February 2013

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Must listen harder

I am not a morning person. I am even less of a morning person when I have to get three kids out of the house in order to get big man to school. Invariably big man manages to put his clothes on the wrong way round, middle man refuses to move from the TV and baby man needs a nappy change just as we are about to leave the house. This morning I urged big man to take some responsibility and pack his own PE kit. I got his clothes out and put them on his bed. He then started complaining he couldn't find his shorts. I ran downstairs, grabbed them off the radiator and rushed to get baby man his bottle. "Why are they purple Mummy?" 
They aren't  I replied. "But!?!" 

I didn't have time to discuss the colour of his shorts. I barked at him to put his shoes on and that was the end of the matter.

I returned home to find his shorts on the lounge floor.

It turns out I must listen harder. Big man doesn't make stuff up. When he was talking about purple things in his PE bag, I should have listened. I can only assume that I threw him his shorts and my purple top at the same time. I also assume that he didn't realise that he had dropped the shorts on the floor and that it was my top he was putting in.

So I felt a little stupid when I picked him up from school and was told that he had been waving my top around. Hey ho it could have been worse. I know this from experience. A few years ago I had a large group of friends round with their little ones for a coffee and a play. We had been using the radiators to dry clothes. I thought I had tidied them all away. It is never a good day when you have to prize a pair of your Bridget Jones pants off a small girl who thinks that it is her blankie! Come back sun, so that I don't need to leave stuff to dry on my radiators!
Wot So Funee?

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Legoland Hotel in February

This year, we decided against spending a fortune on middle man for a birthday party and instead decided to do something as a family and have some small party lunches. We celebrated with an overnight stay at Legoland Hotel. If you have read my blog before you will see that we go to Legoland a lot! We live nearby, have annual passes and the kids and I love it there. I had been wanting to go to the hotel ever since it opened, but couldn't justify the cost. Luckily as the park is closed for winter they had such a fantastic offer on, it was too hard to resist.

asleep outside Legoland hotel

We told middle man we were off swimming and made our way to the hotel for 3pm check in.
The reception is filled with Lego and has a fantastic mobile with models representing the rides in the park. We had booked a standard pirate room. We took the lift to the third floor and entered our room. The boys went slightly berserk! Not only did they have bunk beds, they has their own TV, fantastic carpet and their own Lego rat! I tried to take pictures of them but they wouldn't stay still.

bunk beds

We then hunted for treasure! Basically this involved counting pictures on the carpet in order to unlock a safe,  guarded by a monkey. Inside was a Lego Nemo and Lego magazine.

As we had said we were going swimming, we headed to the swimming pool. It was quite small and noisy but the boys loved the splash zone. They then swam in the bigger pool too. The changing rooms were busy, but I imagine this is only a real problem when the park is shut.

We then headed back up to our room for a hot chocolate and a play before heading down to the Brick Brothers restaurant for an all you can eat buffet. The kids (and adults) can colour on the paper tablecloths.

We had already been to the restaurant in the Summer when they had character dining, which was the only thing missing this time round. I had then hoped for a glass of wine at the bar whilst the boys played but the excitement had proved too much and they needed their beds.

We had a lovely weekend. And what was my favorite part? I just love the toilets!

toilets at Legoland Hotel

You have to wash your hands in the kids basin! I was pleased to be told that I looked amazing and they liked what I'd done with my hair! I suggested that my husband go in as he might learn how to compliment better! The hotel is really set up so that the children have a great time, and if you live an hour or so away, then it is worth looking into the cheaper deals they have out of season. If you are thinking of staying at the hotel, my main recommendation would be to call up to book, especially if you are an annual pass holder, as the annual pass discounts aren't available online.


Today is the perfect reason as to why I should be linking up to R2BC. It has been a bit of a rubbish week. Baby man has had a vomitting bug, so big mans half term hasn't been as fun as I had hoped! Hubby is away again with work, and the house just seems to be falling apart. Hey ho moan over - that's not what this is all about. So what is making me cheerful?

My first reason is easy - baby man is better! He managed to keep down his anti sickness drugs and is now my smiley little man again.

Secondly Big man isn't as bothered as I am about not doing much. He is happy not having to get dressed at 7.30, and if he can play Mario he's more than content.

Thirdly, we have some friends over today and are going to play with the boys science sets. Seeing big man all dressed up in his safety goggles using nothing more dangerous than some baking soda always makes me smile.

What are your reasons to be cheerful this week?

Linking up with Seasider in the city.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Big man's hero

When I saw that Tots 100 and Moneysupermarket were running a "That's my hero!" competition, I really wanted to enter. As in, I wanted to enter not the kids! When I was little I loved doing drawing competitions.  Big man, however, isn't great at drawing and has a very limited concentration span with anything involving holding a pencil. I didn't think any more about entering.

This weekend hasn't gone quite to plan. Baby man has been ill, and our exciting first day of half term has been rearranged. Cue Mummy thinking how am I going to entertain big and middle man? Well here is big mans last minute entry to the competition.

