Mischievous Monday week 1

Monday, 6 August 2012

Mischievous Monday week 1

Well here is my first attempt at a linky, in honour of middle man. To find out more check out the Mischievous Monday's link.

This week has been another week of fridge raiding. I still haven't got a fridge lock, and if I leave him for a second he is there eyeing up the delights contained within it. I do feed him! It's just he seems to like to hunt for his own food. It must be his little caveman instincts. Last week he helped himself to not one but four apples at once - just taking a few bites out of each and spitting the peel on the floor. We visited a friend who was unaware of middle man's apple obsession and had left some newly washed apples on her work top. Yep you guessed it - he hunted those apples down and chomped away.

He is generally very healthy in his fridge raiding - for example here is the cucumber he attacked!

Earlier this week I left him watching TV whilst I changed baby man's nappy. This is what I returned to....

He seemed very proud of his new egg holder! And also very proud that "I crack egg!" I am unsure whether he used the pirate sword for this!

Later that day we were off out. I lose my keys regularly, but this time was ridiculous. Nearly 45 mins later I found them in middle man's shopping basket!

What will next week hold? Will be be good? Will I have anything to write about? I can pretty much guarantee he will get up to some kind of mischief. Please add your posts below - new or old, stories or pictures, you or your children! Please let me know that I am not the only Mum who has a very cute but very mischievous little man.  

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  1. Oh dear! This is why I'm glad we have a safety gate on our kitchen door otherwise I'm sure we'd experience the same! Clever use of his pirate sword/sketch pad as an egg holder though!!

  2. A Strong Coffee6 August 2012 at 08:30

    I did think of putting a stair gate on the kitchen, but big man likes getting middle man in trouble, and would just open it!

  3. That is so cute, though I doubt you were thinking the same thing when you couldn't find your keys!!

    CJ x

    1. A Strong Coffee6 August 2012 at 12:25

      mmmmnnnnn not sure if cute is the word to describe him! But he is like Jess' little one - flashes a smile at you and it is very hard to stay angry!

  • Well, apples and cucumbers...at least it's healthy foods he mostly attracted to :)

    1. A Strong Coffee6 August 2012 at 14:23

      If we had doughnuts in the house it would be those - but I try not to have too much "bad" stuff as I would eat it! Damn it is me he gets it from! Thanks for linking up!

  • What a lovely linky. I haven't really written a post yet about the "naughtyness" of my 2. (there been a few!) I will have a think and deffinitely link up! My little ones also like cucumber and butter!


    1. A Strong Coffee6 August 2012 at 21:08

      Thanks, would be lovely if you can x

  • I have a feeling that our son will be the same, he's already a teeny trouble maker!

  • A Strong Coffee7 August 2012 at 10:07

    I know when he is older everyone will say - it's because he's the middle child - but it isn't he was like it before baby man came along. He is a miniature version of my Dad!

  • Ohh, I hate the key thing! I always find mine at the very bottom of the toybox. Takes me ages to fish them out!
    Fab linky and great post. Have finally found the time to join in! x

    1. A Strong Coffee8 August 2012 at 07:35

      Yey thanks for joining in! Spent a long time at my friends house once looking for the keys and they were at the bottom of the microwave! xx
