September 2013

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Suprising Singapore

Back in 2005, I married the man of my dreams and we decided to take a fantastic trip to Australia for our Honeymoon. My husband was keen to break up the journey with a stop off at Singapore. I wasn't that bothered about going and just wanted to get to Sydney so I could cuddle a koala and stroke a wombat. Just for your information, wombats are a bit of a grumpy creature and aren't keen on tourists stroking them. However, as it had been a life long ambition of mine since I had watched "A Country Practice" whilst revising for my GCSE's, I had a quick stroke. As my husband's role in the wedding planning was to book the honeymoon, we stopped off in Singapore en route to Australia.

I don't often say this, but my husband was right. It is the most fabulous place. Westernised and warm, with fantastic food and the cleanist place I have ever been. We were only there for a couple of days but we crammed as much in as we could.

Top of my list was to go to Raffle's for a Singapore Sling. Well when in Singapore....

singapore sling in raffles

If I remember correctly, it was on the pricey side, but you got free monkey nuts and seemed to be encouraged to throw the husks on the floor!

We had also heard great things about Singapore Zoo. I am not a zoo person really, but we gave it a go. We used their underground system, which was nothing like London. It was so clean and not that busy. On the train there was a sign that stumped us for a while.

no durain sign

It turns out that the durain is a rather smelly fruit that you must not have on the underground system.

The zoo was nice with a fantastic working elephant show. We also stayed for the night zoo, meaning that we could go round in a train and see the animals in a different light. In hindsight we should have decided to do the day or night part. Not because it wasn't good but because we were jet lagged! The animals may have come alive in the night, but my husband and I found it hard to stay awake.

elephant show

On our last day we did a tour of Singapore, taking in some of these amazing sights.

sightseeing in singapore

So our stopover in Singapore ended up being an amazing surprise. A beautiful place that I hope to revisit one day, as there are still plenty more places there for me to explore.

This article has been written to recognise the author's contribution to travel and tourism by Avis Car Hire on the A-List Awards 2013

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Justin's World: Goldilocks App Review

Justin Fletcher as Goldilocks

Last week middle man helped me review Justin's World: Jigsongs and I can confirm that it is still a firm favourite of his. We have also been reviewing the Justin's World Goldilocks app, which is becoming a favourite of mine! Justin talks through the story of Goldilocks as only Justin Fletcher can. He becomes Goldilocks ( middle man has no idea it is Justin) and there are various challenges to complete on the way. For example finding honeypots and cleaning the house. You see in this story Goldilocks is good and can't "bear" mess! (That is one of Justin's puns not mine) It is currently priced at £1.99 and I am pretty sure that this app would put a smile on any little (or big) Justin Fletcher's fan's face.

Justin Fletcher as a bear

We were give the app free of charge for the purpose of this review but the opinions here are my own.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Spaghetti with the Yeti Review and Giveaway

Spaghetti with the Yeti front cover

Spaghetti with the Yetti is a lovely rhyming book written by Adam and Chrlotte Guillain with fantastic illustrations by Lee Wildish. I was pleased when I opened the book and saw that it was not just my boys bedrooms that were such a mess!

George's messy bedroom

The book tells the tale of George who is in search of the Yeti and packs his bag with the essentials of a hat, map and some spaghetti. On his travels he meets a number of monsters all offering their own advice on what the Yeti will eat.

a monster

Luckily George finally finds what he is looking for and the spaghetti comes in handy!


