You will all know the song Happy by Pharrell Willimas. Well now it is a book too. I have to say I was intrigued as to what it would be like. So we threw a little happy party to celebrate it's release!
I don't know why, but I was shocked when the words were that of the song. The pictures are of children dressed up and being happy in lots of different ways. Personally it made me burst into song!
It wasn't a massive hit with my boys, but I think that is because they are a bit too old for it. When little man was around 2 loved looking at books which had photographs of children in. So I think it is probably more suited to a child of that age.
You can purchase Happy!
from Amazon.
A sprinkle cake is really simple cake to make and is sure to brighten up someone's day and make them happy. I made a small one using a 13cm diameter spring form tin.
You will need:
6oz butter
6oz self raising flour
6oz caster sugar
3 eggs
Strawberry Jam
Vanilla Frosting
Sugar strands (2 jars)
Start by making the cake by mixing the butter, flour, sugar and eggs together. Cook at 180C until a skewer comes out clean. Allow to cool. Then sandwich the cakes together using jam and frosting. Leave in the fridge to get cold as this will make the next step easier.
Once the cake is cold, spread frosting on the outside and roll in the sprinkles. Then add frosting to the top and press into the sprinkles.
And that is it. One happy sprinkle cake that is easy to make.
What makes you happy?
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