The Gallery - Books

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

The Gallery - Books

Here are two very different books which share a link

The link is my Grandad. He used to call me princess what a mess.  I am pretty sure that this wasn't because I looked like a dog, but more that I am a little bit messy. I would love to say that as an adult I have changed, but I haven't. The other book is my Masters thesis. Not a well read book by many, but it is dedicated to my lovely Grandad and my Nan. They encouraged me to work hard in school, and I am sure they would have been proud.


  1. Well, Princess what-a-mess, I think you can be sure that grandad and nan are certainly that. Proud.

  2. BavarianSojourn24 October 2012 at 10:00

    I remember What A Mess... And like Save Every Step says, I bet they would be very proud! :)

  3. The Mini Mes and Me24 October 2012 at 11:07

    That's a sweet yet quirky nickname, love it.
    Im sure they would be proud too hun x

  4. Thats so cute mine called me becky boodles or becky blue eyes, so sweet you dedicated your theisis to them

  5. Lovley post. I bet they are very proud.

    Herding Cats

  6. I think I can identify with Princess what-a-mess!


  7. Frank Muir's books were superb! You've brought back memories with that one. Must find them for my kids...

    1. A Strong Coffee24 October 2012 at 12:20

      Just glad my Mum kept it, but it holds memories for her too.
