A Strong Coffee: Zaggora HotPants Review

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Zaggora HotPants Review

zaggora HotPants

One of my Get Good Summer Challenges was to lose half a stone. Unfortunately weeks of picnics and eating out doesn't really go hand in hand with losing weight and I have decided to refocus myself in September and enjoy the last few weeks of the Summer holidays. I have, however, been trying out a pair of Zaggora Hotpants. The fabric of the HotPants is designed to harness the body's natural heat when you exercise to help you burn more calories.

I am a size 12 and was given a pair of small HotPants to try. I was worried that they may be on the tight side but they fit nicely. They are made of a type of neoprene and are a bit like wearing a wet suit to do exercise in. I have managed a couple of Bokwa classes in them and definitely have the impression that I have worked harder, due to the sweat. I would like to add that you don't appear to be sweaty as the sweat  collects under the trousers but doesn't appear to come through the material.

Zaggora challenged me to wear my zaggora hotpants everyday for 30 mins whilst I was active for 2 weeks. Again with the summer holidays and day trips this hasn't been possible everyday but I have worn them most days. Although my weight hasn't really changed, my waist has gone down an inch and my hips by 1/2 an inch.

It is hard to say if the Zaggora HotPants work. They are no miracle cure, if you over eat whilst wearing them, you will still gain weight, but I think they can motivate you to do exercise. What I can tell you is that they look really nice on. They are easy to wash. I have washed mine by hand, but they can go on a cold wash in the washing machine. They are comfortable to exercise in and although you get hot in them, you only feel sweaty when you take them off. I really like them and as I am often tired when I manage to drag myself down the gym, I am happy with the thought that they may be helping me burn a few extra calories whilst I exercise.  They are on the expensive side. These trousers cost £55 online. However, if they help encourage people to do exercise and become healthier, then they are worth paying out for. I am hoping that they will help focus me into shifting a few pounds come September and I will have another attempt at the 2 week challenge.

I was given a pair of Zaggora Hot Pants for the purpose of this review, but the opinions contained here are my own.


7hippopotamus said...

1/2 an inch off the waist is fab, well done

Jess McGlynn said...

Well done for getting any exercise in! Meg finishing at preschool has completely thrown our routine out of the window and I have just splodged for almost the entire 6 weeks!

Claire said...

They sound good! You'll have to keep us posted as to how you get on! Thanks for linking up with #GetGoodSummer

Louise Fairweather said...

They are. I will wait til school goes back and have another go at the challenge!