Turning 8 and 12

Sunday, 1 December 2019

Turning 8 and 12

You may have noticed that things have been pretty quiet here recently. Juggling two Birthdays, preparations for Christmas and teaching have left me with no time to blog. This weekend I feel that I am slowly coming out of the other side. Let’s hope I haven’t spoken too soon.

I still can’t believe that my baby is now 8. He plays on being the youngest and the cutest, but let’s face facts. The cute card is starting to run out the bigger he gets. He is the most smiley and upbeat boy. He still skips when he is happy. Being a third child is really starting to show. It’s like he is growing up faster than his brothers did. There wasn’t a long list of toys for his birthday. He just wanted a new bike with gears. 

For his party he chose a gaming party. I think we can safely say that the party host regretted his previous nights partying when left in charge of 10 demanding  8 year old boys.

5 days later it was birthday time again for my eldest. He managed to guilt trip me into making him a Rubik’s cube cake when I really didn’t have the time. He seemed happy with his wonky cake cube.

We took a few friends karting, which was an eye opener for us. At primary school, everyone knows each other. Now we were meeting his new friends who we knew nothing about. Luckily it turns out that our boy is a pretty good judge of character. Yes they were a bit boystorous to start but kids at that age get that way when they were excited. Now we have a rest for a couple of months until it is middle mans turn

I know everyone says that they grow so fast but it really is true. Next year is about making memories with them. We’ve ditched loads of physical presents this year for Christmas in order to spend quality time with them. I wasn’t sure how it would go down with them, but they are really happy with it. They know that they need for nothing. With the exception of Lego, cubes and computer games they really aren’t bothered with toys anymore. They want to eat adult meals out, try new experiences and, to my delight, ride rollercoasters at the theme parks. So whilst part of me yearns for the little boys with a big pile of presents, I think I am happier with my big boys who I can spend fun times with instead.

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