A Strong Coffee: 42 Days of Summer Challenge

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

42 Days of Summer Challenge

Well the school holidays are now in full swing and to be honest I am unsure where the time is going. I had planned lots to do and whilst we have completed some of this, I am pretty sure we wont get through it all.

I have found my role as a supervisor. If I sit in the same room as the children, they will happily play together. If I decide to go and put a wash on, World War 3 breaks out in the lounge.

So far we have been lucky with the weather, so where possible we have been outside. The boys can happily play for hours in the pool or on their waterslide that they have named "Surf-a-bunga."

boys in paddling pool

We have also lovingly grown 10 caterpillars into 10 beautiful butterflies and set them free to explore the world.

looking at a painted lady butterfly

I find big outings a bit of a let down in the summer holidays. I don't really see the point in spending in excess of £100 to get stressed out in a queue in the heat, for one of the boys to decide they need a wee and can't wait, just as we get close to our go. Instead we have spent more time around the house and at the local park. The added advantage of this, is that we invariably bump into someone we know.

The one problem about being around the house with the boys, is that they always seem to be hungry. I grabbed some of the McVite's BN biscuits when I saw them on offer which have been a welcome treat for the boys. They like the Raspberry but they really have Mummy's taste for chocolate, so that is their favourite.

boys holding biscuits

How are your summer holidays going? Have you written a bucket list? If so have you nearly completed it or are you never going to get it done? Have you lots planned or are you taking things a bit slower?

This post is an entry for 42 Days of Summer Linky Challenge sponsored by McVitie’s BN.


Laura Avery said...

Sorry to quote you " If I sit in the same room as the children, they will happily play together. If I decide to go and put a wash on, World War 3 breaks out in the lounge."...just that amen ..you made me choke with laughter, could be my 3. Thanks ill be looking at your challenge. Today we where going to have a picnic at a fort, but it's piddling it down, so we will be attempting to build an epic knex thing..Bn rock, They dissapeared a while ago, the boys where so excited to find them again.x

Suzanne Whitton said...

Sounds like you're doing really well Louise - well done! Only another 4 weeks to go....really?! x

justanormalmummy said...

That is an awesome pool! We have no blooming space in our garden so could;t have anything like that ;) sounds like you're having a great summer holidays so far ;) xx

rebecca beesley said...

That pic at the end of all three of them is so cute. You are spot on with your description of supervisor as the same thing happens here - it drives me crazy! We're loving the BN biscuits too.

Louise Fairweather said...

Good to know I'm not alone x

Louise Fairweather said...

It takes up most of the garden but well worth it

Louise Fairweather said...

All I want to do is a bit of tidying. Hey ho x

Louise Fairweather said...

It's going too fast!