A Strong Coffee: The Gallery: Easter

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Gallery: Easter

“Why is it called Good Friday when Jesus died then?” asked big man.

 “Good question” I replied with no answer as I was thinking exactly the same.

“The Easter bunny will get frightened if I wake up when he is delivering my eggs so I must try and stay asleep. Or at least keep my eyes shut.”

Oh great. Although we had had a lovely week away and had spent the whole of Saturday afternoon and evening travelling back from Turkey, I was going to have to be the Easter rabbit and hide eggs round the boys’ bedrooms, when all I really wanted to do was have a cup of tea and go to bed.

So our Easter consisted of chocolate. Way too much of it. I have zero self control and if there is chocolate in the house, I will eat it. Our all inclusive hotel had already had a bad effect on my ever increasing waistline and now the Easter chocolate is not helping things either. It appears however, that I am not the only family member who has no self restraint when it comes to chocolate.

You would think that a Mum of 3 would not make such a rookie error, but I did.

I blame the 2 hour time difference. I went to check on the boys before going to bed and at first glance in the dark, thought that little man had been sick. Then I turned the light on to find his chocolate covered, face, bed, walls.....  I contemplated licking him clean but much to his disgust, opted for a bath. Oh well at least that’s one less egg that will be adding to my waistline.

boy covered in chocolate egg

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery



mummyoftwo said...

LOL oh dear! That is one mess he got into!

mygorgboys said...

haha looks like he enjoyed it! x

Sarah MumofThree World said...

Oh my goodness! That is incredible. To be fair, I wouldn't have considered that a child would eat chocolate in their bed at night either.

MummyBarrow said...

hahaha... licking him clean. You did didn't you? tell me you did and that the bath is just a lie.

That is such a great shot

Lucy said...

Hahaha. Oh my goodness, I actually laughed out loud at that chocolate covered sleeping bubba. I love it. x

Mrs P said...

lol great photo x

Lou's Lake Views said...

Hahaha! So funny! I've got feeling you will be telling this store and showing this photo for years, classic!

Susan Mann said...

lol love it x

Louise Fairweather said...

Ssssshhhhh ;-)

LA P said...

Omg! Chocolate everywhere, but you're right, one less for you to eat!

JessMcGlynn said...

Oh no!!! I think this is definitely one of those photos to be brought out on the 18th birthday :)

Older Mum said...

OMG..... that's hilarious - what a mess! Hope you had a good Easter! X

Claire said...

Hilarious! Brilliant photo!

Suzanne Whitton said...

Oh my goodness, this is hilarious! If I could sneak chocolate into bed then I think I would too....go middle man! x