Baby man's first words

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Baby man's first words

Baby man is now 18 months old and his communication skills are coming on leaps and bounds. I thought it was about time I recorded some of his firsts for future reference. Here are some of his first words, roughly in the order he learnt them.

Bounce, bounce!  Because he loves his trampoline
Ball. Because he is obsessed with balls
Mummmmmmmummmmmummm. Because he knows I will get what he wants
Dadadada. An alternative if Mummmmmmmummmmmummm is busy.
Poo. Because he has watched middle man do a lot whilst potty training
Poo-ey. Whilst waving his hand across his nose and in slight disgust at the smell coming from his dirty nappy
E-I-E-I-O. Because Old MacDonald's farm is his favourite rhyme
Pig - Because it is the only animal noise he can make.

He is also very good at finding his shoes when he wants to go outside. If only his brothers were the same. The school run is normally a mass panic over where on earth they have hidden their shoes. They are never in the shoe cupboard!

He is also very good at finding the potty when middle man starts stripping off to go to the toilet. I can only assume that he does this as he has seen the results when middle man hasn't got there in time!

What were your little one's first words. Was it Mummy of Daddy or something random like bounce?



  1. Actually Mummy...21 May 2013 at 17:32

    Oh bless him! That's brilliant - he's Mummmmmummmm's little helper!

    1. A Strong Coffee21 May 2013 at 17:53

      Not sure he is much of a help..... except with getting his shoes x
