Meal Planning Monday

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Meal Planning Monday

Last weeks meal plan went well and I also made courgette and feta fritters which I will write up this week. I had forgotten how good they were! They are perfect for lunch in the nice weather we have been having.

This week it is my turn to make a cake for the works bake off. I still have no idea what to make, so if you have any great cake recipes - let me know!

So what have we got on our meal plan this week?

Monday: BLTs

Tuesday: Chicken and chorizo one pot

Wednesday: Quesadilla

Thursday: Pizza. (I am still perfecting a cauliflower base for me!)

Friday:Garlic pork

Saturday: Prawn curry.

Sunday: I am off out so something from the freezer for my husband and boys.

What are you eating this week. Oh and don't forget to tell me what kind of cake you like best!



  1. Sam Rickelton | Family Travel Blogger8 July 2019 at 10:27

    Oh I haven't had a homemade BLT in ages x

    1. A Strong Coffee11 July 2019 at 20:15

      Neither have I!? Think they will go on again soon as was lovely
