Meal Planning Monday 5th March

Monday, 5 March 2018

Meal Planning Monday 5th March

Well last week went slightly off plan with some unexpected snow days and the boys off school. My husband went to Tesco and bought some emergency pasta!


This week, Daddy is off celebrating his 40th with his university friends so the boys are excited to be having a Dominoes on Saturday. I am happy as it means I don't have to cook! But what about the rest of the week?

Monday: Cheese and onion pork chops
Tuesday: Carrot and butternut squash soup
Wednesday: Salmon and lentils which we didn't have last week (I have some Jamie Oliver microwave lentils)
Thursday: Ham egg and chips
Friday: Chicken and ham pie
Saturday: Dominoes pizza
Sunday: Roast beef (as it is Mother's day, the boys can help Daddy cook it and I can have a glass of red wine!)

What is on your meal plan this week?

Hijacked By Twins
 linked to  The Organised Life Project and Katykicker


  1. Ooh I absolutely love a nice Dominoes! Looking forward to one at the end of the month already!

    Your meal plan sounds lovely x

  2. Kim Carberry5 March 2018 at 14:46

    Ahh! Our meal plan didn't go to plan last week because of the snow. It was a fun week though.
    Yum! We love Domino's here.
    I totally forgot about Mothers day. The roast I have planned will be cooked by my fella too. hehehe

  3. Naomi - The Organised Life Project10 March 2018 at 13:39

    Yes, Roast Beef is planned for us too! And my husband will definitely be cooking next Sunday! Thanks for linking up xx
