Saturday, 25 January 2014

Heroes Of The City Review and Giveaway

Heroes of the city app

Heroes Of  The City is a cartoon about rescue vehicles in a small town, that is aimed at children aged 3-6. When I received the items to review, I thought that little man would like it the best. Although it doesn't hold my attention, all of the boys are enjoying watching the DVD with it being a particular favourite of middle man. When I asked big man what he liked about it, he said that he liked that there were a number of different episodes on the DVD. I think this is because middle man often watches the same thing over and over again. The DVD and model cars were a hit immediately. The story book contains quite a long story which requires a lot of concentration. There is also an app you can download on itunes or Google Play. This enables you to watch the movies and play games too.

I am pleased to be able to offer my readers a chance to win a Heroes Of  The City bundle of their own.

(Cars may vary from those shown.) Just complete the rafflecopter below for your chance to win. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don't forget to enter to win a kodak camera and junior sleeping bag too!

Win competitions at


Rebecca Pawsey said...

fire engine

Monika said...

police car :0

Stuart Edwards said...

fire engine

Tracy K Nixon said...

A nee naa Fire Engine! We see a few too as we live close to our local station!

maci234 said...

fire engine

Bex Allum said...

Fire engine as grandad was a fire fighter :)

jane templeman said...

Police car

Claire Woods said...

Police car

Jenny Morgan said...

police car

fluffypinkmarshmallow said...


Katie Skeoch said...

got to be a fire engine x

anthony harrington said...

police car!

Jo Glasspool said...

Fire engine x

L Hidderley said...

Anything that goes Nee-Naw ... but usually a fire engine!

Clint Howat said...

police car

Jennifer Bailey said...

The air ambulance as we live under the flight path to the hospital

Lowri Tegan Earith said...

police bike

ashleigh allan said...

Fire Engine!

Emily Smith said...

fire engine @emily596 Morris

Sara said...

The ambulance.

kim neville said...


Angela Walton said...


jacknutter said...

Fire Engine

Gemma Clark said...

Fire engine

Abigail Edkins said...

a police car neeee naaaaawwww

Holly Smith said...

Fire engine

Kay Panayi said...

Fire engine

Kelli Flanagan said...


Kim Campbell said...

Fire Engine

Jo welsh said...

Ambulance because they help poorly people get better and they helped her.

Holly said...


rebecca beesley said...

they look fab! A police car. x

Richard Evans said...

Fire Engine

Clair Dutton said...

fire engine

Abby Carroll said...

Fire Engines

Ruth Harwood said...

Police Cars

Katharine Bourne-Francis said...

Police Car

amy gonzalez said...

a fire engine!

Victoria Thurgood said...

police car

Molewrench said...

Fire Engine

melanie stirling said...

Fire engine

alison johnson said...

fire engine

traceyandtim said...

police car, tracey huber

Denise said...

Fire Engine - Denise Caulfield

Michelle Dootson said...

police car

Liz Ferguson said...

Fire engine

Lyndsie West said...

Fire engines, he loves them

Keith Hunt said...

Like going to see the local Life Boat

Dawn Henson said...

He loves Fire Engines!!

laura stewart said...

my daughter likes the police cars :)

jenniwren12 said...

fire engines

Kate Fever said...

An ambulance - or ambleeance as my son calls it! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

Ruth Davies Knowles said...

Fire engines! :-)

sarah diane rees said...

police cars

Kat Lucas said...

Fire engines

Colette Burgess said...

Ben loves fire engines - I think most boys do really!
Thanks for linking up this week :)

Skellbird said...

got to be a fire engine

Zoe Roxby said...

Fire Engine

raj said...

police car

Helen Sandra Hunt said...

Fire Engine :)

Tammy Tudor said...

police car

diva1977 said...

my son loves fire engines

Keri Jones said...

My son loves fire engines, probably because we lived across the road from a fire station :)

Solange said...

Police car

Colin Gault said...

cop car

FOXGLOVE38 said...

fire engine

Zoe Matthewman said...

Fire engine

Kim Styles said...

Pauli Police Car has to be my little ones favourite!

Laura Pritchard said...

Fire Engines!

Christopher Read said...


Nicola Holland said...

Police Car

sarah bootland said...

My daughter loves rescue helicopters! Xxx

KellyDutton said...

Police car

Emma Falvi said...

my godson Shay loves fire engines