November 2012

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Uses of VELCRO® #6: School Trousers

Big man is very thin, and a bit short. This causes a problem with school trousers. Firstly I need to get him ones with adjustable waistbands secondly they need taking up. I have tried wonder web and sewing and they all manage to fall apart after a few wears. I am now going to give VELCRO® a go! If it works it means that I can also adjust the length as he grows. I used the iron on VELCRO® and just made sure that the fuzzy bit was on the bit that may touch his leg and the prickly bit on the turn up - I believe these are the technical terms!

I can't tell you if this is a long term solution yet as he hasn't worn them enough. Time will tell, but for now I am excited!  I will update the post when I know more!

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Uses of VELCRO® #5: Sticking things on the wall

If you look at the #101uses you will see that other bloggers have used VELCRO® to hang pictures up - the heavy duty one will hold up to 15kg! I didn't have any pictures that needed hanging, but I did have this decoupage lizard - it had previously had some sticky pads that decided not to stick anymore. And here it is creeping up my wall. 

Then I went up to big mans room. His Auntie bought him a no trespassing sign when she was on holiday. Now he has it displayed on his wall, but also at easy reach. 

Using VELCRO® stick on tape means that he can easily take it off and hang it on his door if he thinks he needs some time alone. Yes this is my just turned 5 year old. What will he be like when he is a teenager? 

We were sent a box of VELCRO® products for the challenge. Follow other peoples uses on twitter using #101uses.

Uses of VELCRO® #4: A pen when you need it

We have a whiteboard in the kitchen. The idea is that you write down what you need when you have run out of it. The problem is that it never came with a pen holder! Nine times out of ten I don't write down what we need because there is no dry wipe pen. Well those days are now gone, as the VELCRO® has come out again. This time in the form of "super slim stick on" Hey presto - I now know where the pen is. And as you can see I should probably be doing an internet grocery shopping order from the length of that list, rather than blogging. 

We were sent a box of VELCRO® products for the challenge. Follow other peoples uses on twitter using #101uses.

Uses of VELCRO® #3 - Fixing toys

With Christmas on the way and the inevitable influx of toys, I have been trying to sort out the playroom. I have cleared out a couple of toys that my boys have outgrown and thrown away any broken ones.Some of my boys' favourite toys are VELCRO® fruit and veg. As they have been played with a lot, some of the VELCRO® has come off or is looking worse for wear. Rather than throw these I have refreshed them with VELCRO® dots and give them a new lease of life.

We were sent a box of VELCRO® products for the challenge. Follow other peoples uses on twitter using #101uses.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

A web of lies

A few days ago big man spun a story about the tooth fairy getting confused and leaving a peanut M&M under his pillow, so he thought he had better eat it. My response "How dare you make up lies! The tooth fairy wont come to little boys that lie, and neither will Father Christmas!"

Hmmmmnnnn so that's one lie responded to by another then.

And so comes Christmas full of deciet. How many of you have threatened your kids with no presents unless they are good? How many of you have come up with the most confusing explanations as to why Father Christmas is at the local carnival/shopping centre/on posters around town. I am dreading the questions this year. I need to get my lies sorted in my head before big man asks the questions. He is a very questioning little five year old. Recently when we went to watch Ice Age Live he asked the question I fear just as much as those about Santa. As the actors came out of the costumes in order to do the fight scenes he asked "Is Mickey Mouse real Mummy?" This was an easy one for me to answer. "Well I believe he is!" When I am in a Disney bubble I really do! I then, however, made the mistake of continuing to talk. I told him that this was a story about the ice age and that these animals are now extinct which is why actors are playing them, but Mickey is real as we have seen him in Paris. Of course he doesn't talk because he would get a sore throat talking to all those people and there are many languages he would need to know.

So is it right to lie to your kids? When it comes to Christmas I think it is fine. He is only five, and it is so magical when they really believe that Santa will visit. Obviously we have a slight problem this year in that Middle man is a little bit naughty. Big man keeps telling him that he won't get any presents! I think I therefore need to start highlighting and praising any good behaviour middle man exhibits, infront of big man. Alternatively, I could just give middle man a satsuma from Father Chrsitmas this year. Which to be honest he would probably be quite happy with!

