Playdates, Pizzas and Magic Squares

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Playdates, Pizzas and Magic Squares

When it comes to play dates, I find that the boys don't need too much guidance with what to play. They take their friends into the playroom and before you know it they are happily tipping every box out onto the floor.  They use their imagination and make up their own games,

The thing I do find hard though is dinner time. Children are fussy eaters at the best of time so I always like to get them involved in making their lunch. Pizzas is a favourite. This way they get to choose their own toppings and are usually proud by their efforts. 

For the pizza base:

250g of Strong White Flour
250g of Wholemeal flour
1 packet of Allisons yeast
2 teaspoons of caster sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
325ml of warm water


Mix all of the ingredients in a large bowl and leave to rise. 


Pizza Dough


Flatten the dough into circles. Let the children spread tomato puree over the base.

Next they can choose their toppings.


pizza toppings


So you don't forget whose pizza belongs to who, cook them on some baking paper and put the child's initial by their pizza.


children's pizza




Send them off to play for 20 minutes while they cook.






Desserts are always nice and simple, yoghurts or mousses usually go down well. Petits Filous have recently given us some magic squares to try. They come in Vanilla and strawberry and vanilla and raspberry flavours. This means they can mix up the flavours and they are also getting some calcuim and vitamin D which helps with strong bones. My boys really liked them and these will be on the menu the next time we have a play-date.


magic squares

What do you do to make play dates fun?





This post is an entry for BritMums #MagicSquaresPlaydates Linky Challenge, sponsored by Petits Filous.


1 comment:

  1. We love making pizzas too and I like your recipe. Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part