Big man really enjoyed the story and even asked for the next of George's adventures, Marshmallows for Martians, which is out in the spring. The book is paperback and has an rrp of 6.99 and is published by Egmont

Do you like the sound of this book? Well I am pleased to say that I have been offered a copy to giveaway to one of my readers. All you need to do is fill in the rafflecopter below. Good Luck! (Please see terms and conditions below. UK entry only. If commenting please make sure your name is there so I can verify enteries)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I am currently a finalist in the Avis Travel Awards so if you enjoyed my Suprising Singapore post recently, please you you take a minute to vote for A Strong Coffee on this link (I am fourth from the bottom) Thank You! All votes got into a prize draw to win car hire so you could be a winner too!
Win competitions at

Thursday, 19 September 2013

A Big (Top) Night In

Having three small men in the house means that nights out are few and far between so we have fun at home instead. The boys are more than happy dancing to their favourite tunes with the disco ball on and a few glo sticks and party poppers. 

But what if we could really splash out? Little Stuff and Two Little Fleas have challenged bloggers to come up with how they would spend £750 on a big night in. So what would we do......

"Roll up, roll up it's a circus night with all the fun of the fair.
We'd invite our favourite clown with his wild and crazy hair

We could have experts teaching circus skills like juggling and tightrope
As the picture underneath this shows my husband would need some help!

For tea we would have hot dogs with ketchup on the top
Some yummy pink Candyfloss and lots of corn to pop.

With games like hook a duck, we would have so much fun
This is what I would like to do, if we were lucky and I won."

This is my entry to the Blogger's Big Night In with Two Little Fleas

DC Superfriends Magazine Review

DC Superfriends magazine

Middle man was excited to receive the new DC Superfriends magazine to review. Although he doesn't yet know all the characters, he was immediately asking questions about them.

Each issue comes with a free toy and I thought the communicator toy that comes with this issue of the magazine is surprisingly well made. They have cogs that turn and there is a card with two characters on for each phone that can be swopped around. Middle man did manage to break the antennae off of one of them by sitting on it, but this is nothing that a bit of super glue cant fix.

cool communicator
Add caption

The magazine contains a range of activities including spot the difference, colouring and a story. I was a little disappointed that were no stickers in this issue as they are always a firm favourite with my boys. However, middle man was very excited to see a Batman mask and I was instructed to make it for him. It turned out he didn't like it over his eyes but was happy wearing over his head.

batman mask

The magazine is aimed at boys aged 2-5 years and is aimed at stimulating their imagination activities centering around good role models. Some of the activities were a little on the hard side for middle man (aged 3) but his brother who is 5 will be able to do them instead. I am pretty sure that any little batman fans out there will love this magazine. There is some advertising of the latest Superhero toys in the magazine and middle man has decided he would like them for Christmas, so just be warned.

On the basis that the cool communicators are of a reasonable quality, I think that the retail price of £2.99 is fair, and it will certainly fill a few hours on a wet and windy afternoon. The DC Superfriends Magazine went on sale today and offer good discounts to subscribers.

We were given a copy of the magazine for the purpose of the review but the opinions are my own.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Magic Is Fading

It was inevitable.

Big man is nearly 6.

We didn't want to lie to him, but we didn't want him to know the truth either. He's not silly but he wants to believe.

At Disneyland it was clear that he was questioning the characters. He never actually asked as such. Just questions like is Stitch alive? "Well you saw him in the parade didn't you, so he wasn't dead a few hours ago?" I said calmly. But I caught him looking at Pluto's tail and I know he was wondering about pulling it off! So for now he is left wondering about Disney and I hope it will be the same about Santa.

Last week however, my husband went and ruined everything. We were discussing the Justin Fletcher app, and he asked big man how old he thought Justin was.

"Ummmmmm 18?"

My husband took offence at this on the basis that big man had recently told a neighbour that his Daddy was 95! Big man then asked his Daddy how old he thought Mr Tumble was.

"Well he's the same age as Justin isn't he? He's the same person!"

Big man was in shock. Confusion swept across his face. "But they look different?"

We felt it was time to tell him the truth. "He has a red nose big man, other than that they look the same...."

I joked with big man that he hadn't worked it out and explained a bit about TV trickery. Then I went the full hog.

"I'm going to tell you something now that may shock you....

.....He's Aunt Polly too!"

