A Strong Coffee: My BritMums Live 2013

Sunday, 23 June 2013

My BritMums Live 2013

18 months ago I would never have imagined that on Friday I would have headed to London on a train with a lady I had had a quick drink with in the pub once and was going to be with surrounded by 500 people that I had never met before. Yes this weekend I attended BritMums Live 2013 and am happy to say I was not disappointed. (Actually that is a slight lie as I was kind of hoping that a party of seven would actually be Sully from Monsters Inc, like her twitter avatar, but luckily she made up for her lack of blue fur with her lovely personality.)

There were loads of great talks and Katie Piper's Keynote was emotional and inspirational. I quickly learnt that a lot of bloggers are called Sarah. Brands were available to chat to and Friday evening saw the Brilliance in Blogging Awards. Walking into a room of 500 bloggers made me realise what an achievement it was for me to be a finalist in the Family category. Thank you to everyone that took the time to vote for me. The winner in my category was Mum in the South, but I really do feel like a winner by making it to the final 6 from all the thousands of blogs out there.

Saturday saw more talks and networking. I was rather over excited to meet Bex from The Mummy Adventure. I may have come across as a complete stalker as I introduced myself and told her how she was one of the first blogs I had started following. Luckily though she was really nice and let me have some baby cuddles with her gorgeous little man. Katy Hill stepped in last minute and made me laugh and the conference ended with some bloggers reading their own posts. There was a mix of emotional and funny posts, but my personal favourite was that of Older Mum's Birth Day post.

Those that know me, will know that I am a massive Harry Potter fan. So imagine my excitement when I got to have wand lessons courtesy of Warner Bros. Studio Tour.

And then I met the Owl himself! Well one of the Owls they used as Hedwig.

And if that wasn't enough they gave us some Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Big man was as excited as me when he saw them. Who can't get excited about eating earthworm flavoured jelly beans? The faces he pulled were priceless.

I had a great time, even if I felt out of my comfort zone at times. None more so than when I decided to test my acting skills with the Visit Orlando stand. It is actually a thousand times better than I imagined, but I don't think you'll be seeing me on the big screen any time soon. Bless him, big man didn't understand the concept of a green screen, and asked whether I had actually been there.

As you can probably tell from this post, I am easily pleased, and just to prove it here's my Diet Coke with my name on. Although the control freak in me would like a capital S and C.

I can't possibly link to all the lovely bloggers I met, but in addition to those that I have already mentioned, I would like to thank Afra, Sarah Miles, Swazi, Jaime, Vic and Sam for being so welcoming and friendly.

So will I be back for more next year? I certainly intend to and I will take more photos.



Suzanne Whitton said...

Don't think I've ever been called a 'lady' before! What a fab weekend....all feels like a dream now! X

Swazi said...

It was fab to meet you at last too !
You get a mention in my post about it - coming soon !!


Jess McGlynn said...

Looks like you had a brilliant time, so jealous of you meeting Hedwig (I'm a big HP fan!) - I've bought my ticket for next year so hopefully I will get to meet you :)

sarah said...

sorry about the blue fur. next time i will pack the Sully suit (that sounds slightly odd!- maybe a story for the 'funny' seminar! *shudders*)

was lovely to meet you and thanks so much for the mention. You and the 'funny seminar' girls were my highlight! xx

Louise Fairweather said...

That is on my to do list and yes we will definitely have to meet up x

Louise Fairweather said...

Please don't mention that seminar ever again. I'm afraid it will give me nightmares!

Misty B said...


*and breathe*

Looks like you had a fab time, brilliant pictures!

Sarah Miles said...

It was very lovely to meet you! X

Louise Fairweather said...

Excellent! I really want to meet you and Jess McGlynn. It was totally out of my comfort zone at times but it was great and am going to get an Earlybird ticket again. x

Louise Fairweather said...

Ah thank you x

Older Mum said...

It was so lovely to meet you too! I had a fabulous time (bought my ticket for next year). And thank you so much for the mention - I'm honoured!. X.

Swallow Barn said...

sounds like you had a great time - congrats on getting to the top 6!

The Crumby Mummy said...

I had a ticket for this ear but chickened out at the last minute.If I'd have known Hedwig was going to be there I may have not been able to bottle it. x x