Monday, 1 April 2013

The Babyhuddle Tantrums Carnival

Today I am hosting the Babyhuddle Tantrums Carnival. Although it sometimes feels that it is only my boys that ever throw tantrums, the Babyhuddle Elite Bloggers have reassured me that I am not alone!

Rachel from Right From The Start asks are twos really terrible? Showing that although the second year can be hard, there are so many highlights too.

Emma aka Mellow Mummy wonders if she has bought up a monster. Could it be the arrival of a new baby that makes her little girl's tantrums seem so bad?

Mummy of Two, Tami, just wants to wrap her little one in cotton wool. Unfortunatley, tears and screaming can occur when your little one can't scoot properly because they have hurt their hand. Having three boys I could really relate to this story.

Little ones deal with frustration in different ways and Gemma from At Home With Connor tells us how distressing it can be to watch your child bang their head on the floor.

The main cause of my boy's tantrums is frustration. From baby man at 16 months unable to verbalise what he wants through to big man at 5 who sometimes just isn't getting his own way. Middle man is currently throwing a tantrum every bath time. His fear being that his toys will go down the plug hole. He jumps on top of them all as the water starts to empty, screaming and crying. No matter how many times he is shown and told, he still worries. So what can you do to help tantrums? Staying calm seems to be the most important thing - even if it is easier said than done. Another great tip from Karen at Woman Wife And Mum is to start reward charts before the bad behaviour starts. And most importantly, remember that it is just a phase and wont last forever.


  1. Karen Marquick1 April 2013 01:54

    Great collection of posts about tantrums. What always gets me is that while they are happening I get so upset for my toddlers, but as soon as its over they are like its never happened and I wonder why I worry about it so much! X

  2. Mummy of Two1 April 2013 02:42

    Great collection of posts - it's so nice to know we are not alone!!

    1. Louise Fairweather5 April 2013 10:54

      Very true x

  • motheringmushroom2 April 2013 07:39

    A great, collection of posts - reassuring as Mushroom has just turned two and started to tantrum but actually, although it feels awful when it's happening - he's not so bad. He just desperately wants to communicate! The reward chart especially is a great idea - off to comment on it now!

  • I think remembering that 'everything is just a phase' should be my mantra throughout this parenting journey...every stage is a tough one!