So that's it. The magic is fading. Big man knows Justin Fletcher is an actor. To be honest he is quite a clever child and I find it funny it has taken this long! I am now hoping that he will appreciate my honesty over this and therefore believe anything I say about a big jolly man in red. Of course this year we are meeting the real Santa. I totally believe this, therefore I have no issues with telling big man the same. I believe in Santa, do you?

Wot So Funee?

Monday, 16 September 2013

As Easy As Riding A Bike

As easy as riding a bike. Where on earth did that phrase come from. Riding a bike is pretty hard. I am still rubbish at turning right, and much happier doing a route where you only turn left! I had started to wonder if big man would ever ride a bike, but I am pleased to say that at the end of the summer holidays he finally managed to go stabilizer free. I was beginning to feel a failure as a mother for him not being able to do it. Trying to help a child ride a bike takes a lot of help, and trying to do this with middle and little man in tow was pretty impossible. Luckily Daddy has been around to help big man at weekends and although a bit more practice on corners is required, he can now say he can ride a bike. Which is great considering we are thinking of getting him a new bigger one for his birthday.

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Justin's World Jigsongs App review

jigsongs app

I may have mentioned once or twice that I am a bit of a Justin Fletcher fan. Luckily the boys like him too, so I jumped at the chance of reviewing his new jigsongs app. Middle man absolutely loves it. There are 4 puzzles to chose from (above) and then you get to pick easy, medium or hard. This is just how many puzzles pieces there are. You then put the puzzle pieces in the correct places on the jigsaw picture with some encouragement from Justin. Your prize for completing the puzzle is Justin singing a song. It is a simple app which a child that is a Justin fan or likes completing jigsaws will enjoy. The app costs 69p and can be purchased from itunes by clicking here.

We were given the app for the purpose of this review but the opinions here are my own.

Saturday, 14 September 2013


Dear big man,

Today I asked you about money and here is what you said:

A house costs £300
A car costs 100p
If you had all the money in the world you would buy a rocket
Daddy earns £6 a day
The richest person you know is David Beckham
Money comes from Great Britain

I think we can safely say that you have a lot to learn about money in the years ahead, but although you don't technically know David Beckham, he is very well off! At the moment you are a bit too young to fully appreciate the value of money so this is for you to read in a few years time.

So where shall I start? Well let's get one thing straight. Money does not grow on trees. Ok, ok big man, my little scientist, the notes are paper so they kind of grow on trees, but it is an expression. You earn money through hard work. When you go out into that big wide world and start earning for yourself you will understand the importance of saving and how money is much harder to come by than you may now think.

If I had to give you one lesson about money it would be to "look after your pennies and the pounds will look after themselves." Your Daddy isn't great at looking after his pennies. He leaves his lose change lying around on the sideboard and I use it for our days out. But that isn't the meaning of the phrase.You need to think about the things that you buy. Do you really need it? Can you afford it? By all means go and get a credit card, but pay it off in full each month. Don't live off credit, it is expensive. If you can't afford to do it then don't. You need to save for things and it makes them more enjoyable when you can do them. Look at what you are spending and where you are wasting money. If you have signed up for a gym, do you actually go? How much food are you throwing away because it has gone out of date? Do you actually watch the 100's of TV channels that you pay out for each month?

Money helps you buy nice things and do nice things. If you look after those pennies you will have pounds to spend. But one last piece of advice. Make sure you spend it! There is no point having lots of money that you don't enjoy. Life is precious and far too short. Memories are more important than a stack of cash in the bank.

You are a sensible young man so I am sure you will be fine. I must now go and see whether Daddy has left any change on the dresser, and maybe we could go to soft play.

Love you always


This is my entry to the Think Money competition

Walt Disney Studios Paris

Walt Disney studio

When people talk about going to Disneyland, you automatically picture the castle in the magic kindgom. However, I really like Walt Disney Studios, mainly because it is usually quieter and is great for little ones (especially if the weather is not so good.)

