Meal Planning Monday: Feb 4th 2018

Monday, 5 February 2018

Meal Planning Monday: Feb 4th 2018

I can hardly believe that it is half term for us next week. I am pleased it is though. This rubbish weather and dark afternoons has been tough going and I am looking for a more relaxed week.

This weekend saw middle man's gaming party. It was a huge hit and he was buzzing all evening. I have decided that you can't win with party teas and there are always kids that don't like what you feed them. I have spent hours making sandwiches before and been left with thousands. This time it was pizzas and nuggets and they still didn't seem to eat much. It could be the case though that not all children eat as much as my boys do. We also now have loads of ice cream to eat as the party over ran and we ended up just giving them cake.

super mario birthday cake

I have run out of ideas and energy this week when it comes to meal planning and am mainly going for easy dinners.

Monday: Scrambled egg an chorizo bagel

Tuesday: Pork and apple burgers

Wednesday: Prawn, garlic and lemon ciabatta

Thursday: Filled pasta and sauce

Friday: Microwave curries

Saturday: Steak and wedges. (I will be going to Lidl to get the steaks as they are so much better than Tesco.)

Sunday: Eating out

What do you have planned to eat this week?

Hijacked By Twins
 linked to  The Organised Life Project and Katykicker


  1. I am ready for half term too...Hooray for easy meals.
    Everything sounds so good. x

  2. Ooh the prawn, lemon and garlic ciabatta's sound good! Also I agree about the steaks! Lidls steaks are so good! x

  3. Sounds like a great week. Hope you enjoy the steaks! Thanks for linking up x

  4. Naomi - The Organised Life Project8 February 2018 at 20:58

    Sounds like a fantastic week of meals. I love the sound of the prawn dish. Thanks for linking up.

  5. Kirsty Hijacked By Twins12 February 2018 at 14:38

    Oh wow that cake is fantastic! Thank goodness for half term, last week was bedlam! Thank you for sharing with #MealPlanningMonday x
