Endless Questions

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Endless Questions

My gorgeous big man likes talking. He doesn't stop. My Dad has been waiting for him to say "why?" to everything pretty much since he started to speak. Apparently I made his life hell with the endless need for explanation as a small child. However, Joshua seems to have skipped the "why?" phase and is asking more thoughtful questions.

Here are some of the questions I have had to deal with in the last week....

What's the point of vegetarians? A good question that lots of people ponder.

Do guide dogs help people drive? No Joshua, that would be dangerous they aren't a SatNav. (Although the idea of a dog barking directions does amuse me a little.)

What would you do with me if I turned into a pumpkin? Carve you into a lantern and make you into a pie. But you don't like pumpkin pie do you? No but I don't know what else to do with a pumpkin - maybe I could freeze the pie.

Do bugulars go on holiday? Probably.

What would happen if dinosaurs didnt have ears? They couldn't hear?

It's christmas somewhere else in the world isnt it? No its night time somewhere else in the world.

Fleas eat your blood don't they? But they wont if you are wearing socks, right? mmmnnnn prob-ab-ly

Is that how moles kiss? I think you mean Eskimos.


  1. Actually Mummy...19 June 2012 at 20:12

    Oh blimey, I've only just seen that you linked to me and I haven't been over to visit yet! That's so rude of me! Apologies, I honestly didn't see the link!
    I do like the idea of burglars going on holiday - wonder where they'd go????

    1. A Strong Coffee20 June 2012 at 11:32

      No worries - there just aren't enough hours in the day. I have only just realised that I wasn't following you on twitter when I thought I was! I imagine it depends on how good a burglar is at his/her job as to where they would holiday. Still annoyed with the one that broke into my sisters and stole my only copy of my wedding video. Hopefully they are holidaying in prison.