All the park guides tell you that Walt Disney studios opens at 10am. However, when we went, although it was advertised for opening then, it actually opened at 9.30. If you want to ride Crushes Coaster, I highly recommend that you get there early as the queue times for this roller coaster are usually at least an hour. The ride is based on Finding Nemo and I really enjoyed the idea of riding the east Australian current. Big man liked that there was a 3D Nemo and Crush.

Walt Disney studios is also the home of the Toy Story Playland. The queues for the green army men parachute drop can get long so again this is best done early. You have to be 81cm to go one this and little man just met the height restrictions and at 21 months absolutely loved it!

Slinky dog is a tame ride, but as it was pretty much walk on when we were there, we did it a number of times as the boys enjoyed it.

Another favourite of the boys was the cars themed ride.

Walt Disney Studios is also great for shows. This time round, Playhouse Disney wasn't showing, but I can highly recommend this puppet show to anyone that loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Animagic features some of the classic Disney tunes and Stitch Live is well worth seeing even if you haven't seen the Lilo and Stitch movie.

On our current visit we watched the Moteur action stunt show. I was slightly disappointed as there was only a video of lightening McQueen (maybe as it was low season) but the show was really good and would certainly be of interest to older children. It really did put my driving skills to shame!

The studio tram tour is good but again is a bit frightening for smaller children.

Rollercoaster wise the Areosmith Rock n roll coaster is lots of fun (black hole type ride) and queue times are less than those for Crushes coaster. The height restrictions mean that it is only suitable for older children as it goes upside down.

When it comes to characters you are likely to come across Woody, Jessie, the Incredibles, Aladdin and Ratatuille, which aren't usually in the main park, except for parades. There is also place by the cars ride where you can queue to see Minnie and Mickey and Buzz Lightyear.

They also have a parade every day. It is shorter than the one in the main park, but it is also quieter and you only need to be there 5 minutes before to get a good spot.

If you are like me, you will also love the studios for all the photo opportunities!

We spent two full days and two half days in Disneyland Paris and split the time equally between the parks. If you have any questions if you are planning a trip, please feel free to ask.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Pocket Money

Big man is fast approaching 6 and at the moment receives no pocket money. He has money for his birthdays, but I haven't started giving him a weekly allowance yet. I know I will have to soon, but I am reluctant.


Because I know what I did with my pocket money.

I don't remember having pocket money at 6, but I remember having it at 11. Milky Ways were 10p. Penny sweets were a penny each. Starburst were called Opal fruits. Snickers were called Marathons. The sun was always shining through my now rose tinted glasses.

I guess that paragraph tells you why I am not keen on giving big man pocket money. He is like me. He loves sweets and he will spend his time pondering whether he should buy some strawberry laces or some lollies with his new found fortune.

There was also one other thing my sister, best friend and I used to waste spend our pocket money on. Pretty much any woman my age who grew up in the UK will know the words:

"Suddenly you're seeing me, just the way I am
Suddenly you're hearing me
So I'm talking just as fast as I can, to you
Suddenly, every part of me
Needs to know every part of you"

I hope you are now transported into a world where Sharlene and Scott are getting married from everyone's favourite Aussie Cul de Sac. Yes, Neighbours had hit the UK and for some unknown reason we needed to collect the entire Neighbours sticker and card collection! The cards at least had a piece of chewing gum in to compensate the fact that we no longer had any money to spend on penny sweets.

The worse thing was I failed. I didn't get them all. I gave in. I couldn't waste my money any more. I never got a full set. As I am writing this I am realising that maybe it was a good thing that I bought these stickers. I am pretty sure that my parents didn't want me going down the newsagents every Sunday buying Neighbours cards and sweets, wasting their hard earned cash. So why did they do it?

So I could learn for myself.

