Choux Puffs With Chocolate Cream

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Choux Puffs With Chocolate Cream

I can't believe that it is the final of bake off this week. I certainly can't believe that I have managed to bake along each week either. This week I decided to look to one of my many recipe books for some help. I opted for Soulful Baker and her choux puffs with chocolate cream.

Choux Puffs With Chocolate Cream

My basis was that when we used to go to France on holiday as a child, we always enjoyed their filled eclairs and choux buns. I personally always opted for the coffee flavour, however, as the boys were eating these I went for a chocolate flavoured filling instead.

The choux mixture was quite runny so I did add a little extra flour. The only problem that I had was that my buns ended up being quite big. Paul Hollywood would probably complain that they weren't dainty enough for a french patisserie.

Middle man however, was very impressed with my efforts. He happily declared that there were just like profiteroles, but even better!

Choux Puffs With Chocolate Cream

Now just to see if I have time to bake along with the final too.

To see what other bloggers have baked, head over to Mummy Mishaps.


  1. Rebecca Beesley28 October 2018 at 18:56

    I adore Choux pastry and bizarrely it often turns out well for me despite not really knowing what I'm supposed to be doing! These look amazing!!!! Well done for baking along each week. I'm really going to miss it when it comes to an end this year. #gbbobloggers2018

  2. Hmm, I wish I had a couple of choux with chocolate cream right now. :) x

  3. They look fab I love choux buns. I guess filling with chocolate cream means that you can skip making a chocolate sauce I like that way of thinking. Well done baking along every week. I missed one as I was away.

  4. I could eat one right now even though it's breakfast time! They look delicious.
    We managed to bake along each week as well which was surprising. I don't think we managed it every week last year. I will be sad when we've finished our last bake this week.
