Tuesday, 11 June 2013

A Day at Drayton Manor

I won't lie, my boys aren't massive Thomas fans. I was keen to go to Drayton Manor, because a friend recommended it. She had visited in February half term when they were doing a great deal. I considered it, but baby man was ill and instead I entered a competition to win tickets instead. Luck was shining on me and I won a family pass. Big man was on an inset day, the sun was shining so off we drove to Tamworth.

I am so pleased I have been. It exceeded all my expectations and I will return. Thomas Land  was well themed and the rides were varied. Not all were for the really little ones, which was good as big man was happy doing them too. To be totally honest I was terrified at doing Cranky's drop zone! So much so, even the ride operator chuckled and commented when I got off.

I was nervous/excited when I realised that big man was old enough to go on the Ben 10 roller-coaster. I had never been on a coaster that went backwards before. It was nowhere near as bad as it looked. Big man got scared, thinking the coaster was going to fly off the track, but even braved it for a second time so Daddy could have a go too! 

Middle man was tall enough to ride the rapids for the first time and absolutely loved it. He found it very funny when Mummy got really wet!

It really was a fantastic day, and worth the 2 hour drive. I need big man to grow another 10cm so that he is tall enough to go on some of the other coasters. 

The only things I didn't like were the shooting gallery as it was old and tired, and the fact that the map was so hard to read! 

Drayton manor rides

We won a family pass to Drayton Manor in a competition by Parentdish. We did not get asked to write about our day, I just wanted too!


  1. sabrina montagnoli11 June 2013 11:51

    Glad you had a great day!

  2. Glad you had a great time. I love Drayton Manor - you should try it at Christmas it's great :O)

  3. My boys love thomas land! its a great day out

  4. The Crumby Mummy18 June 2013 12:40

    We are going to Thomas Land on Thursday. Hope Bob isn't too little. x x

    1. Louise Fairweather18 June 2013 13:25

      It is great for such a wide age range - that is the beauty of it. I'm sure you will have a great time.

  • olivia28017724 June 2013 14:51

    I love Thomas Land! We used to live a few miles away, we last went in the Christmas holidays for my son's 2nd birthday, it was fab (although a little bit busy as only the zoo and Thomas Land was open).
