Just a few more minutes.... #Morningstories

Monday, 19 May 2014

Just a few more minutes.... #Morningstories

I have always been a bit of a night owl, and am rarely up with the lark. Infact if the lark wakes me up I am one grumpy person for most of the day. Having three little ones that like to wake at the crack of dawn is hard work for someone that just wants a few more minutes sleep. My husband used to hate me when I was at work as I am the kind of person that presses snooze for as long as possible and then shoots out of bed in a screaming panic that I am running late.

I would love to say that children have changed me but they haven't. It just means that as well as myself I have 3 more people to get ready. Whilst my husband is working away I find this even harder. I often dress the children before they eat, but this just means that their uniforms are covered in their breakfast resulting in another change of clothes.

Big man is amazing at losing his book bag. We try to keep it in his room or by the door, however, most days he picks it up, wanders around with it and then can't remember where he has left it. Middle man is the same with shoes. Infact the only one that is slightly with it in the morning is little man, who often locates the missing items for us.

So how can I make our mornings better? Well for a start when my husband is away I am a terror for staying up late. I really need to go to bed earlier so that I can cope with the early morning call from the boys. I need to get them eating (whilst I brew a coffee) before I change them for school. If possible I need to walk to school. I know this may sound odd, but it really puts me in a better mood. If it wasn't for having 2 boys at 2 different schools 3 days a week, I would opt for walking more often than driving. The whole school parking issue is a whole new blog post.

What are your tips for a stress free morning?

This post is an entry for #MorningStories Linky Challenge sponsored by belvita. I was to late in responding to receive any Belvita to try, but I can tell you that when I am in a hurry I do quite like the Strawberry and Live Youghurt Duo Crunch.


  1. Tracy K Nixon20 May 2014 at 04:53

    Oh dear - I am the opposite - a Lark! So I tend to be up hours before the kids so I have their brekkie on the table, clothes/uniforms laid out, bags packed, etc all before I even wake them up. Sorry I cannot give you any more advice but I have never been a Night Owl - I am always up early (4am usually) hence why I am posting this at 04.53 am!

  2. Louise Fairweather20 May 2014 at 07:04

    Omg I don't even class 4 as morning - that is the middle of the night :-)

  3. Louise Fairweather20 May 2014 at 12:30

    yep that is top of my list!

  4. AModernMother20 May 2014 at 17:06

    Always helps to work out what needs to change. I like nights too and coffee and lots of it. Commenting for myself @kateonthinice and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part

  5. Try to organise as much as you can the night before so you're not rushing around in the morning and make sure you have a good cup of tea :)

  6. Emma Bradshaw31 May 2014 at 21:38

    Have everything ready by the door the night before.

  7. Natasha Gandy6 June 2014 at 09:39

    Get as much as I can ready the night before !! Doesn't always work though and I am left running around like a loon too !! x

  8. To try and be organized the night before!

  9. Olivia Kirby9 June 2014 at 18:58

    I lay everything out the night before and do all the lunches the previous evenings too.
