A Strong Coffee: The Gallery: Animals

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Gallery: Animals

I am an anti pet person. Why? Well a variety of reasons. Firstly, I get very attached to things and when it comes to a pet being ill, I am not sure that I wouldn't spend our life savings keeping our hamster alive, for it to die a few days later. I am not good at picking animals up. You may remember my terror at holding a lamb earlier this year. Animals have legs and can move and I have a fear of them running away from me and getting lost. Also animals can't go on holiday with you. I like the idea of being able to go away and not having to find someone to come over and feed my pet rabbit.

However, in May, I started to warm up to the idea a little. When Suzanne from 3 children and it was looking for her gecko to have a home for a week, I jumped at the chance. I knew big man would love him.

FYI if you are leaving your pet gecko with someone who is a bit anti animals there are a few things you shouldn't say. For example, telling them that his tail may fall off if you frighten him may scare the life out of them. Stories of crickets escaping are again not that great. Saying, if he dies, don't worry, just makes you worry that you may kill him.

So we had Reggie for a week. In that week I went from this:

holding a gecko for the first time

to this:

holding a gecko

Maybe, just maybe the "I'm never having pets lady" is slowly starting to change her mind.

Do you love pets or share my fears? Please tell me I am not alone.


mummyshire said...

I've never had a pet; never at home when I was growing up and not now as a grown up. I wouldn't know where to start so it's probably easier just not starting. Although Mademoiselle is asking more and more 'can we have a pet' and I wonder if I should give in and change a habit of a lifetime. But what do I do with it when we want to go on holiday? Or go away for the day & come back really late? I'm not an animal person either, but maybe I may just change...for the same of the children.... lovely read, btw (yours, not mine!!) xx

Sarah MumofThree World said...

Oh my goodness, you are just the same as me! We're not 'pet people' at all, but the boys really want pets and I've just started thinking I'm being a bit mean to not let them have them. We are going to get guinea pigs! I'm actually excited about the idea now and so is my animal hating daughter. I think it will be good for all of them.
Impressed that you would volunteer to look after Reggie when you're not an animal lover. And well done to you for keeping his tail on!

citygirl101 said...

I love pets, but the whole dying thing is just too much. We always had dogs when I was growing up and was fine with the whole thing, but now I have kids, I'm a wuss and can't face it.

Well done on looking after Reggie, did his tail fall off.. and does it grow back?

Coombe Mill (Fiona) said...

Yo like like you are positively enjoying it there!

Louise Fairweather said...

Thankfully it didn't and yes they do!

Louise Fairweather said...

I was in the end - he is a strangley odd but likable little fella

Louise Fairweather said...

Things we do to make our kids happy :-)

Louise Fairweather said...

Insect Lore Caterpillars are good and you only have them for a couple of weeks before you set them free x

Merlinda Little said...

I love animals! We have lots in my home country but not in here. I am not sane enough here to have one =P #TheGallery

Susan Mann said...

Aww I love lizards. #thgallery

Kelloggsville said...

Couldn't imagine a life without pets to be honest. It seems most odd at times when we haven't had them.

Thursday's Girl said...

We love our cat Stevie, but he is an expensive little blyter! He is worth it though - every home should have some sort of pet. Start small wish a gold fish?