too! With over 150 brands, great money saving deals and free expert advice, this sounds like an event not to be missed for anyone that is pregnant or has little ones. If you live nearer Manchester then there is one there on 26th -28th September and you can find more information on the Baby and Toddler Show website.

I am really pleased to be able to offer one of my readers a pair of tickets to the show in Bluewater on either the 10th, 11th or 12th of October. Just complete the Rafflecopter entry below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Win competitions at - See more at:

Chocolate and Marshmallow Fluff Whoopie Pies

 photo chocolatewhoopiepies.png

I have never tasted whoopie pies before so have no idea if these taste as they should, but fancied having a go at making them. I must admit I was hoping for something light and they weren't, but the boys enjoyed them and have asked for them again so they can't be that bad!

So what do you need to make them? Well there are loads of different recipes on the web but as I had forgotton to order butter on my Tesco shop I went for one using vegetable oil instead.

 photo ingredientswhoopiepies.png

To make 12 whoopie pies (24 halves) you need:

  • 250g plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 5 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 125ml vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 180ml milk

You just mix all the ingredients together and then place it in blobs on a piece of grease proof paper on a baking tray.

 photo makingwhoopiepies.png

These were then put in an oven at 180C for 12-15 minutes.

 photo makingwhoopiepies2-1.png

I let these cool before filling with a layer of marshmallow fluff, and enjoy.

Tasty Tuesdays on

Monday, 1 September 2014



On Friday last week I took the boys to see a life sized replica of the Bloodhound supersonic car at Brooklands museum. The real Bloodhound has not actually been built yet, but is hoped to break the current world land speed record of 763 mph held by Thrust SSC. So what was special about this replica? Well it is a World Record itself, being the World's Largest K'NEX structure, using over 383,422 parts. It was built by the RBLI as well as BLOODHOUND fans over a 2 month construction project. I think that you will now understand why I was more than a little nervous about the boys taking a closer look and asking how it was made and poking it a bit. (I am pleased to report than the structure is still intact!)


This World Record build was commissioned by the BLOODHOUND 1K Club to promote The BLOODHOUND project, which aims to inspire children about science and engineering by developing a 1,000mph Land Speed Record car. Well I am pleased to say that the boys were certainly keen to have a go at constructing themselves and big man had a go at making his own K'NEX cars and testing it on a runway. Here is how he got on.

He was also very keen on all the motorised K'NEX toys that they had to play with too! Who knows maybe this has sparked an interest in Science and Engineering into my little men for the future. Lets hope so.

We recieved complimentary entry into Brooklands Museum for this event and the boys recieved some K'NEX goodie bags.