Scrambled Egg And Chorizo

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Scrambled Egg And Chorizo

Scrambled egg and chorizo on toast or bagel is one of my favourite quick to make meals. The thing that makes it special is cooking the eggs the right way. Really really slowly.

scrambled egg and chorizo on toast

I have used the microwave to make scrambled eggs. I have also used a saucepan on high heat with lots of milk. Both are methods used to make scrambled eggs. Both are edible. Just. Then a couple of years ago I learnt how to make the most gorgeous scrambled eggs all thanks to my sixth formers buying me a Heston Blumenthal recipe book.. I feel it's my job to share it with you, and if just one person that reads this stops massacring their scrambled eggs like I did then I have done well.

You will need to use a frying pan on the lowest heat that you can turn your hob down to. To get the creamiest scrambled eggs you will need to cook this really slowly, at least ten minutes. The recipe below is for one.

Scrambled Egg And Chorizo

Scrambled Egg And Chorizo

  • 3 medium eggs
  • a knob of butter
  • 5-7 slices of choizo
  • A slice of toast or toasted bagel
  • Siced spring onions to garnish

  1. Whisk 3 eggs together well.
  2. Add a knob of butter to a frying pan and put on the lowest hob heat that you can.
  3. Pour in the eggs and stir on the low heat. It will take about 10 minutes to achieve really creamy scrambled eggs.
  4. Meanwhile cut some slices of chorizo and heat these in a separate pan.
  5. Add the scrambled egg to the top of your toast or bagel. Add the chorizo and sliced spring onion.
Scrambled Egg And Chorizo

What is your favourite quick to make weekend lunch?

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The best ever recipe for scrambled egg and chorizo. Thick and creamy scrambled egg made on a low heat, a perfect weekend lunch idea


  1. farfromhomemama24 April 2013 at 08:36

    That looks YUMMY! I think I might try it for my lunch today x

    1. A Strong Coffee7 May 2013 at 21:19

      It is!
