A Strong Coffee: #R2BC

Thursday, 2 May 2013


This weeks reasons to be cheerful are:

1. I found my car keys!!! After 6 days of being missing and tearing the house apart on numerous occasions searching for them, I found out where they had been hidden.

2. Baby man has developed his singing from last week. He can now make pig noises to Old MacDonalds farm too. We went to a farm and he snorted at every animal, but was particularly keen on the pigs.

3. We went on a woodland walk on Sunday through lots of bluebells. They weren't all out, but it was lovely.

4. Generally happier about the weather - especially when the boys can happily play outside for hours.

Hope you have had some fun in the sun too, and have a great bank holiday weekend!

Voting is still open for the Brilliance in Blogging Awards and if you are able to spare a vote in the family category I would be over the moon.


Mama Syder said...

Lovely photos. I love bluebells! Great reasons x

Kate on Thin Ice said...

I have a thing about bluebells too and love walking in the woods.
Weather helps so much in cheering us up I think.
Well done on car keys - bet you were relieved.

Becky Willoughby said...

can you find my back door key for me? lovely flowers and walking in woods is good for all of us

The Beesley Buzz said...

how funny about where your car keys were! (well not funny for you as i know how frustrating it is when that sort of thing happens). Will have to look out for the bluebells around here as we love seeing them in the woods. xxx

Older Mum said...

Lovely pictures - I am such a fan of bluebells :o).

Michelle Twin Mum said...

Ohh I really love the bluebells, great pic. Have a fsb weekend, Mich x

Susan Mann said...

Beautiful picture x

Alison said...

Love the bluebells and so glad I am not the only one who loses keys for days!