Friday, 25 October 2013

How do you read a blog?

Every now and again, I get a bee in my bonnet about starting a new blog. My husband then reminds me that I struggle to find the time to write this one so maybe now is not the time. He is right. So why do I want to start another one? Well I like cooking so I like the idea of a food blog. I am worried that if I put loads of recipes on my "parent blog" then my readers wont like it. This got me thinking about how people read blogs.

Often I see bloggers worrying about how many reviews they should or shouldn't do. There are some strong views on this. Are they bloggers or blaggers? Do I read reviews on blogs? Now and then. Does it stop me from reading a blog? No.

I may be slightly controversial here, but I don't read a lot of blogs inside out. If I see lots of text I am put off and dare I say I sometimes skim read them. I prefer short and sweet posts. There are a handful of blogs that I read the majority of posts from. They generally aren't the top blogs in the rankings, but for some reason, in the past 18 months, I have built a bond with them. Whether it be that I have met the writer, they are funny on twitter or they started their blog around the same time as me. Other blogs I drop by on. If someone comments on my blog, I try out of politeness to visit them back. If I join a linky, I try to view as many blogs joined up as I can. My Bloglovin feed gets e mailed to me and I flick through to see what looks interesting. The same goes for twitter, if there is a tweet that catches my eye I have a quick look.

Another topic of debate is people claiming they have been fooled into reading sponsored posts. The way I view it is, if the blog is written well it is no different to the writer having a prompt. You don't have to click on the link and what is wrong with them wanting to make money from their blog?

So my conclusion is that I read blogs where I have built a bond with the writer and I click on those I see which take my interest with nice pictures and ideas of activities. I am pretty sure that I am not the only person that reads blogs like this. Am I? So, for now I will continue with my mishmash of parenting, cake decorating, crafting and competitions and hope that people continue to enjoy my writing. I don't expect anyone to read my blog cover to cover. I just enjoy writing it and at the end of the day I would still do it if no one read it. So it is just one blog for me until I get another bee or stop wearing a bonnet!

How do you read blog posts? Do you hate blogs filled with reviews? Are you put off my sponsored posts? Do you read the same blogs in full or are there a selected few that you return to and look at the others when they catch your eye.


Jocelyn (@ihavecards) said...

If I was writing a post like this, I'd have said just what you said! I read blogs in the same way, and think it's absolutely fine for there to be sponsored & review posts - why not? I've several blogs that I regularly visit, and then others that I pop to through linkys, tweets etc.

Louise Fairweather said...

Yey glad it's not just me. I know some people are really put off by reviews though.

sabrina montagnoli said...

I follow A LOT of blogs...hubby teases and says I don't read books anymore just blogs! I don't tend to read sponsored posts or reviews unless it is something I am interested in and want to get for my wee man. I'm like you I'm not a huge fan of wordy blogs and like to get inspiration about photography. I don't mind if blogs have variety in them and am not bothered if it's about more than one topic. It's about writing styles that keeps me interested I guess. Funny thought it in no way influences how I write my blog. I am in no way interested in stats, making money or any sort of publicity for my blog. I love when people read it and share in it with me but I am happy having a small blog with a small readership.

Louise Fairweather said...

Yes I love looking at photography too - one day I might get better myself!

Gina Caro said...

I do the same as your really. I also don't like posts with lots of text it sounds bad but I just haven't got the time to read big chunks of writing and I'm also very visual so I love posts with big bright pictures on them. I check my blog lovin and see if anything catches my eye and the same with twitter. There are so many blogs out there that it's hard to keep up :-)

Sara (@mumturnedmom) said...

I'm just the same! I have a group of blogs that I read regularly (often where I've built a relationship, albeit on line!) and a load of others that I dip in and out of. I try to read as many as possible in any linky that I join, and it's nice when I find a new one that I want to read more of. I also like the shorter posts, but I read a couple of more wordy blogs, because their writing is so good. I tend to stick to the short, visual posts myself :) I don't have a problem with reviews or sponsored posts, I don't often read reviews, but it doesn't turn me off the blog - you never know, at some point in the future I may choose to go self-hosted and try and make a little money too :) And if a sponsored post is clever, I view it as a writing prompt too - I don't have to click any links! Interesting post - got me thinking about it :) #PoCoLo

JessMcGlynn said...

I am exactly the same. I have my 'favourites' which are mostly blogs where I have built a relationship with the person, I try and visit them at least once a week but it's so hard when there are so many new blogs cropping up all the time. I fail on the linky front, I do try and get round most but sometimes I completely forget!! I really like your blog, don't change it!! I think you can probably guess from my blog name, I like blogs which offer a bit of everything ;-)

SJ❤ said...

