How To Cook Salmon (With Thanks To Phil Vickery.)

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

How To Cook Salmon (With Thanks To Phil Vickery.)

Until I learned how to cook salmon, I was never really a fan. I know this was my own fault, as I basically cooked it to death. Last year I went on an event where I got to meet the lovely Phil Vickery. 

Here he talked through how to cook salmon and it was a real life changer. I have gone from only eating salmon now and then because it was healthy, to loving it. And whats more the boys love it too.

The problem for me was that I was over cooking my salmon. Not by a little bit, but by a lot. I would steam it in the oven until a load of white gunk came out (coagulated protein to be precise.) It was dry and tasteless.Thankfully Phil changed everything for me. He explained that it was important not to over cook salmon. Rather than oven cooking he suggested a griddle. He also made a lovely marinade. I can't remember what was in it (other than miso paste) so I have improvised and used a Ken Hom based combination that I use when I make garlic pork. I have tried to omit the seaseme oil as salmon is oily anyway but it just works better with it.

The Best Ever Salmon

To make the marinade:
  • 1tbsp cornflour
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp sherry or rice wine
  • 1tbsp seaseme oil

  1. Either buy salmon without the skin, or take it off using a sharp knife.
  2. Place the salmon steaks in the marinade for at least half an hour.
  3. Place the steaks in a griddle pan. Heat until you see white stuff forming, then turn over.
  4. Heat again until it looks nearly cooked through. 
  5. Allow to rest for a few minutes - this will allow it to cook through perfectly.
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The best ever and simplest way to cook good salmon every time

I am so pleased that I have finally learned how to cook salmon well. What would you like to know how to cook?

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