See it Snap it Love it - Sunshine

Thursday, 2 August 2012

See it Snap it Love it - Sunshine

Who would have thought that my boy's sleepy and rather confused (in the case of middle man) faces in the "morning" would win dear beautiful boys photo competition last week. Well they did and it has made me very happy and here's my winners badge!

And so to this weeks theme - Sunshine.

Yes here was the sun, peeking out from the clouds on our walk today. I also have to share the following photo with you - as I am very proud of it.

I am VERY scared of dogs. It is amazing the things you do to make your children happy. I was so excited for big man to meet my friends bassests. Big man loves dogs. On Tuesday he was walking up to strangers dogs asking to stroke them whilst I stood there in panic. So today I arranged for a trip to see my friend and his dogs. Was big man happy, would he stroke them? "No Mummy, they smell!" I give up! But at least I faced my fears!


  1. Brinabird the wee man the Diva2 August 2012 at 22:35

    You were a well deserved winner! Love the sunshine through the trees and so great the things we do for our children even if they are a little hesitant to appreciate it...I think it is called unconditional love Lol x

  2. Well done on facing your fear of dogs! Even if big man wasn't so appreciative :)

  3. Actually Mummy...12 August 2012 at 19:35

    Good for you - I have witnessed first hand how a parent's fears can be passed on to the children.

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