The Star Sticker

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The Star Sticker

Yesterday when I picked big man up from school he was beaming from ear to ear with his coat hanging off his shoulders. There on his school jumper was an equally smiley gold star.

Wow what fantastic achievement could this be for? Great reading, fantastic maths, counting to twenty in Russian?

"I did a really good impression on a penguin Mummy"

So that is my proud-ish Mummy moment. If you are ever in need of an Emperor Penguin impersonator my boy is the person to ask. To be honest when he showed me, I was rather impressed with his puffed out chest and slow waddle. I think that is known as Mother's love.

Wot So Funee?


  1. Haha, love it! #WotSoFunnee

  2. lol love it x

  3. That made me laugh! And it's a rare skill!

  4. Ruth Davies Knowles14 February 2014 at 08:12

    Sounds super, I think we need a picture! :-)