So I must do the same and let big man learn his own lessons. And whilst he is leaning I am sure he wouldn't begrudge his Mummy the odd strawberry lace or two would he?

Thursday, 12 September 2013

My Favourite Time Of Year

pumpkin lantens

When I was little, we didn't celebrate Halloween. No one did really. I remember going to my friends one year when I was about 15 and having a cake with green icing and bobbing for apples and being quite shocked that they did anything. However, things change and now Halloween is my favourite time of the year. I say time, as it generally occurs over half term, so we have a week full of themed activities. So I need to get my thinking hat on and arrange some things for us to do. I have had a look online and there as some lovely children's halloween costumes, and I really think big man needs to be something other than a devil. He has been the same one three years in a row!

As for games, there will most definitely be the flour game. Basically you fill a tub with flour, turn it upside down making a flour castle and stick a piece of chocolate in the middle. You then cut away at the flour. When the flour castle collapses, the "loser" has to eat the chocolate by picking it up with only their mouth. 
I am pleased to say that big man is most definitely my son as you know that he is willing for the castle to fall just so he can get some chocolate!

vampire covered in flour

Apple bobbing is also a firm favourite, but much harder than I thought it would be!

apple bobbing

And of course the best thing about Halloween is that I don't need to worry about dusting my house or clearing away cobwebs from about this week onwards! (Don't worry Mum I am only joking!)

I am now off to spend far too much time browsing the boards of Pintrest for some crafty ideas for decorating the house. I am sure you will hear more from me on our Halloween preparations in the coming weeks!

Halloween cake

This post is in collaboration with Alex and Alexa. 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The Gallery - Selfie

This week's theme for the Gallery is selfie. I don't often take pictures of myself as it is usually me behind the camera. Today, however, I was snapping away - mainly because I didn't like any of the pictures. I am not even sure how I did this or if Google+ did it for me but here is my selfie or a few combined! I think it shows that I am not 20 anymore and have no idea how to take a selfie.

Sticky Fingers Photo Gallery


Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Birthdays: Let The Party Season Commence

As soon as the summer holidays finish, my thoughts turn to organising parties, whether it be birthdays, halloween or Christmas. Tonight, after having said I would never watch Katie Hopkins again I decided to view her latest This Morning sketch appearance on you tube as it was about children's birthdays. I will glaze past her comments about stay at home mums that are members of Netmums (as clearly we have nothing to offer the world) and stick to her thoughts on birthdays. To be honest they aren't that controversial. I understand that some people have to work on their children's birthdays. I also imagine, that where she can she would try not to (even though she might not admit that as it doesn't make great TV.)

Personally I have been extremely lucky that when I was at work, big man's birthday fell on a weekend. I know I would have found it extremely hard not being off with him, even though he wouldn't have had a clue what was going on. Infact I had an amazing boss who managed to move timetables around so that I could go and watch big man be a star in his Christmas play. He cried the whole way though and sat on my lap rather than the stage, but I am glad that I went. It was more of a big thing to me than him, and I would have felt a failure as a mother not going. It's stupid I know but that is how I would of felt.

When the boys have been small, my husband has taken holiday so we can spend their birthdays together, and now that they are bigger he will try his best to come home early or take half a days leave. Thankfully their birthdays don't fall in his busy time of year. That would be my birthday! I hate to say it, but I do agree that the memories of birthdays are of the fun times and I couldn't tell you if the parties I had as a child were on my actual birthday or not. Often I think they were, but I can tell you the highlights of my parties were my Dad coming home early and doing silly dancing, the flour game (which is now a firm favourite of my little men) and a cake that my Mum had made. As a Mum, I find the whole party business pretty stressful and have often arranged parties on days near to their birthdays so that I can enjoy a more relaxed day with them on their birthday.

