A Welcome Break

Monday, 4 November 2013

A Welcome Break

I didn't realise how much I needed a break.

It wasn't even that long. But it was very welcome!

I love my boys dearly but I see them day in, day out, all day, every day. I spend my time tidying, cooking, tidying, playing, tidying, breaking up fights, tidying, doing homework, tidying, fixing toys, tidying. I wouldn't mind, but my house still looks like it has been burgled most of the time.

Yesterday I went to meet an "old" friend. I had 6 child free hours. I ate lunch without having to cut up anyone's food. I could take as long as I wanted to eat and wasn't worried about keeping anyone sitting down. There were no colouring pencils broken in half and I didn't feel the need to add a huge tip because of the mess all over the floor.

I got to try on clothes without anyone revealing my not so stunning body to a shop full of people.

Instead of talking about whether Spongebob was alive or not, I got to talk about my friends upcoming trips to Norway and Patagonia. I may have shared one too many poo stories to guarantee she never has any children of her own.

I was able to have coffee and cake without having to swop the cake for one I didn't want because someone thought mine looked better after we had sat down to eat it.

I got to sing loudly in my car to some 90's music without anyone screaming "stop singing Mummy!" or "can we listen to the knights CD?"

I got to be me.

And to top it off I arrived home to 3 little men falling over themselves to kiss me because they had missed me so much.

Do you ever get any time do yourself? Does it make you appreciate your children more? How would you spend 6 child free hours?


  1. Jocelyn (@ihavecards)4 November 2013 at 09:20

    6 hours! No, I can't imagine it, though I've mentioned the possibility to my husband in a hinting way once or twice. Oh, to eat at a leisurely pace and listen to the radio or my won music and not Now Disney - you've lived the dream there for a few hours...!

  2. Coombe Mill (Fiona)4 November 2013 at 09:30

    Time out is so important, I do it regularly with Nick and spa days with girl friends. It's worth the organisation! Popping over from What's the Story & Magic Moments

  3. Louise Fairweather4 November 2013 at 09:32

    I have and now I have a taste of the dream I want a little bit more!

  4. Louise Fairweather4 November 2013 at 09:32

    Just wish it could happen more often x

  5. Sound like you had a wonderful time and well deserved x

  6. How wonderful! Sounds like you had a great time!!

  7. Child-free time? What is this wondrous thing you speak? My god, the concept is so alien to me, I have no idea what I'd do. I'm off to make a list!

  8. Suzanne Whitton4 November 2013 at 13:46

    You can bet your life I do! Sounds like you had a wonderful time, I really do think that time away helps us to appreciate our kids more and them us :)

  9. Louise this is fantastic, i am so jealous of your child free time it sounds heavenly :-)

    Thanks for linking up with #MagicMoments x

  10. What a wonderful post Louise, it sounds like you had the best time just being you. Six hours must have been absolute bliss! And what a welcome when you got home too, that must have been lovely. Thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory

  11. Sara (@mumturnedmom)4 November 2013 at 18:38

    Oh, bliss! I get an hour or two most weekends when I run away to drink tea, alone, in a local cafe :) Girly time with a friend though would be wonderful! #WhatstheStory #MagicMoments

  12. Mine are bigger now so I get more free time, but I remember those rare child free moments when they were small...Bliss! x

  13. Kriss MacDonald5 November 2013 at 00:35

    Nothing better than having a break with some good friends!

  14. Sounds like my kind of day! Every once in a while I head off somewhere without the boys and leave them to spend bonding time with their dad.
