Halloween Fun At Waddesdon Manor National Trust

Friday, 26 October 2018

Halloween Fun At Waddesdon Manor National Trust

Yesterday we visited Waddesdon Manor National Trust with gifted garden entrance to see what it had to offer.

Waddesdon Manor National Trust

We had previously been National Trust members but had never visited Waddesdon. It is just over an hour from where we live and has been recommended by lots of friends.

We arrived at just gone 11 and you can either catch a bus or walk to the main area. Not wanting to put the boys off immediately with loads of walking, we chose to get the bus to the stables area as this had been suggested to us by the lovely over40andamumtoone who is a regular. This is where all the Halloween activities could be found as well as a cafe and toilets.

We opted to take the Halloween creatures of the night trail. The trail is small but it certainly makes my boys more interested in going for a walk. The creatures of the night that you had to spot all had a little bit about them and their anger levels. The younger two (6 and 8) particularly likes reading these bits.

I found it amusing that this one has such a high anger level. She’s a Mum of 3 so it goes without saying!

Halloween trail at Waddesdon Manor

Who wouldn't agree with this monster? I mean no one likes a soggy bottom!

Halloween trail at Waddesdon Manor

At the end of the trail we got to pick up some glow in the dark ears. The trail costs £3 a child and I would recommend it for preschool and primary aged children.

glow in the dark ears from Halloweed trail at Waddesdon Manor

We then headed to have our picnic and over to the playground. This was fantastic. One of the reasons we have had a break from our National Trust passes was that the places near to us didn’t cater for older children in the playgrounds. This one however, was full of things for my boys to do. Zip wires, slides, a basket swing and places to build dens. We spent a good 45 minutes playing here, and could have easily stayed longer.

playground at Waddesdon Manor

Next, then walked up to the house and aviary, enjoying the gardens as we went.

Waddesdon Manor

Little man spotted a quiet hour sign so we decided we should probably stay away from there!

Quiet area at Waddesdon Manor

We had a lovely day at Waddesdon and the Halloween trail helped keep the boys happy. I have heard great things about their Christmas event which you can find out about here. Have you been? What did you think?

Disclosure: We were given complimentary tickets to the grounds but paid to do the creatures of the night trail ourselves.

Family Fever
Country Kids linky


  1. MichelleTwinMum28 October 2018 at 18:50

    We love NT sites and havn't yet done Waddesdon manor, so thanks for the recommendation. Mich x

  2. Nice to use your gifted pass to go somewhere different. The internal bus is a great idea, our local ones don't have anything like that.
    Great trail, oh dear at anger level 10, would not like to be on the receiving end of that outburst.
    Our local places also cater in the park for older children now as well, think it is important to keep the older children as they are tomorrow's adults and therefore tomorrow's visitors. #Countrykids

    1. A Strong Coffee4 November 2018 at 18:08

      The young children's playgrounds was the main reason we didn't renew our passes. Knowing that they are doing something about this will make me look into them again. x

  • We went to the Christmas event last year and I can definitely recommend it. Waddesdon is a beautiful place to explore. I love all the different monsters on the Halloween trail and the anger rating made me smile. Glad to hear that the playground catered well for older children too. Thanks for linking up with #CountryKids

    1. A Strong Coffee4 November 2018 at 18:08

      I know it looks amazing. I was invited back but it's my boys Birthday and I just can't fit it in x

  • This sounds like such a fun day out. It looks like there is plenty to do for all ages. #TriedTested

  • Coombe Mill - Fiona30 October 2018 at 22:06

    This was my childhood local country house. I used to cycle there and sneak in through the hedge dumping my bike underneath!It was always beautiful in autumn with the trees changing colour. #TriedTested

  • Kids of the Wild31 October 2018 at 08:40

    Those Halloween trail pictures are cute! Sounds like a great day out. Will it make you rethink your NT membership? We've been members for a few years but not made so much use of it this year. Thanks for sharing with us at#CountryKids

  • The Queen of Collage31 October 2018 at 10:55

    I had suggested to my husband that as we all ad the day off on Sunday we visit this property. Alas the thought of it being too expensive put us off. Thank you for sharing your experience. I will have to save up those coins. #CountryKids

    1. A Strong Coffee4 November 2018 at 18:07

      Yes I find you need a National Trust pass to be able to visit or they are an expensive trip out. We bought some when we went to Devon for the week and they more than paid for themselves that year.
