A Strong Coffee: First Football Match

Thursday, 23 October 2014

First Football Match

This week big man has been a star. He took good care of his brothers whilst I was poorly. He also made me a get well soon card, even if he chose to give it me whilst I was throwing up! Luckily it was only a 24hr bug and I was well in time to take him to his first school football match. When it comes to football I have to confess it isn't my thing. Infact he does after school football as it saves me having to go and watch. Standing around outside is definitely not my thing. However, he had been chosen to play for his school, so I was looking forward to go and went prepared with a bag full of snacks to keep little man entertained.

Of course within 2 minutes of arriving, little man had eaten the extensive range of snacks and was complaining that I hadn't taken more. Watching big man play was really interesting. He may not be a star scorer, but he is a team player. His excitement was infectious. It was beautiful to see him so happy. He took more of a defense role. I can't really comment on whether the team played well or not as I have no idea, but they won their matches so I would say that is a good sign. The all shook hands with the other teams at the end of each game. It was a lovely afternoon which has made me realise that maybe I need to know a little bit more about football. Now, what is the offside rule again?



Sarah MumofThree World said...

How lovely! Very well done to him!
You might as well get used to it - as mum of three boys, that's your future starting right there!
(Good news, there's no off-side rule until under 11s!)

Louise Fairweather said...

Ahhhh so I have time to work it out :-)

Erica Price said...

Bless him! We have escaped the football thing with H, but I worry slightly that he'll miss out on the team thing. So lovely to be a team player at that age - I think a lot of them take a while to learn that.

Tas D said...

Sounds like a brilliant match and he must have done brilliantly in defense. I love watching kiddie matches, everyone is always so excited! :)

jollyjillys said...

He looks so happy lol. Well done on the match and looking after mum lol

Helen Rowlands said...

Aww he looks really proud in his football kit! Well done!

Coombe Mill (Fiona) said...

I've never been a big fan of football either but I agree that there's something infectious about the excitement and happiness of watching your kids play. Popping in from Magic Moments.

Louise Fairweather said...

I know nothing about Rugby either!

Louise Fairweather said...

Mad rush to get football boots the day before!

Louise Fairweather said...

I only really like tennis

Louise Fairweather said...

Soooooo good for looking after me!

Louise Fairweather said...

Well they didn't let many goals in :-)

Jocelyn (@ReadingRes) said...

Ah, how lovely, and just seeing him enjoy it is good enough, without you having to learn the offside rule, isn't it?! Fortunately, I do know about football so if my little one gets into it when he's older (and I'm certain he'll have encouragement from his dad!) I'll be OK, though I'm still not keen on the idea of standing about in the cold!

Celesse said...

aww Lovely proud mummy moment. I'm not a big footie fan either but I reckon my little dude might end up being into football or maybe rugby?!

Sarah Doyle said...

awww, what a lovely moment. I am not looking forward to the cold mornings at football matches!

Merlinda Little said...

OOhhh it means their team is good! I think this is not the last game that you are going to attend so yes you need to know the game wee bit =) #magicmoments