Bonfire Craft

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Bonfire Craft

When I saw that this month's Bostik bloggers challenge was bonfire themed I knew exactly what craft little man would  like to make. He loves collecting sticks and often insists on bringing them home, so I thought I would combine this into a crafting opportunity.

bonfire craft

Whether you like it or not, autumn is well and truly here. I find it a hard time to entertain the boys. If the weather is nice after school then we need to make the most of being outside. Whether it is a trip to the park or a walk in the woods. Last week we went on a woodland walk and little man was in his elements. Any Mum of boys (and probably a lot of girls) will know that they love sticks. Well little man loves sticks, pinecones, dead leaves. You name it, he picks it up and wants to bring it home. On this occasion he was in luck as I said yes! We could use his hoard in some crafting.

To make your own bonfire night picture you will need:

craft supplies for bonfire craft

A collection of sticks from a woodland walk
Black card
Bostik white glu
Yellow tissue papers and orange feathers to make flames
Sparkly pom poms
Bostik glitter pens

Start my using the white glu to stick down the feathers and tissue paper to represent flames.

Then use the white glu liberally to stick on the sticks that you have collected. Some may need to be broken into smaller pieces.

Stick on some sparkly pom poms which are the centre of  the fireworks.

Use the glitter pens to make the fireworks explode.

A simple craft for children of all ages with the added bonus of a walk in the woods collecting interesting sticks!

What bonfire crafts would you recommend?


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