I explained to him that a hero is someone, who is brave, has a great achievement and might have a special power.

 "Like Batman?" 

"Yeah that's the kind of thing" I replied.

"Can I draw baby man?"

"Yes - but why?"

"He can walk.

His special power is walking. Normally little people can't walk that easily but baby man can. 

I've drawn muscles. The muscles help your legs walk. I tried to draw a muscle in his head - but it didn't work very well. He has big ears so he can hear and so you can see them quiet well. He is lifting one leg up and balancing on one toe like I can do. But he can't do hopping yet, cause that's quite hard. Nanny can't hop.

You might not be able to see it very well so I will highlight it."

So here is big man's hero - baby man - with the special power of walking.

Today I have learn't that just because big man (aged 5) isn't the best at drawing, it doesn't mean I shouldn't let him have a go at competitions. His explanation of his picture is worth recording for him to look back on when he is older, and once again I am reminded of what a caring, sensitive little man I have.

This post is an entry into the Tots100 Moneysupermarket That's My Hero competition

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Potty Training

It is official - I hate potty training. I thought it was bad with big man. He was a breeze compared to the middle one! Middle man has just turned 3 and so far not potty trained. I have friends with boys of just over two that use a potty, and am now wondering if baby man could be trained first!

I have tried a couple of times over the last few months with no success what so ever. He cries at the mention of pants. I bought a copy of Pirate Pete's Potty hoping that it would help him understand. All it seems to have done is make him insist that he wants a pair of pants with a duck on! I turned to bribery - not interested.

Then I walked downstairs one morning "Look Mummy!" he said with a smile on his face. I was excited. I lifted him in the air and told him how clever he was. He beamed from ear to ear. I told him I was going to call Daddy.

I did call Daddy. As it turns out, not to tell him that middle man had had a breakthough and used his potty rather than leave a puddle on the floor.


I rang him to tell him that middle man had just filled his potty with half a bottle of weight watchers Sicilian lemonade!

I finally caught middle man just as he was about to have an accident. I quickly put him on the potty. He then sat there and said "Mummy, help me get the wee out." That led me to ask myself if he is actually ready? I don't think so. Am I frustrated? Yes. So for now, I think the best thing to do is to leave it a couple more weeks.

Did you find it hard potty training your little one? If you didn't - trust me you are very lucky! Do you have any words of advice? Will middle man ever get potty trained? I know the answer to that one is yes, it's just that, at the moment, it doesn't feel like it.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Reasons to be Cheerful

I have lots of reasons to be cheerful this week, but here are my top three

1. We had a fantastic time at Legoland Hotel celebrating Middle mans birthday. It was some well needed family time. The boys were so excited, it was fantastic to watch them running around our room.

2. I have spent some one on one time with middle man. I always worry that he lacks this and on his birthday we spent some time together at soft play, running around and around in circles. He even showed some love for his baby brother! An hour and a half after his brother had gone home, he started worrying that we had lost him!

3. I was woken this morning by a man that I love very much. He wished me Happy Valentines Day, gave me a cuddle and bought me breakfast in bed. I love you too big man - maybe you need to share some tips with your Daddy. x

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy from the Heart

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Tap the cat

Tap the cat is an app from the makers of Reading Eggs. Big man has been using it, and I am pleased to say he likes it as much as I do. It compliments his learning at school and has a variety of tasks to keep him amused.

tap the cat

I really like the Making Words section. It shows a picture of the word, sounds it out and then the child drags and drops the letters. When big man was playing it earlier, I tried to help. "I know what to do Mummy!" was his response. And he did, so I left him to it.

I love the idea of the writing section. Although big man found it a little frustrating as it didn't always recognise he had written the letter. For me the best thing about it, was the fact that it encourages the child to write the letter in the correct way. Left to himself big man will draw a circle and a line to make a b. Which is fine, but won't help him with joined up writing in the future.

Big man particularly likes Speak and listen. This allows him to record himself reading a word. He is then given the answer and can play back his recording to see if he has got it right.

The only real downside of this app is that it is for the ipad only and not for the iphone or other android devices. However, I believe the Reading Eggs team have got some iphone apps in the pipeline, and they do have other apps available for a alternative devices. You can try out Eggy words 100 for free and upgrade to 250 if you like it.  If you have a child going into Reception next year and own an ipad, I would highly recommend Tap the Cat which is available from iTunes for £1.99.

We were given the app for the purpose of this review, but the opinions contained here are my own.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Middle man turns 3

I would love to tell you that after a lovely afternoon, I tucked middle man in bed, read him his 3 stories (Pirate, Train Driver and Fireman) and kissed him goodnight, wishing him a lovely nights sleep, on the last night he would be 2.

That would be a lie.

He had had the mother of all tantrums over a haircut - that he never ended up having. He went to bed early with only 1 story (Train Driver) and told that he would have no TV tomorrow.