Due to work and my home life, I tend not to get much reading time as I would like...I do read a variety of different blogs (whatever catches my eye or is interesting in my twitter/google or blog lovin feed) I think thats why I like linkys it gives me the chance to visit regular blogs and new ones x

Jaime Oliver said...

Louise fantastic post, i agreed with it all and was nodding my head at your statement about sponsored posts. xx

Kriss MacDonald said...

I'm gradually building up a list of blogs that I really enjoy visiting yet at the same time like exploring and finding new ones. I have no problem with blogs having reviews although I'm 'wary' if a review doesn't fit in with the style of the blog.

Rebecca Phillips said...

I follow most blogs through Bloglovin and if I see a post title that sounds like something I want to read then I'll click and read it. I do agree with what you say about sponsored posts. I'll happily read them :)

rebecca beesley said...

I think it is great that you include foodie stuff on your blog. After all your blog is your blog and you should feel free to put a mish mash of whatever you want on there. I often want to type up recipes onto D's foodie blog just so I remember them for next time as I can't always remember exactly what I put into a recipe next time I make it - but I don't often get the chance to - but in theory I should do that as it would help me. I tend to have a few fave blogs that I pop by to when I get the chance but there just isn't enough time to read lots and lots of blogs all the time - I think most people understand that. I prefer reading bits and pieces about people lives that I can relate to rather than sponsored posts but having said that if it is a sponsored post that doesn't interest me I just don't read it - it doesn't put me off the blog all together. I do like reading reviews as I find I have often gone onto buy or not buy a product based on blog reviews. I think it is a shame when bloggers deliberately try to write their blog just to increase ratings - I always think it is better just to be who you are and blog about what you want to and other people can take it or leave it as they wish to. I think your blog is great and I'll look forward to seeing your recipes xxx

Erica Price said...

I read all sorts of blogs and in different ways. Sometimes I am interested and read loads. Other blogs I dip in and out of. I don't have a problem with reviews on blogs, but I'd only read ones about products I was interested in.

Nikki Hayes said...

I read lots of blogs on different subjects - I usually sign up both for emails and via Bloglovin', however that does not mean I read every single post. You need to grab me with an interesting title and first few sentences as I don't have time to read every post every day - I scan them briefly and will only click on the ones that sound interesting. Of course some posts will never be of interest to me, no matter how good they are, because I'm just not interested in that particular subject. I read reviews if they are about products I buy or might buy, I just skip reviews for items I have no interest in. I don't see any problem with partially blogging about food, although if you wanted to blog about it a lot then a separate blog would be more likely to catch you the foodie readers ;o)

Itssmallsworld said...

Ha, I too like them short and sweet as otherwise I do *whispers* skim them too. I'm just starting to get into the linkys as it's a good way of finding new blogs. Like yours :-) # PoCoLo

Victoria Welton said...

Well, firstly of course I read through PoCoLo and Prose for Thought but I will read any blog that catches my eye. The only thing I can't stand is when a post rambles on and on without getting to the point! Great post. Thanks for linking to PoCoLo x

3yearsandhome said...

I'm pretty much the same as you. I have a few faves and then a whole lot more that I read when an interesting title crops up. I used to join in with linkys but then I found my time taken up with reading and commenting on blogs that I may not have had much interest in thus missing out on the ones I really did want to read. It's rare for me to link up now. Two of my favourite blogs post quite a lot of sponsord posts and it doesn't spoil it at all for me. In fact, the posts are rather amusing. My blog is kind of 50 percent about my boys, 20 percent about life abroad, 10 percent about fashion and the another 20 percent about randome stuff. I like it that way even if there's no common theme.

Louise Fairweather said...

Glad it's not just me :-)

Louise Fairweather said...

Visual is good

Louise Fairweather said...

I do tend to go for blogs I know on linkys too

Louise Fairweather said...

And I think you can probably guess I have described your blog in my post - on the favourites of course x

Louise Fairweather said...

It's hard to write a blog and keep up with reading loads too isn't it x

Louise Fairweather said...


Louise Fairweather said...

Oh yes - I don't like it when 4 year old kids are reviewing baby items

Louise Fairweather said...

Glad I'm not the only one that doesn't mind. If the writer is good it is fine whether it is paid for or not

Louise Fairweather said...

Yeah I don't have the time to worry about ratings and if its my blog I should do what i want really x

Louise Fairweather said...

Sounds fair

Louise Fairweather said...

I can't cope with emails myself. Only have a couple I am subscribed to.

Louise Fairweather said...

I think reading all your link up posts is loads to read :-)

Louise Fairweather said...

I agree a good range is good x