SALTROCK Clothing Review

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

SALTROCK Clothing Review

boy wearing salt rock top

I hadn't come across SALTROCK clothing until I recently when I saw them being reviewed on some blogs. SALTROCK is a surfing brand with shops throughout Devon and Cornwall and South Wales. I was offered to try out the brand and picked up a few pieces for the boys. Winter has crept up on me and I realised that they could do with some hoodies. The items I purchased were all half price in the sale making them especially good value. Big man (above) chose his hoodie himself. As he is 8, I chose 8-9 for him. It is a little on the large side (or more likely he is a little on the small side.) He is pleased with it and it is great to layer as it isn't too thick.

I particularly liked the target red hoodie in rio red. which I chose with little man in mind. Middle man is actually modelling the size 4-5 here. He is 5 and it fits perfectly.

I also chose a couple of t-shirts. They are both the same design and come in this blue and red. This is aged 5-6 and although it is a little on the large side at the moment, I think it will be perfect by the summer. These were excellent value. At full price they were £4 which I think is really reasonable. However, in the sale they went down to just £2 each. 

saltrock t shirt

The boys are pleased with their choices. I like the bright colours available and I often find hoodies a great option in our climate. My boys aren't great with thick jumpers but prefer to have layers so this is excellent. SALTROCK don't just do boys clothing. They cater for adults and girls as well as accessories.

Have you heard of SALTROCK before? What would you buy?

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