Are kids spoilt on their birthdays? Yes. Is that OK? Yes. It isn't often that my kids get spoilt so I try to make it a special day for them. To be honest my boys are usually pretty happy if they get to have ice cream for dessert and then play the flour game, so it's not that hard to please them. Shut the curtains and get some glo sticks out and they are even happier. I am going to try and steer big man into an easy birthday cake this year after previous requirements.

At the end of the day, all I want, is for my boys to know that they are special. A birthday is a great day to make a fuss of them, but it can be done at any time. I also hope that they think they are special more than once a year! And with that, I have many parties to organise and cakes to bake in the coming months. Let the party season commence!

Off to see a Moose and middle man's latest persona.

This weeks funnee post starts with big man. We wanted to tell him about the trip we had booked to Disneyland Paris. So we wrote him a message.

This would have been great if:

1. He read things that were left around his room and
2. He hadn't muddled the "ou" sounds with "oo."

Yes he thought we were off to see a giant moose! Hopefully he wasn't too disappointed that we didn't go to Canada.

Middle man on the other hand has another persona to add to his Patterly the dog and Kitty the cat repertoire. Now we also have a carrot in the family!

Yep his latest way of seeking attention is to lay on the bed and asked to be watered!

Is he crazy? Well he's not the one pretending to be a watering can is he!?!

Wot So Funee?

Monday, 9 September 2013

Photobox Review

When Photobox asked if I wanted to review something from their site, I decided that I wanted to go for something I wouldn't normally buy. We have a lot of canvases and photobooks, so I was looking for a different way of displaying my photos. I eventually decided to go for an acrylic and I can't recommend it enough. They are marginally more expensive than a canvas but in my opinion it is worth paying that extra money.

It was easy to put up as it comes with fixings attached. All you have to do is put up some picture hooks. As you can see they aren't as thick as a canvas and can be wiped clean (I find dust gathers on the tops of my canvases.) I was really impressed with the service that Photobox provided. The delivery charge is on the high side, but you receive a text from the courier on the day of delivery giving you an hour time slot. I am quite happy to change my plans for an hour so think this is great compared to some companies when you spend all day waiting in.

The other great thing about Photobox is their offers. When you create an account, you can opt in for their e mails, and there are many great deals to take advantage of. Overall, I am really impressed with Photobox and shall certainly be using them in the future. My husband has now decided that we shall be ordering acrylics instead of canvases in the future too as he is really pleased with the result too.

I was given credit to cover the cost of the item for the purpose of this review but the opinions contained here are my own.

Disney Dreams

Disney anniversary train

I have always been a big Disney fan, so there is nothing that makes me happier than going to Paris with my boys to hug a giant mouse. To end the summer holidays we headed over to the Magic Kingdom who had extended their 20th anniversary celebrations until the end of this month. I wont lie, Disneyland with 3 small children is a lot of work. There is a lot of walking, over excitement and tiredness, but it is absolutely worth it.

For a start we finally managed to get Donald Duck's autograph! (This duck has been avoiding me for a long time!)

donald duck

And I managed to get my pic with Buzz. Little man thought he would see if his buttons worked!

Buzz lightyear

Big man was extremely brave and went on the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror with Daddy. It was considerably more scary than both of them were expecting and he has made it clear that he will not be going on it again until he is 10!

We found out that little man has a thing for Minnie. He was over the moon to see her and even attempted to shop lift his own soft toy of her! I was totally confused about the man at the entrance smiling and commenting on little mans soft toy, mainly because in my mind he didn't have one!

minnie mouse

I was flattered when Goofy flirted with me! For a dog that cant talk he was very insistent that I joined in a photo with him.


Middle man loved Buffalo Bills meal and show and wore his cowboy hat at any opportunity.

boy in cowboy hat

As part of the anniversary celebrations, at park closing, they projected a show onto the castle. My photos do not do it justice. I was absolutely blown away by it, as was big man. We ended up going back to see it on our last night too!

disney dreams

They say that Disney is magical, and there is no doubt that our break was filled with magic moments.  

boy asleep