So what white lies have you come up with about Christmas? Do you just keep it simple or have you told a web of lies? Just to really complicate things I have arranged a free phone call from Mickey Mouse who will tell the children that Santa knows they have been good. I am making it go to answerphone though so they don't get upset that the pre-recorded message doesn't answer them!

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Oh help, oh no...

This week I ate too much Gruffallo.

gruffalo cake

And then I ate too much smurf cake too.

smurf village cake

Although the scales haven't shown it, I am pretty sure it will show up next week instead. But my boys' birthdays are now over, so I need to get back on track. What I have found out though, is after I have eaten one thing that I shouldn't it is very easy just to continue eating more and more and more that I shouldn't. I think I am going to find the next month quite hard, but must stay on track. The scales told me I had lost 4lbs this week which I was shocked by. They also told me that I need to lose nearly another stone - which was a bit depressing. My other half is travelling lots in the next couple of weeks, so I need to try and be good as this is another time where I get tired and eat the wrong things.

Don't forget to check out my weight loss buddies and show them some support too.

Mum Reinvented
Madhouse Family Reviews
Quest of a Shrinking Lady
The Life of Spicers
7 Hippopotamus
Ray Mears Extreme Housewifery
Life in a Breakdown
Dragons and Fairydust

Friday, 9 November 2012

Tractor Girl

This week, reading Misty's post about gender stereotyping got me thinking. My boys are usually dressed in blue and usually play with boys toys. Having said that, they like play food - which seems to be mainly focused on girls, and big man's sweet shop from Argos definitely had a sticker on it saying that it was a girls toy! Maybe boys aren't meant to eat sweets or pretend to be a shop keeper, who knows!?! Whenever we go to a friends house who has girls, my boys head straight to the dolls and prams. They don't have any of their own as given the choice they will choose a stereotypical boys toy for themselves. When I say they haven't got any dolls, I haven't included Tractor Girl.

Tractor Girl is actually mine. Why my husband thought I would want a furry faced Ipswich mascot when he went to a football game many years ago, I will never know. Men sometimes buy strange things. I was talking to a girl last night whose husband bought her a knife on their Wedding cut the cake. Anyway Middle man has currently become obsessed with my dolly. This morning he told her that he loved her and had missed her. I barely got a hello. Should I stop him carrying a doll and make him carry a car? I don't think so. He is very sweet with his dolly and at least he is showing her some affection as he isn't keen on showing any to baby man. Will it influence his sexuality? I don't think so. Will it mean he brings home a furry faced lady? Hopefully not.

My questions for today are, do your children play with toys that are aimed at the opposite sex, and what is the strangest gift your partner has bought you?

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The Gallery - Autumn

Middle man: "Great leaf soup!"

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Silent Sunday

Love All Blogs



Friday, 2 November 2012

Hot Dots Review

I am so happy that now that big man has started school he has started to take an interest in learning. He has always been inquisitive but is now interested in reading, writing and mathematics. We were recently sent Hot Dots to review by Learning Resources. It is an electronic pen that can be used with the Hot Dots flash cards. We were given the numbers and counting pack which is aimed at ages 3-6 years. The pack contains cards which cover counting, sequencing and matching.

Both middle and big man have enjoyed using the hot dots pen and cards. Middle man (who is 2 3/4) needs help and can only really attempt the counting ones at the moment. Once explained to big man, he was able to recognise each task and complete them independently. Below is a photo showing a selection of tasks you will find in this box.

I really like this product. It's only downside is that your child has to hit the dot on the right answer. If they miss and hit the box which contains the dot, it will tell them that it is wrong, which can cause some confusion. Big man has enjoyed using it, and has even asked if he can take it into school to show his teacher. He is able to complete most of the tasks on his own, after I explained what it was asking him. You need to buy the pen and cards separately.

In my opinion this is a good learning tool to reinforce what your child has learnt in the classroom. I will be purchasing some extra sets of cards. First on my list is the Beginning Science set as big man is very excited about the science set that Father Christmas is getting him and this will compliment it nicely. I would like to add that Father Christmas has already purchased the Primary Science Lab Kit which is also from Learning Resources and it is great for a 5 year old, with chunky test tubes and beaker.

I was sent the Hot Dots pen and Number and Counting pack for the purpose of the review, but all the opinions contained here are my own. I would like to add that before children I was a Science teacher and this is why I am so excited that big man has asked for a science set for Christmas.