Luckily as he turns 3 tomorrow the terrible twos will be over. Or at least that is what I am trying to convince myself. Now that middle man has been asleep for a couple of hours, I am remembering the gorgeous little pickle that I know and love - rather than the devil reincarnated that he sometimes appears to be. So Middle man here's a little poem for you x

Goodnight my gorgeous two year old
Go rest your weary head
Tomorrow you are a three year old
When you jump out of bed

This years gone far too quickly
You have grown into a boy
You love your Doc McStuffins
But don't like to share your toys

You raid the fridge for apples
You eat them all day long
I love that you get excited
When you think you're really strong

You try to be a big man
You say you're "scared" to get a cuddle
Whenever it's a rainy day
You love to jump in puddles

You tell me I'm you're best friend
Well you're my best friend too
I love you gorgeous middle man
Happy Third Birthday to you!

Linking up for Victoria's Prose for thought seeing as I haven't wrote a poem in years and I quite like this one!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Travelling Piglet

Last week, big man came out of school beaming from ear to ear. He handed me a bag. My heart sank. We were the proud owners of "travelling piglet" for the weekend. How hard can it be looking after the school soft toy? Give me a fourth child any day!

Firstly, you feel the urge to do something. It was sod's law that this was our one free weekend for ages. It is not the first time we have looked after a soft toy, as when big man went to nursery he had a dog he bought home. I had been very excited at the thought and opened the book eager to read about his travels. It is never a good day when you discover a soft toy dog has a more exciting life than you. I kid you not this dog had his picture taken with Gordon Ramsey! I gave up on trying to impress the dog and took him to the fireworks display instead.

Luckily when opening travelling piglets book, he had been to the park, fed ducks. Nice normal activities without a foul mouthed chef in sight. He did, however, have a lot of stuff in his bag. A t-shirt, homemade scarf, bowl, spoon, breakfast cereal, flannel and toothbrush. Basically he had a lot of stuff that kept getting taken out of his bag and lost! Within minutes I was worrying about where on earth his food bowl had disappeared to!

On Friday, I had been painting with middle man whilst big man was at school. I made the mistake of leaving the paint on the table, and when home, big man fancied a go too. It appears piglet did as well. I don't quite know how piglet got covered in orange paint, but there was only one thing for it.....

It was the longest wash cycle known to man. Thankfully he survived and I didn't need to do any explaining to a class full of little people.

Up to now I may have sounded a bit down about having piglet to stay. But he soon won me over and showed me that he could be lots of fun too. (Or maybe I am just a big kid!)

Piglet went to feed the ducks and swans.

Piglet and swans

He helped bake cakes.

piglet bakes cakes

Went swimming.

And even had a game of angry birds whilst big man was asleep!

piglet plays angry birds

So what do you do with your child's class mascot? Has it had its photo taken with anyone famous? Do you feel pressure to make a soft toy have a fun weekend? Have you ever washed and shrunk it? Any great ideas of what to do with the next class toy we need to entertain will be greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

It is nomination time!

MAD Blog Awards

Voting is open for the MAD Blog Awards. There are loads of great blogs out there and there is mine.
If you like my blog then please consider voting for me in the New Blog or Family Life category. You don't need to be a blogger to vote and you don't need to vote in all categories  If I get one nomination I get to put a nice "I'm Nominated" badge on my blog. (Yes I am that easily pleased!) If I got loads of nominations then I would stand a chance of going to a nice awards ceremony! Now that would be fab, as I'd get to have a night away.

Here is the link if you wish to vote.

And my url is: http://astrongcoffee.blogspot.co.uk

Voting is open until the 18th February.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Tilda Butternut Squash and Steamed Brown Basmati Rice

When I was given some of the Tilda Brown Rice Range to try, I decided I would go for the Butternut Squash one first. My reason being, is that I would never have gone and purchased it in the supermarket. I had a quick look in the fridge and on the internet and decided to make a chicken, honey and garlic dish.

I started by marinading the chicken in soy sauce, honey, seaseme oil and garlic. (Sorry I'm not good at measuring stuff I just poured some in!) I then chopped up a courgette and baked it all in the oven.

Once it was cooked I put my butternut squash and brown rice in the microwave for two minutes. Hey presto - one tasty meal - easy enough to make when the kids are around! The rice was tasty and I am glad I tried it, as I would now put it on my shopping list.

We were given the rice for the purpose of this review, but the opinions here are my own.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

I like getting post - as long as it isn't bills, and I love the idea of brightening up someones day. When I saw that Jess from Catch a Single thought was taking part in Clara's Random Acts of Kindness blog hop I thought I would join in too.
Here are the rules:
If you want to take part, comment below. If you comment to recieve something, you need to blog and must promise to do/make/send something to as many people as you choose. I have decided to go for the first 4 people that comment.
This isn't about money or extravagence - it is about unexpected happiness - so as Clara wrote it could be be anything from a handwritten letter to a knitted blanket, or a doodle or a favourite book. If you are one of the first 4 people to reply, email me on [email protected] with your address. You will then recieve something from me in 2013.It is as simple as that, and I look forward to brightening up your day.